Daily Check-In Survey Code Word: PRODUCTION
Introduction / Inspiration Reference: "Our Sweet Story" Me and The Bees Lemonade
Today you will be learning some of the basic decisions that go into Starting a Business. We will introduce ourselves and review the Class Norms and Objectives. Then we will be assigned Roles and Assignments that will include Sales, Marketing, and Production.
Today you will be learning some of the basic decisions that go into Starting a Business. We will introduce ourselves and review the Class Norms and Objectives. Then we will be assigned Roles and Assignments that will include Sales, Marketing, and Production.
Each Department (3 students each) will have a specific decision to make using data and information given to them in their Department Packets. You will collaborate with other students to arrive at a decision to present during our Board Meeting time. Please utilize your time wisely, and work together peacefully.
The EXECUTIVE (President) will be circulating in the room and monitoring the different departments as they work. That person will encourage others to complete the work, and make notes about the process and communication of the departments.
During our Board Meeting, each Department will report out about their decisions, and the Executive will share their notes. We will then vote on the decisions made and wrap-up our lesson. Complete the Reflection Note Card to turn in as you leave.
During our Board Meeting, each Department will report out about their decisions, and the Executive will share their notes. We will then vote on the decisions made and wrap-up our lesson. Complete the Reflection Note Card to turn in as you leave.
Good Luck and Enjoy Our Time Together! - Mr. S
This lesson introduces the basic use of data to help in the decision-making process when evaluating different fundamental choices while an entrepreneur would be starting a business. It also helps to show students how those decisions and choices are presented in a professional manner and agreed too.
Students Will Be Able To work cooperatively to create a business, and learn basic vocabulary. Students will collaborate on different parts of the business plan and share information to help the whole group make decisions.
This lesson introduces the basic use of data to help in the decision-making process when evaluating different fundamental choices while an entrepreneur would be starting a business. It also helps to show students how those decisions and choices are presented in a professional manner and agreed too.
Students Will Be Able To work cooperatively to create a business, and learn basic vocabulary. Students will collaborate on different parts of the business plan and share information to help the whole group make decisions.
Tasks & Steps
Introduce Yourself When Prompted in Class
Participate in Department Meetings as Assigned
Participate in Board Meeting and Presentations
Participate in Voting to Approve Decisions
Complete Wrap-Up Reflection
Complete Worksheet at Home if Necessary
Complete Extra-Credit Work if you want to Extend the Learning
2 Minutes - Introductions & Classroom Norms
3 Minutes - Setup & Role Assignments
5 Minutes - Data Review & Department Meetings
4 Minutes - Board Meeting & Solution Share
1 Minute - Wrap-Up Reflection / Exit Ticket
(❗️) Assessments (Check On Learning)
1. Reference Prior Knowledge - Chose our Product Yesterday
(❗️) Assessments (Check On Learning)
1. Reference Prior Knowledge - Chose our Product Yesterday
2. Participate in Classwork (Introductions, Department Meetings, & Board Meeting, Etc.)
3. (❗️) Complete Reflection Card (Exit Ticket Effort Grade)
4. (❗️) Complete In-Class Worksheet at Home - (Mastery Grade) Due Tomorrow
Extended Learning
Students are able to complete the additional reflection listed below:
2. Review the list of Young Entrepreneurs and choose one (Most Interesting)
3. Send a GMail Reflection as Outlined Below for Extra-Credit on this Project
GMail Example
To: (Mr. Scribner)
Subject: Starting a Business EXTRA
Body of Message: Write about one of the Young Entreprenuers listed in the article.
What did they do that impressed you? What type of company would you start?
R.A.C.E.S. Method R - Repeat the Question, A - Answer the Question, C - Cite Evidence, E - Examples / Explanation, S - Summarize your Thoughts
Differentiation / ESL
Follow all IEP/504 Requirements as Outlined. Adjust required assignments and tasks as necessary. Provide additional translated resources if necessary. Utilize student leadership, pairing, and proximity guidelines. Follow all health-related guidelines (Covid-19, etc.)
Academic Standards Referenced in Lesson Tasks
PA SAS BCIT 15.1.8.W / Career Education & Work 15.5.8.B (Entreprenuership) / NBEA 2020: Interpret Data as it relates to management decisions, PA SAS ELA/Math Cross-Curricular Standards for Data Review, Information Gathering, Rcording and Reporting, Presentations, and other associated tasks.
References & Links
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