
Digital Literacy Class: We are going to learn about so many incredible ways to be creative, collaborative, and to communicate. We will focus on computer skills and applications. Some topics you already know about, and you will know better, and other topics and applications will be new to you! Either way, we will work together to find the ones you are able to use best. This class consists of Project-Based-Learning. You will be given plenty of time to learn the skills and applications that you will use for a lifetime. I hope you enjoy the material we will cover. - Mr. S

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Basic Banking Simulations & CPS2022

Please click the link below and complete the Classroom Perception Survey 2022.  This is a completely anonymous survey and will help your teachers adjust and modify our classrooms to be more "learning-friendly".  Thank you for your time and effort with this request.  No information will be tracked or recorded about your responses, so please be as honest as possible while not being hostile or offensive.  The more description you add, the easier it will be to make specific changes.  

Bank Accounts – Teens should know how a bank account works and the fees associated; not only the account fees and how they incur (min balance amounts, activity fees, etc.) but also the ATM fees. Young people tend to like to do things online so they can search for a low-cost, basic online checking account. And while check writing may someday be obsolete, don’t forget to show them how to write a check and explain how it works. Also, review how debit cards work, how to safeguard all their information, and how too many swipes at the checkout counter can lead to costly and embarrassing overdraft charges.

Go to your GMAIL and click COMPOSE. Send an email to Mr. Scribner ( with the following information: 

SUBJECT:  Basic Banking Simulations
Body of Message:  Please write a full paragraph to explain what you learned by completing the activities on the basic banking websites listed above.  Have you ever used credit/debit cards or had to actually complete banking tasks online?

R.A.C.E.S. Method R - Repeat the Question, A - Answer the Question, 
C - Cite Evidence, E - Examples / Explanation, S - Summarize your Thoughts

Each student will click the links above and follow ALL DIRECTIONS! You will be learning, if you have never done it before, how to use an ATM, Write A Check, Deposit A Check, Make A Payment, and Pay Online Bills. Each activity has a link to a resource or simulation. You may complete these steps more than once to make sure you understand how to do these simple banking transactions.

Make sure you spend some time on each resource learning how to complete basic functions of banking and personal finance. When you are done, please send an email to Mr. S ( describing some of the tasks you were required to complete, and some of the things you learned by completing these requirements.

How do I access my personal banking electronically?

How can I deposit money, withdraw money, pay bills, or complete other basic banking transactions online?

Complete Google Form Survey (Classroom Perception Survey 2022)

Participate in-class discussion about basic banking

Utilize the resources above to become familiar with online banking tasks.

Academic Standard (PA): PA Career Education & Work Standard 13.3.11.D

Analyze budgets and pay statements, such as but not limited to Charitable contributions Expenses Gross pay Net pay Other income Savings Taxes

Jump$tart Standards: Financial Responsibility: 
Standards 1, 2 and 4

National Standards for Economics
Standard 2: Decision Making

PA Social Studies:6.2.12.D: Evaluate changes in economic institutions over time (e.g., stock markets, non-government organizations)

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