
Digital Literacy Class: We are going to learn about so many incredible ways to be creative, collaborative, and to communicate. We will focus on computer skills and applications. Some topics you already know about, and you will know better, and other topics and applications will be new to you! Either way, we will work together to find the ones you are able to use best. This class consists of Project-Based-Learning. You will be given plenty of time to learn the skills and applications that you will use for a lifetime. I hope you enjoy the material we will cover. - Mr. S

Monday, August 31, 2020

31/01 (S): Self Assessment - Learning Styles

This week you will be learning about How You LEARN, How You LEAD, and How You FOLLOW Directions and Process Information.  Each day you will be reviewing information about a series of survey's and learning tools that will help you learn about yourself.  These tools will help you figure out in what areas you have strength's and what areas may need improvement.  The KEY to this week is to remind yourself that all of these surveys are just "Snapshots" of you on the day you take them.  You can change, grow, adapt, and be different based on your learning, skills, practice, attitude, emotions and reactions, and other variables each day.  The results of this week should give you a better idea of how you learn, areas where your strengths are, and maybe even a little insight to a future career or skills you can use to be successful!  Relax and take each day as a new learning experience, and above all try to have a little fun with these activities!  All The Best! - Mr. S

LEARNING STYLES (Information & Survey)
Many people recognize that each person prefers different learning styles and techniques. Learning styles group common ways that people learn. Everyone has a mix of learning styles. Some people may find that they have a dominant style of learning, with far less use of the other styles. Others may find that they use different styles in different circumstances. There is no right mix. Nor are your styles fixed. You can develop ability in less dominant styles, as well as further develop styles that you already use well.

STEP 1:  Watch one, or all, of the YouTube Videos about Learning Styles

STEP 2:    Click the Link Below "What's Your Learning Style? 20 Questions" and answer all the questions.  Write down "Your Scores:"  You should get a percentage score for Auditory, Visual, and Tactile.  Read a little about the type of learner you are on the website before moving on.

STEP 3:  (❗️) GRADED - Click on the link below and MAKE A COPY of the Google Document "DL Personal Inventory Survey Results Worksheet"

STEP 4:  Add your LAST NAME and Period Number to the TITLE of the Document.

STEP 5: (❗️) GRADED  Under the section for Learning Styles enter your scores for A, V, & T.  Enter the Date you took the Survey (Today), and write a sentence about what you learned in the space provided.  Tomorrow you will use the SAME DOCUMENT to record more scores.  We will be completing all the sections of this form, either in SYNCH or ASYNCH classes this week.  This document is also one of the items you can use to meet the mandatory Pennsylvania Career Education & Work Standards for each student.  You should SHARE the Document with your counselor when you discuss future plans and careers.


What's Your Learning Style?  20 Questions Survey (Click Here)

(❗️) DL Personal Inventory Survey Results Worksheet (Google Document Worksheet)

Youtube Videos
Learning Styles POWTOON by Sage Targaryen

Learning Styles by ASCatRIT

The Theory of Learning Styles by Pinnacle of Man

Discover Your Learning Style by

Friday, August 28, 2020


In an attempt to help ALL of our students, I want to make sure you know about, and use, the following resources.  You will spend some time setting up an account on all of these sites today.  Click the NAMES of the websites and use your Google Account (Look for a Button that says Sign In/Up With Google) to create a student account.  You DO NOT have to complete work on these sites, but I want you to be aware of the different resources, outside of school, that can help you with your Core Subjects.  If you do not do anything else, learn to type!  There are resources below for reading, writing, comprehension, languages, general knowledge, and specific coursework to help you along your scholarly journey here at Tech Freire.  Email me if you have any trouble creating accounts.  Have a Great Day!

- Mr. S


World's most trusted free typing tutor! 
Perfect for all ages & levels, K-12 and beyond.
Extensive keyboard lessons and digital literacy content provide your students with fundamental career and life skills


There are over 1.2 billion people learning a language and the majority are doing so to gain access to better opportunities. Unfortunately, learning a language is expensive and inaccessible to most.
We created Duolingo so that everyone could have a chance. Free language education – no hidden fees, no premium content, just free.

Image result for quill org logo

Quill provides free writing and grammar activities for 
elementary, middle, and high school students.


If you don't have a Quill account CLICK the Sign Up button and create and account. 
or Log into your account.

Image result for Vocabulary com logo combines the world's smartest dictionary with an adaptive learning game that will have you mastering new words in no time.

Click the link to join the class:

Go To:

Click "STUDENTS? Click Here" and log in with your Google Account.  
Use the class code QHFQZMYU

Click on the Teachers tab,

Complete the Pre-Test.  

Once completed, you can go to this site to read and respond to different prompts according to your individual reading levels.  As you progress, you will gradually have the reading level raised, and you will improve your comprehension.  According to the website,7.4 Million students have completed 130 million quizzes on this site (to date).

CLICK This Link to Join Our Class:

Students will Create and Account on  Make sure you use your Gmail Account.  Get the Class Code to join the class for the period you are in.

NoRedInk helps students practice their grammar and writing skills. Students work with engaging and often humorous sentences that incorporate their favorite characters, musicians, athletes, books, movies, sports teams, and celebrities.

Students will be joining Khan Academy to work independently on their MATH skills, by grade.

Everyone will use their GMail Account to create an Account on KhanAcademy.Org

Make sure that you finish updating your profile once you sign in. 
Go to your Profile screen and ADD your teacher as a Coach by entering the Khan Academy Class Code!

Every student can use Khan Academy as an online tutor at home. You can pick just about any Subject and Level and view video lessons, answer practice questions, or ask a coach a question. There are tutorials for all of your subjects on this fantastic resource! Make sure you check out all the classes you can complete and help yourself with!

Use the link above to visit the Beta Version of  Create an Account using a Username (First Name Initial and Last Name), and enter a Password you can remember.  Then click on "Groups" and enter a code to join your friends!

TECH FREIRE DL 20-21 Group Code:  8UPD5T2

Start Answering Questions!  Track Your Achievements!

Earn The Badges!  HAVE FUN!

Freerice is a 100% non-profit website that is owned by and supports the United Nations World Food Programme.

Freerice has two goals:

  • Provide education to everyone for free.  
  • Help end world hunger by providing rice to hungry people for free.
Each time you answer a question right, the banner ad that you see generates enough money for the World Food Programme to buy 10 grains of rice to help reach Zero Hunger.

Image result for littlealchemy2 logo

Little Alchemy 2 (2017) is a crafting game enjoyed by millions of players. It features hundreds of items, fresh art style and charming music.  Mix items and create the world from scratch! Discover exciting items accompanied by funny descriptions and lose yourself exploring the huge library!

Thursday, August 27, 2020

27 /28 (S) Google Drive & Google Documents (Learner Journal Setup)

Today we will be working on the basics of Google Drive / Google Documents.  You will learn to create files and documents, rename them, create files, and organize the items in your online Google Drive (Cloud Storage).

PART I:  Tasks We Covered During SYNCH Time Today

STEP 1:  Open your Google Drive - Locate and Open your TFDL Learner Journal (Sample Here)
          If you need instructions on how to setup up your Learner Journal in Google Drive 
          see the bottom of this post for details, or email Mr. S to schedule appointment.

STEP 2:  Review the TFDL Instructional Video if you need more information / refresher training from today's SYNCH class.

STEP 3: Watch "Don't Waste 2020" by Prince EA (Click Here to Watch)

STEP 4: (We Did This Step In Class) Make a Copy of the TFDL Learner Journal, Make sure you add your "Last Name (P?)" to the Name of the Document, and SHARE it with Mr. S for credit if you did not already complete this step.

STEP 5: (❗️)  Add a NEW ENTRY to your TFDL Learner Journal and write 1-2 Sentences about your reaction to the video you just watched.  You can use the example below as a reference, but your thoughts and the information you post should be your own.  Get used to using the format example below, and make sure to add the most recent post in your journal at the TOP of the document (push older posts down toward the bottom)

(Suggestion)  Use the R.A.C.E.S Method to write your response.
     (R)epeat the Question, (A)nswer the Questions, (C)ite your Example, (E)xplain your Evidence, (S)ummarize your Response

Example TFDL Learner Journal Response (Mr. S):

27 August 2020:  Reaction to viewing "Don't Waste 2020" by Prince EA
My reaction to the video "Don't Waste 2020" by Prince EA was to think about all of the things I have been doing to be productive during the last few months.  Although the video was created early in December of 2019, and there have been massive changes to our lives since then,  the message of the video remains clear.  I should continue to be excited about my choice to become a teacher.  I believe that it is truly my calling in life, and I enjoy using all of the experiences, both good and bad, to help guide me in my purpose to help prepare students for college and careers in the future.  I will continue to seek out training and experiences that can help me be better at my job.  I also want to make sure that I maintain a healthy work-life balance.  I will try to exercise more, spend more time with family and friends, and live up to my responsiblities as a husband.father, coach, and scout leader.  I look forward to following the call to make Action=Equity each day at Tech Freire, and to support my students and colleagues any way I can.  2020 has been a rough year for everyone, but there are still many positive and hopefull lessons that we can pull out of it.  I am excited to start our 20-21 school year!

STEP 6: (❗️) Complete both the Google Drive and Google Document lessons DLO - Using Google Drive (Unit 5: Days 12-13)

PART II:  DLO Day 12: Google Drive - The Basics

Step 1: View the attached presentation on Google Documents.

Step 2: (❗️) GRADED: Click the 'Google Form' link that is on the last slide or attached below and complete the questions.

Step 3: Mark as done on Google Classroom


Using Google Drive Presentation (Click Here to View GSlides)

Using Google Drive Quiz (Click Here to View GForm Survey)

PART III: DLO Day 13: Google Documents

Step 1: View the attached presentation on Google Documents.

Step 2: (❗️) GRADED: Click the 'Google Form' link that is on the last slide or attached below and complete the questions.

Step 3: (❗️) GRADED: Open the Final Assessment Directions

Step 4: Mark as done


Google Documents (Click Here to View GSlides Presentation)

Google Documents Quiz (Click Here to View GForm Survey)

Step 3: Google Documents Final Assessment (Click Here to Make a Copy and Submit)

Steps to Setup a Learner Journal in Student Google Drive

Step 1:  Log into your Google Account on the Chrome Browser

Step 2:  Open your Google Drive and CLICK (+NEW), Choose Google Document

Step 3:  When the New "Untitled Document" is created Change the Document's Name

  • Title the Document "TFDL Learner Journal (Your Last Name) P(1-6)"
  • Remove the () part and enter your Last Name and the Period you have class.
Step 4: Create Your First Entry for the assignment above.  Make sure to format it like the sample below:


Date of Entry:  Topic of Entry
Paragraph or 1-2 Sentences About Your Topic

Step 5:   Make sure that each New Entry is put at the top of the page.  They should "push" older entries down the page as you go.  Try to keep entries in chronological order for easy reference.

Step 6: Click the SHARE Button on the top, right of the screen and add Mr. S as an Editor!

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

26/27 (A): Student Technology Survey / Google Drive


You made it through your first Synchronous class and you are now ready to do a little work on your own.  For your first Asynchronous class we will keep things simple.

STEP 1: Review TF Digital Tech Literacy (Class Reference Site) using the link below to make sure you understand everything we are working on so far.

STEP 2: (❗️)  Complete the Digital Technology 20/21 (TF Students) Survey

STEP 3: (❗️)  Complete the ASYNC Check In Survey (Make sure to include the ASYNCHRONOUS VERIFICATION CODE WORD listed below)

Today's Asynchronous Verification Code Word: BINARY


- Mr. S


(❗️) Digital Technology 20/21 (TF Student)

(❗️) ASYNC Check In - Digital Literacy (Scribner - 403) 20-21

TF Digital Tech Resource Website (Tips & Tricks for Students/Families):  

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

25/26 (S): Class Introductions

Today you we will be reviewing Class Norms & Rules, ACTION=EQUITY, the Class Syllabus, and your Assignments (❗️) for the next few days.  Please take time today during our Synchronous class to introduce yourself on the Jamboard (Link in Zoom Chat).  I hope today's discussion answers most of your questions, and I look forward to our time this school year!

STEP 1:  Participate in the Online Zoom Classroom at the designated time (See Zoom Link Below)

STEP 2:  Review the Google Slides from today's Synchronous class discussion.

STEP 3:  (❗️)  If you have not already completed this step from yesterday, make sure your Parents/Guardian fill out the TFDL Class Verification Form after reviewing the Class Rules and Course Syllabus

STEP 4: (❗️) Join with the link below!

Be sure to watch the video linked below if you think it might help!


8/25-8/26 (SYNCH): Digital Literacy Slides - Scribner (Click Here)

(❗️) TFDL Class Verification Form - Parent / Guardian Class Rules & Syllabus Acknowledgement 20-21 (Tech Freire)

Join a Typing Class -

25AUG20 SYNCH TFDL Class Introductions.mp4

Thursday, August 13, 2020

24/25 (A) - Welcome / Syllabus 2020-2021 Tech Freire HS



If you are reading this you are among the few students in history that WILL Be Prepared to succeed in future college or career paths. This reference site was created to allow students to have 24-hour access to my Digital Technology Literacy Curriculum! 

You will find daily instructions, lesson plans, and links to help you succeed both in my class, and in life. Feel free to use this reference anytime, and to contact me immediately if a something is unclear, or a link does not work!  If you would like to review all of the lessons I have posted since creating this curriculum, or to review the historical morphing that the lessons have gone through to make it here, please check out

My Class Rules and Syllabus will be posted below. Welcome to class, and I look forward to working with all of you!

TASK 1:  Click this link and review, with your parent/guardian, the TF Digital Literacy Class Rules and Class Syllabus.

You can also view the Freire Student and Family Handbook by clicking the link here.

TASK 2:  Please Complete a brief survey here: TFDL Class Verification Form 20-21

The TFDL Class Verification Form 20-21 will count as your first quiz of the marking period.  It is an easy grade to complete the assignment for,

Again,  welcome to class!  If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me right away.  I hope each and every one of you have a fantastic year!

- Mr. S

Saturday, August 1, 2020

TFDL Extra Credit Projects - Just For Fun!

For the following projects you must document them by creating a separate page on your TFDL Digital Portfolio (Google Site).  Post a one page synopsis (write-up) about what you did, how you did it, and why you did it.  Add pictures, videos or other information by posting them or linking to a video or song in your GDrive account.  If you want to make up your own "mission" that is not on this list, you must get written authorization to proceed from Mr. S.  

Other Missions In Your Mind:  Think about it and fill out the form below:


If you can dream it and then do it, we can find a way to get you credit for it.!


Healing Thru Fitness
Organize a community-wide day of fitness for friends, family, and neighbors. Done right, you will have so much fun that you will hardly notice that you are also burning calories and building muscle. Make sure to post some fun fitness pictures.

Hike Around
Go on a hike somewhere.  Document (Pictures or Journal with drawings) at least five different organisms.  Post pictures or drawings and describe what role that organism has in the habitat you found it in.

Go Green Or Be Mean
For one week, you may not use a motor vehicle to commute to or from school. Document with photos or video.

Ride a bike to some historic destination.  Tell about the history of the destination and the path you took.

Dystopian Toy
Take a normal toy and using photography, paint, or other medium, make it look like it is the center of civilization or some type of out-worldly item.  Be creative and document it.

Movie Producer

Create a movie, any movie.  Write it, act it, record it.  Make sure it falls into School District guidelines regarding topic and presentation.

Teach the Teacher
Teach something to one of your teachers.  Describe what you taught and how you taught it.  Why did you do it?  How did you originally learn what you taught?

Crossroads Idol
Think you could be the next American Idol?  Let's here it!  Write and perform your own song.  You can use anything as a topic.

My Story
No matter where you live, there is a unique story about how you came to be there.  No matter where you are now, tell the story of how you got there.  You can use pictures, words, music, or any media you like.

Global Neighborhood
Create a map using Bing, Google, or Yahoo.  You must show at least three countries you would like to visit and then go into your own community and document some of the influences nearby that are similiar to the countries you listed.

Visit the produce section of the supermarket.  Take notes on at least 10 varieties of produce available.  Note the origin of each item.  Note the container type and try to briefly describe what it was like to be picked and shipped to the final resting place in the market from the point of view of the produce.

Wear, Oh Where?
Put together two outfits from your closet.  One made in America, the other made entirely from another country.  Take pictures of yourself in both outfits and describe them in detail.

Me Unplugged
Use no electrical or battery-driven devices for 24-hours.  Write a detailed diary of the experience.  Use a camera to document the day if you like.

Food Passport
Create an inventory of assets that exist in your zip code or neighborhood.  Illustrate each asset with a photo and place it on a map.  (Bing, Google, or Yahoo)

Don't Feed The Humanoid
Imagine a museum or zoo on a far away planet.  Show us what the Human Habitat might look like if they captured some of us and had us living in the zoo.

Folk Hop for Hip
Compose and perform an original song that illustrates your (or your community's) life and most pressing needs.  Share the song.

Modern Scavenger Hunt
Set up a modern scavenger hunt by sending people to specific websites, having them use clues to find the next spot, and recording their search.  Make sure the websites have a common theme that is only discernible when the hunt is over, or have some "prize" at the end.

Trespassing The Future
Visit a place that you think will not exist in the next 10 years.  Document the place and imagine what will replace it.

Our Heritage
Interview someone of a different generation.  What is something they could teach you about their life that you would not have known if you hadn't spent time with them.

Sign Of The Times
Create a sign about something and take a picture of yourself with it in a public place.  Try to go somewhere that would make your sign stand out.

Vital Arts
Gather a team of students to paint their ideas about how to improve the community on big boards or canvas.  Plan an art show of these panels.

Reading Is Fun-demental
Read a book to someone younger than you.  Tell what you read, why you picked the book, and how it was recieved.

Have Fun and Be SAFE!

Mr. S

Dragons Breathe Fire

Dragons Breathe Fire