- Mr. S
Perfect for all ages & levels, K-12 and beyond.
Extensive keyboard lessons and digital literacy content provide your students with fundamental career and life skills
There are over 1.2 billion people learning a language and the majority are doing so to gain access to better opportunities. Unfortunately, learning a language is expensive and inaccessible to most.
We created Duolingo so that everyone could have a chance. Free language education – no hidden fees, no premium content, just free.
Quill provides free writing and grammar activities for
elementary, middle, and high school students.
Go To: quill.org/join/till-horse
If you don't have a Quill account CLICK the Sign Up button and create and account.
or Log into your account.
Vocabulary.com combines the world's smartest dictionary with an adaptive learning game that will have you mastering new words in no time.
Click the link to join the class: http://vocab.com/join/2SXQAR7
Go To: readtheory.org
Click "STUDENTS? Click Here" and log in with your Google Account.
Use the class code QHFQZMYU
Click on the Teachers tab,
Complete the Pre-Test.
Once completed, you can go to this site to read and respond to different prompts according to your individual reading levels. As you progress, you will gradually have the reading level raised, and you will improve your comprehension. According to the website,7.4 Million students have completed 130 million quizzes on this site (to date).
CLICK This Link to Join Our Class:
Students will be joining Khan Academy to work independently on their MATH skills, by grade.
Make sure that you finish updating your profile once you sign in.
Go to your Profile screen and ADD your teacher as a Coach by entering the Khan Academy Class Code!
Every student can use Khan Academy as an online tutor at home. You can pick just about any Subject and Level and view video lessons, answer practice questions, or ask a coach a question. There are tutorials for all of your subjects on this fantastic resource! Make sure you check out all the classes you can complete and help yourself with!
Every student can use Khan Academy as an online tutor at home. You can pick just about any Subject and Level and view video lessons, answer practice questions, or ask a coach a question. There are tutorials for all of your subjects on this fantastic resource! Make sure you check out all the classes you can complete and help yourself with!
Use the link above to visit the Beta Version of FreeRice.com. Create an Account using a Username (First Name Initial and Last Name), and enter a Password you can remember. Then click on "Groups" and enter a code to join your friends!
TECH FREIRE DL 20-21 Group Code: 8UPD5T2
Start Answering Questions! Track Your Achievements!
Earn The Badges! HAVE FUN!
Freerice has two goals:
- Provide education to everyone for free.
- Help end world hunger by providing rice to hungry people for free.
Each time you answer a question right, the banner ad that you see generates enough money for the World Food Programme to buy 10 grains of rice to help reach Zero Hunger.