
Digital Literacy Class: We are going to learn about so many incredible ways to be creative, collaborative, and to communicate. We will focus on computer skills and applications. Some topics you already know about, and you will know better, and other topics and applications will be new to you! Either way, we will work together to find the ones you are able to use best. This class consists of Project-Based-Learning. You will be given plenty of time to learn the skills and applications that you will use for a lifetime. I hope you enjoy the material we will cover. - Mr. S

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

092122: Big Data Dilemma

BACKGROUND Many of us are aware that we're being tracked when we go online. It's one of the ways our favorite websites and apps know how to recommend content just for us. But how much information are companies actually collecting? And what are they doing with it? Digging into the details can help us make smart decisions about our online privacy and how to protect it.

Students will be able to: - Define online tracking and describe how companies use it. - Identify the benefits and drawbacks of online tracking to both companies and users. - Analyze specific examples of online tracking and take a position for or against them. KEY VOCABULARY
online tracking
personalized content
targeted advertising
third-party This lesson involves students choosing from a list of online resources, which they will use to explore and analyze the lesson topic

NOTE: EACH STUDENT SHOULD MAKE A DIGITAL COPY OF THE WORKSHEET AND SHARE IT FROM GOOGLE DRIVE WITH MR. S FOR CREDIT. STEP 1: Participate in the class discussion and exercise. Use the Google Slides Presentation "The Big Data Dilemma" to help you with STEP 2! STEP 2: (❗️) Complete the Google Docs Worksheet "Both Sides of the Track" Student Handout in small groups or with partners STEP 3: Be Prepared to SHARE OUT your results when we get back together. STEP 4: (❗️) TAKE THE LESSON QUIZ AFTER CLASS TO CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING STEP 5: Use the Family Activity Link and Family Tips Link at home to discuss this further.

Google Slides Presentation: "The Big Data Dilemma" by Common Sense Media

Activity Google Document Worksheet: (❗️) "Both Sides of the Track" Student Handout
NOTE: You will need to click FILE and MAKE A COPY, then click SHARE and add Mr. S Gmail address to turn it in (

"Internet of Things" Newsela Article Link (Click Here)


Common Sense Media FAMILY TIPS Worksheet / FAMILY ACTIVITY Worksheet

(Click here for the original lesson plan online from Common Sense Media)

Students should understand how to be safe when working with electronic equipment, and computers, and how to access information, applications, and communication tools online. This includes understanding how to protect their identity and not access information that is inappropriate or dangerous. Plagiarism and citing reputable sources will also be discussed.

How can I recognize and avoid inappropriate, dangerous, or threatening material online? 
How can I keep myself, and my computer safe from electronic or online threats?
How can I protect myself while using online sources and materials?

Reference Business, Computer and Information Technologies 15.4.12.B
PA SAS (BCIT) / ISTE / CSTA / NGSS / PA Career & Work
15.3.12.L: Evaluate characteristics of positive role models and their contribution to the development of a professional image. Evaluate a speaker's reasoning and intent, and ask questions to deepen understanding of BCIT 
15.3.12.F ELA CC.1.5.11-12.G & C BCIT 
15.3.12.I Synthesize information gathered from multiple sources. 
15.3.12.R: Evaluate best practices of communication-based on culture, practice, and laws related to supervising others in a corporate entity 
15.3.12.T: Demonstrate the application of digital citizenship in work and personal situations. 

 The Big Data Dilemma (Grade 9 Lesson) Adapted from Common Sense Media

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