
Digital Literacy Class: We are going to learn about so many incredible ways to be creative, collaborative, and to communicate. We will focus on computer skills and applications. Some topics you already know about, and you will know better, and other topics and applications will be new to you! Either way, we will work together to find the ones you are able to use best. This class consists of Project-Based-Learning. You will be given plenty of time to learn the skills and applications that you will use for a lifetime. I hope you enjoy the material we will cover. - Mr. S

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

091322: 7-Habits Wrap-Up / Quiz / Reference Links

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens unit is from the book of the same name by Sean Covey. This unit gives each student an opportunity to evaluate how they make choices every day. Each student can develop a mission statement, and see how decisions can affect each of them today as well as tomorrow.

1. Be Proactive:  Be a leader, Turn setbacks into triumphs

2. Begin with the End in mind:  Set a goal, Anticipate setbacks and crossroads, Have “ Option B, C, D” plans, Consider the consequences of your action first

3. Put first things first: Prioritize, Spend most of your time on the Big Rocks, Step into your COURAGE ZONE and out of your comfort zone.

4. Think win-win: Compromise, Cooperation, Encourage, Watch out for the competing and comparing unless it’s against yourself

5. Seek first to understand; then to be understood: Understand people, Don’t talk; just listen first

6. Synergize:  Celebrate differences, Create a plan and take advantage of your teams diverse talents and skills, Come together for a common goal

7. Sharpen the saw: Renew yourself regularly, Take care of your body, Care for your mind, Care for your heart.

7-Habits of Highly Effective People (Covey) Video Review 

Today you will participate in the class discussion about the 6th and 7th Habits of Highly Successful People (Covey).  This is the wrap-up of this topic in our class prior to starting our Interview a Hero Project!  Make sure you understand each of the Habits of Highly Effective People (Covey), and you are able to give examples of these habits from your daily life at home, school, or in your community.  These examples could be descriptions of how you see yourself being able to implement these habits, or what you think they should mean to others, but please be specific.  This worksheet is worth a quiz grade (100-points) toward your first marking period grade.  See me in class if you have any questions.

STEP 1:   Participate in Class Discussion about Habits 6 & 7

STEP 2:  Watch the video listed above to review all of the habits

STEP 3:  Click the link below to open the class copy of the Student Worksheet "7-HABITS".  Make sure you click FILE and MAKE A COPY to add an editable copy of the worksheet to your Google Drive.  Click SHARE and add Mr. S ( to turn it in for credit.

STEP 4:  Complete the worksheet for credit.  You may access any links or websites you need to complete the worksheet, or work with friends to collaborate for the answers.  Make sure each of you turn in your own worksheets for credit if you are collaborating.  Each Student must turn in a stand-alone worksheet for this quiz.   

7-HABITS Student Worksheet (Google Doc Link - Click Here)

Habit #6: Synergize

Habit #7: Sharpen The Saw

CE&W Evaluate personal attitudes and work habits that support career retention and advancement.

15.3.12.D: Evaluate business materials (including web-based resources) for value related to purpose, quality, and appropriateness. Understands that interactions among learning, inheritance and physical development affect human behavior. Understands that differences in the behavior of individuals arise from the interaction of heredity and experience.

EQ: How can I take a snapshot of the way I process information, react to situations, and identify strengths and areas of improvement to be more successful at leadership, teamwork, and how I function in a community, classroom, or career environment.

Computer, Internet Access, Google Drive & Applications

Habit 1: Be Proactive
Reactive people make choices based on emotions, feelings, their moods and on impulse
Proactive people make choices based on principles/values

Habit 2: Begin with the end in Mind
A PowerPoint describing the second habit of highly effective teens. Learn the importance of beginning with the end in mind.

Habit 3: Put First Things First

A PowerPoint about how to get more organized and fit more in by using the Time Quadrant Model, which divides things into important and urgent categories.

Habit 3: Continued
The PowerPoint details the importance of time management, your comfort zone and the courage zone. It's the second half of habit 3.

Habit 4: Think Win-Win
This PowerPoint examines the fourth habit of highly effective teens and has teens try to understand the importance of loyality, responsibility, accountability and creating strong relationships.

Habit 5: Seek to Understand and be Understood
This PowerPoint stresses communication and listening skills.

Habit 6: Synergize
This PowerPoint focuses on collaboration and functioning as a team for a common goal.

Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw

Habit 7 touches on doing things we need to regularly renew ourselves and strengthen 4 key areas: the body, the brain, the heart and the soul.

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