
Digital Literacy Class: We are going to learn about so many incredible ways to be creative, collaborative, and to communicate. We will focus on computer skills and applications. Some topics you already know about, and you will know better, and other topics and applications will be new to you! Either way, we will work together to find the ones you are able to use best. This class consists of Project-Based-Learning. You will be given plenty of time to learn the skills and applications that you will use for a lifetime. I hope you enjoy the material we will cover. - Mr. S

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

10/20 - 10/21 (S): Introduction to Digital Music

LAST MINUTE NOTE: is blocked on your Chromebooks.  Until I can get it unblocked, please create an account on  There is a free student account that will allow you to create music.  Most of the directions below are still good, please create a 25-second (or longer) piece of original music and save it for use when we create video logos!  "Always Find A Way!" - Mr. S 

"Music improves brain health and function in many ways. It makes you smarter, happier and more productive at any age. Listening is good, playing is even better."

Assignment #1: (❗️) Journal Entry (Digital Portfolio)

1. Watch "The Power of Music" by CBS This Morning 2012 (See Below)

2. GO TO YOUR GOOGLE DRIVE and Open your Digital Portfolio, Click on the Journal Page.

3. ADD Another TEXT BOX and write a Journal Entry about the following question:

Q:  How does music affect your life daily and what type of music affects you most and why?

Example Entry:

20 October 2020:  How Does Music Affect You?

Write 3-4 Sentences to answer the question.  Use the R.A.C.E.S Method!  R - Repeat the Question(s), A- Answer the Question(s), C - Cite your Evidence, E - Explain or Examples, S - Summarize your Answer.

Assignment #2: (❗️) Use Soundation to Create Music


We will be using Soundation to create unique, and customized pieces of music. You must follow the directions below, and export your music as a .WAV-File so you can use it in an upcoming project. Please follow the directions below to begin creating music with If you have already used this program, it is your obligation in class to help others. We will discuss the Essential Questions below in class prior to working on HAVE FUN WITH THIS PROJECT!


Why Does Music Make Us Feel? Why Does Music Move Us?

Today is your day to familiarize yourself with how the program works, and how to navigate around the different toolboxes. Save anything that you want to keep by uploading files to your Google Drive or save them to your desktop. Because other students use these computers, there is no guarantee that your work will be here tomorrow.

SOUNDATION.COM INTRODUCTION: Open the Application. I have included a short VIDEO from YouTube to help you work independently. Once I have finished the demonstration in class, use your headphones to listen to your work while you create a personal track. Try to create a track that is over 25 seconds in length, and includes any of the instruments listed in the Loop Browser. You will be using the final cut of this track you are creating as the background for the Marquise Project in Microsoft Movie Maker later in the Marking Period. Make sure it sounds like you want it too. When you are done look under the FILE section to Export Song To Disk as a WAV File and save it. You must upload your file to your GOOGLE DRIVE and SHARE it with MR. S for credit. Please upload the file to the DROPBOX Link below as well:

Step By Step Instructions

1. Log In To Computer and Go To

2. Click on STUDIO and select either Flash Version or Chrome Version.

3. Create Music with at least 3 loops (minimum)

4. When finished, Click FILE and "Export .WAV File" to your Desktop

5. Play the file using Media Player and make sure it is at least 25-seconds long for credit.

6. If you have access to Google Drive, Upload your file to your GDRIVE and SHARE it with Mr. S ( for credit.

7. Click the "MR. Scribner's Dropbox File Link To Upload WAV File" Button

8. Follow the direction, using your Gmail Address to upload your file for credit.

9. If you were able to sign into GOOGLE, you must also SHARE your file with me once it is uploaded to your Google Drive.


Article: "How Does Music Affect Our Lives" by BLHS Student News

Mr. S Dropbox Link for Soundation Music

Youtube Video: "The Power of Music" by CBS This Morning 2012

Soundation Application Online (Create An Account Using TF Gmail Address)

Soundation Project Rubric (Google Sheets)

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