
Digital Literacy Class: We are going to learn about so many incredible ways to be creative, collaborative, and to communicate. We will focus on computer skills and applications. Some topics you already know about, and you will know better, and other topics and applications will be new to you! Either way, we will work together to find the ones you are able to use best. This class consists of Project-Based-Learning. You will be given plenty of time to learn the skills and applications that you will use for a lifetime. I hope you enjoy the material we will cover. - Mr. S

Saturday, August 1, 2020

TFDL Extra Credit Projects - Just For Fun!

For the following projects you must document them by creating a separate page on your TFDL Digital Portfolio (Google Site).  Post a one page synopsis (write-up) about what you did, how you did it, and why you did it.  Add pictures, videos or other information by posting them or linking to a video or song in your GDrive account.  If you want to make up your own "mission" that is not on this list, you must get written authorization to proceed from Mr. S.  

Other Missions In Your Mind:  Think about it and fill out the form below:


If you can dream it and then do it, we can find a way to get you credit for it.!


Healing Thru Fitness
Organize a community-wide day of fitness for friends, family, and neighbors. Done right, you will have so much fun that you will hardly notice that you are also burning calories and building muscle. Make sure to post some fun fitness pictures.

Hike Around
Go on a hike somewhere.  Document (Pictures or Journal with drawings) at least five different organisms.  Post pictures or drawings and describe what role that organism has in the habitat you found it in.

Go Green Or Be Mean
For one week, you may not use a motor vehicle to commute to or from school. Document with photos or video.

Ride a bike to some historic destination.  Tell about the history of the destination and the path you took.

Dystopian Toy
Take a normal toy and using photography, paint, or other medium, make it look like it is the center of civilization or some type of out-worldly item.  Be creative and document it.

Movie Producer

Create a movie, any movie.  Write it, act it, record it.  Make sure it falls into School District guidelines regarding topic and presentation.

Teach the Teacher
Teach something to one of your teachers.  Describe what you taught and how you taught it.  Why did you do it?  How did you originally learn what you taught?

Crossroads Idol
Think you could be the next American Idol?  Let's here it!  Write and perform your own song.  You can use anything as a topic.

My Story
No matter where you live, there is a unique story about how you came to be there.  No matter where you are now, tell the story of how you got there.  You can use pictures, words, music, or any media you like.

Global Neighborhood
Create a map using Bing, Google, or Yahoo.  You must show at least three countries you would like to visit and then go into your own community and document some of the influences nearby that are similiar to the countries you listed.

Visit the produce section of the supermarket.  Take notes on at least 10 varieties of produce available.  Note the origin of each item.  Note the container type and try to briefly describe what it was like to be picked and shipped to the final resting place in the market from the point of view of the produce.

Wear, Oh Where?
Put together two outfits from your closet.  One made in America, the other made entirely from another country.  Take pictures of yourself in both outfits and describe them in detail.

Me Unplugged
Use no electrical or battery-driven devices for 24-hours.  Write a detailed diary of the experience.  Use a camera to document the day if you like.

Food Passport
Create an inventory of assets that exist in your zip code or neighborhood.  Illustrate each asset with a photo and place it on a map.  (Bing, Google, or Yahoo)

Don't Feed The Humanoid
Imagine a museum or zoo on a far away planet.  Show us what the Human Habitat might look like if they captured some of us and had us living in the zoo.

Folk Hop for Hip
Compose and perform an original song that illustrates your (or your community's) life and most pressing needs.  Share the song.

Modern Scavenger Hunt
Set up a modern scavenger hunt by sending people to specific websites, having them use clues to find the next spot, and recording their search.  Make sure the websites have a common theme that is only discernible when the hunt is over, or have some "prize" at the end.

Trespassing The Future
Visit a place that you think will not exist in the next 10 years.  Document the place and imagine what will replace it.

Our Heritage
Interview someone of a different generation.  What is something they could teach you about their life that you would not have known if you hadn't spent time with them.

Sign Of The Times
Create a sign about something and take a picture of yourself with it in a public place.  Try to go somewhere that would make your sign stand out.

Vital Arts
Gather a team of students to paint their ideas about how to improve the community on big boards or canvas.  Plan an art show of these panels.

Reading Is Fun-demental
Read a book to someone younger than you.  Tell what you read, why you picked the book, and how it was recieved.

Have Fun and Be SAFE!

Mr. S

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