
Digital Literacy Class: We are going to learn about so many incredible ways to be creative, collaborative, and to communicate. We will focus on computer skills and applications. Some topics you already know about, and you will know better, and other topics and applications will be new to you! Either way, we will work together to find the ones you are able to use best. This class consists of Project-Based-Learning. You will be given plenty of time to learn the skills and applications that you will use for a lifetime. I hope you enjoy the material we will cover. - Mr. S

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

092822: Introduction to Google Drive/Documents

Google Documents is an application online that is part of the Google Apps for Education.  This application is similar to Microsoft Office WORD.  Users can create, edit, save, and share documents using this application as part of their Google Drive.

create, highlight, and share projects, files, images, videos, and other items as they make progress toward their diploma.

KNOW: The importance of creating and maintaining a digital record of their achievements for use in interviews, to apply for colleges, and to show marked improvement in different areas of study.

UNDERSTAND: What should be posted to a digital portfolio and why. How to organize different sections and what types of items should remain private.

DEMONSTRATE The ability to use different media to create a digital portfolio. How to save and utilize media from cloud-based storage mediums (Google Drive), and how to add other content as required.

Students will follow along in class while we learn how to create Google Documents.  Using the toolbars and the ribbon, students will create different document templates and use new skills to change the look of those documents.

STEP 1:  Follow along in class to create the following documents:
  • Formal Letter Template
  • MLA Short-Form Report Template
STEP 2: Learn to collaborate with others, review and reply to comments, and understand how to add images and other multimedia files to Google Documents.

How To Use Google Docs (Google Support Link)

GFCGlobal Online Training:  Google Drive (Click Here)

Students need to create a space online to display and share their work. Students should understand that the medium they choose should remain professionally focused and not include items of a personal nature. Students should be able to add and update the information for use in interviews, applications for jobs, post-graduate learning, and networking with other people in similar career paths.

Google Drive: An area which you can save and share all of your work

Google Document:  An application that allows you to create letters, documents, etc.

Share:  An option that allows you to share a file with other people.

Upload:  To move a file from a computer/device to the internet

Download:  To move a file from the internet to your computer/device.

Starred:  folder or file marked important

Can Edit:  owner allows another user to add or edit the content of a file or folder

Can Comment:  People can only comment on the file or folder

Can View:  People can only view the file, they cannot edit or comment.

Anyone With Link:  users must have a direct link to view the file or folder

Recent:  all files created, uploaded, or shared that have been opened recently.

What is the difference between my personal and professional persona? How can I share my professional experiences and achievements in a meaningful space online so others can review and understand the work ethic and enthusiasm I would bring to my chosen career field?

Reference Business, Computer and Information Technologies 15.4.12.B
PA SAS (BCIT) / ISTE / CSTA / NGSS / PA Career & Work
15.4.12.G: Create an advanced digital project using sophisticated design and appropriate software/applications.

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