
Digital Literacy Class: We are going to learn about so many incredible ways to be creative, collaborative, and to communicate. We will focus on computer skills and applications. Some topics you already know about, and you will know better, and other topics and applications will be new to you! Either way, we will work together to find the ones you are able to use best. This class consists of Project-Based-Learning. You will be given plenty of time to learn the skills and applications that you will use for a lifetime. I hope you enjoy the material we will cover. - Mr. S

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

PMB STEP 10 - Presentation

Students should learn the basics about finding their first job based on the college or training they chose. Make sure that they understand that their first job may be in the field they chose, but not necessarily the position they see themselves in to start off with. That will lead to them choosing a place to live and then understanding the community they are a part of. Students will continue to work on their Personal Monthly Budget Project by creating a map of their new neighborhood and locating businesses, organizations, and stores with basic needs and other necessities that will make their new home more comfortable. Today students will investigate and add the cost of insurance to their monthly budget spreadsheets.

Participate in-class discussions about different places that might be needed in your new neighborhood.

Complete ALL Documents, Spreadsheets, and Google Forms associated with the PMB Project.

Open, Copy, Share, and Start the PMB Google Spreadsheet for PMB Project

Complete the Personal Monthly Budget Worksheet Section for STEP 10: Presentation

LINKS & DOCUMENTS (Open Documents, Click FILE and MAKE A COPY)
Primary Document for Personal Monthly Budget Project (500pts)

Primary Spreadsheet for Personal Monthly Budget Project

Simple Survey to list choices from Steps 3 and 4 yesterday:

Today you will turn your Personal Monthly Budget into a Google Slides Presentation.

You must open Google Drive and CREATE a new Presentation. Label your new presentation "PMB (Your Last Name) Q3 TFDL2022".

All Items in your Personal Monthly Budget must be presented. See the following list of Items to Add to your Presentation:

  Introduction Slide
  College and Major
  You New City and Job
  How you traveled to Your New City
  Show a Map of Places You Found (Print PDF To JPEG)
  Stores you shopped At
  Your Dream Car
  Utilities and Insurance
  Grocery and Food (Specifically Your Family Dinner)
  What is there to do for fun in your new city? 
  Wrap Up!

You MUST INCLUDE the Links to your PMB Worksheet and PMB Spreadsheet on the First Slide of your Presentation! (See Example)

You must have a picture on every slide.

Do not write full sentences, only use the presentation to remind you of what to talk about next.

Make sure you pick a theme and background.

You must SHARE this project with me at for credit prior to Friday, March 12th at 4pm for credit!

In case you missed the review, here are the steps to complete the PMB Project:

Spend time making sure that your Personal Monthly Budget (PMB) Project is up to date. You need to have completed Steps 1-9 so far. Please use the PMB Worksheet and PMB Spreadsheet that should be located in your Google Drive (and shared for credit with to track your work. You should have the following items on the worksheet/spreadsheet completed by now:

Step 1 - Choose a College & Major: Research basic information about the college you chose. If your path did not include college, please describe the training you completed for your chosen career path.

Step 2 - Complete the Budget & Finance step by using the resources on the Class Reference Site (link below)

Step 3 - Find your first job using or another job search website. You cannot choose a job in, or around Philadelphia. For this exercise you need to choose a new city in the contiguous 48 states. Complete this step using information from the job you found.

Step 4 - Find your first apartment in your new city. Make sure you have a plan to get back and forth to work, know the address and exact monthly rent for your apartment. You should note any additional fees or benefits (trash, water, sewer included) for this new apartment. Complete the Data Sheet on the PMB Spreadsheet with your apartment and work information.

Step 5a - Shop for your new apartment. You will list all furnishings and items you buy, cost, and list them on the spreadsheet (Shopping List)

Step 5b - Use Google Maps to create a neighborhood map with specific items listed on the website and worksheet. If you cannot use Google Maps, just find the name of the businesses and locations and the address of each. List them on the worksheet.

Step 6 - Create a Weekly Menu (Spreadsheet) and decide what you will be eating for a normal week in your new location. Use the Weekly Menu to create a Grocery List and shop on Instacart (or another supermarket website) to determine how much your weekly food budget should be. You can include eating out and fast food, but you need to note how much those items would be too.

Step 7 - Look at resources for Utility costs in your new city. Make sure to add your Rent, Utility Costs, Grocery Bill, and other expenses on the PMB Spreadsheet Budget Page

Step 8 - Use the online resources to estimate the costs, and types, of insurance you might need. Price and add Renters Insurance to your PMB Budget Spreadsheet. You should also add estimates for Health, Life, and Auto if you are getting car.

Step 9 - Final Changes were listed on the Class Reference Website (link below). Make sure that you follow the instructions listed, and then find places on your budget to include. 

Step 10 - Presentation: You will create a presentation for this project that outlines your choices and information. Email me questions, or ask for help. 

How could you present the information you gathered about your budget choices?  Why is it important to review your choices and judge their effectiveness?

How do your decisions about savings, spending, and earning money change over time?  What different circumstances will you face throughout your life that will change your budget?

What services or stores are most important, and which ones would be considered luxuries?

What items do I need to buy to survive, and what is not necessary. Based on the selection of my apartment, where can I go to buy these items, and how much will they cost?

PA Career Education & Work Standard 13.3.11.D

Analyze Budgets and Pay Statements to include paychecks, bank statements, bills, and other documents that would be required to keep a Personal Monthly Budget

Jump$tart Standards: Financial Responsibility Standards 1, 2 and 4

National Standards for Economics:
Standard 2: Decision Making

PA Social Studies:6.2.12.D: Evaluate changes in economic institutions over time (e.g., stock markets, non-government organizations)

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