
Digital Literacy Class: We are going to learn about so many incredible ways to be creative, collaborative, and to communicate. We will focus on computer skills and applications. Some topics you already know about, and you will know better, and other topics and applications will be new to you! Either way, we will work together to find the ones you are able to use best. This class consists of Project-Based-Learning. You will be given plenty of time to learn the skills and applications that you will use for a lifetime. I hope you enjoy the material we will cover. - Mr. S

Thursday, September 17, 2020

9/16 - 9/17 (A): How to Conduct and Interview / TFDL Hero Project Day II

You will be continuing to work on the TFDL HERO Project 20-21 today.  Please make sure you have completed pages 1 and 3 of the (❗️) Hero Project Primer Worksheet TFDL 20-21 from yesterday.  Today you will be filling out part of page 2 to get ready for your interview.  Here are the steps to take to complete the project

Please talk to a veteran that you know. (NOT MR. S!)  This assignment is due prior to the end of the First Marking Period.  You must find a relative or friend that has served our country in the armed forces and interview them.

Interview A Veteran -  With your parent's permission, interview someone that served in the armed forces.  Find out when and where they served.  Find out why they signed up, and what job(s) they did while they were serving.  Make sure to think about what the term "service" means to you (after your interview).

Create a Single-Slide Presentation to be added to our class project for the year, and SHARE it with Mr. S for credit.  

Make sure to include how long the person served, why they joined, what was the hardest and easiest part of their service, and what they feel about others serving.  Try to include a picture of the person in uniform if possible.  Please SHARE this interview with me so I can add them to the overall project.   Make sure you end your slide with how you feel about service, and how your view might have changed in light of the interview you conducted. Why is it important to serve your country/community in any capacity?

STEP 1: (❗️) Learner Journal Entry

(Open your Learner Journal Google Document and create a post with the information below)

14 September 2020:  What is a Hero?

Write 2-3 Sentences about what you think a HERO is, and why?  Make sure you write Full Sentences and explain your answer as if you were pursuading someone to agree with you.  

STEP 2:  Use the resources below to help you understand how to interview someone for this project.  There is a basic list of Tips and Great Questions for Effective Interviews.  There is a short video with interviewing tips, and a Google Slide Template to help you take your interview information and format it for our project.

STEP 3:  Use page 2 of the (❗️) Hero Project Primer Worksheet TFDL 20-21 to record the questions you plan to ask.  Make sure to LISTEN during the interview and 

STEP 4:  Identify someone to interview.  With your family's help, find anyone who has served in the military, at any point in their life, to interview.  The reason we are interviewing veterans is because our military is an "all voluntary force".  This means that people who serve choose to serve.  They are not pressed into service by laws or requirements.  They may choose to serve for many different reasons, but they all decided service was important to them.  It is this selfless-service aspect that we are trying to understand.  Take good notes during the interview and use them to create your part of our single-slide presentation.

STEP 5:  Complete the (❗️) Hero Project Primer Worksheet TFDL 20-21 with your notes from the interview.  Use the summary paragraph on Page 2 to complete the single-slide presentation.  Try to get a picture or two if you can. 


Youtube Video: "Four Tips for an Effective Interview" by StoryCorps

PDF Document: "Sample Questions for Effective Interviews" by StoryCorps

Article:  "Portrait of a Hero" by NEH-Edsitement

Google Slides Presentation (Template): TFDL HERO Project SAMPLE & Instructions

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