
Digital Literacy Class: We are going to learn about so many incredible ways to be creative, collaborative, and to communicate. We will focus on computer skills and applications. Some topics you already know about, and you will know better, and other topics and applications will be new to you! Either way, we will work together to find the ones you are able to use best. This class consists of Project-Based-Learning. You will be given plenty of time to learn the skills and applications that you will use for a lifetime. I hope you enjoy the material we will cover. - Mr. S

Monday, September 27, 2021

092721: Digital Portfolios (Google Sites)

Resumes used to be the only tool you had to showcase your academic and professional achievements when you were looking for a new job. Today you have so many more options, one of which is to create a Digital Portfolio. This visual representation of your history and greatest achievements provides employers with proof of what you can do and helps them see why they should consider hiring you. It also sets you apart from all the other candidates who simply send in a resume and cover letter.

Please watch the video below for tips on what to include on your portfolio as you get older:


"If you’re in the process of developing a digital portfolio, you can’t afford to view it as a mere collection of work samples; you need to think of it as your preeminent marketing piece." - Ram Castillo (Award Winning Designer and Art Director)

"One of the inherent dangers with digital portfolios, for example, is that the technological novelty of the product could overshadow the purpose of the portfolio."
Digital portfolios: fact or fashion?" by Helen Woodward & Phil Nanlohy

According to Inc. Magazine (Online) and the Young Entrepreneur Council you should turn experiences into a story worth sharing.  According to the article "How to Create a Digital Portfolio That Stands Out From The Pack", some of the main reasons to create a Digital Portfolio are to:

One of the best resources for creating a Digital Portfolio is at  There are 10 PRO Tips that are discussed in the article that you should consider using in this project.

Here is the Process of Creating an Electronic Portfolio developed by Helen C. Barrett, Ph.D.:
  1. Creating an Interactive Portfolio with Google Sites
    1. 1.1 Getting started
  2. Keeping a Learning Journal
  3. Authoring an electronic portfolio
    1. 3.1 Create a first page - Introduction & Table of Contents
    2. 3.2 Set up a structure using goals (or themes) as organizing framework
    3. 3.3 Create one page for each section
    4. 3.4 Upload artifacts/create hyperlinks
    5. 3.5 Write reflections for each goal/skill and each artifact
    6. 3.6 Write future learning goals
    7. 3.7 Publish Portfolio - Seek Feedback
  4. Evaluating Portfolios

(❗️) TF DIGITAL PORTFOLIO (Google Sites) Project


Step 1:  Sign-In to Google

Step 2:  Click your "Waffle" (Upper Right Corner) to open your list of Google Applications (Google Apps Button)

Step 3:  Click on Google Sites

Step 4:  Watch The Video Below:

Step 5:  Design Your Site Home Page
  1. Upper Left Corner - Change the Site Name to TFDL Student Portfolio, and ADD a Logo of your choice.
  2. Change the Site TITLE to your Full Name.
  3. Move the Pointer to the Lower Left Corner of the Heading and choose the type of Image used for the Background.  You may also Click Header Type to change the Header area.
  4. Click on the TEXT BOX button (under Insert in the menu on the right side of the screen), and add space below the Header for a Personal Mission Statement / Memorable Quote / Job or Position you are interested in.
  5. Click on one of the Layouts (under Insert in the menu on the right side of the screen), and add an "ABOUT ME:" section below the Text Box.  See the sample site at for what to write in this section.
  6. Click on one of the Layouts (under Insert in the menu on the right side of the screen), and add an additional section for at least 2 of your most recent projects that you are proud of.
  7. Click the PAGES link in the menu to the right side of the screen.  Add a PAGE labeled "TFDL Projects".  Add TEXT Boxes for Title Bars, and Insert Sections to add all of your work for each project.  You can Upload files, or link directly to your Google Drive.
  8. Click the PAGES link in the menu to the right side of the screen.  Add a PAGE labeled "CEW Evidence".   Use this page to link/post information about anything that would qualify as evidence for PA Career Education & Work Standards.  These can include resume's, cover letters, career project investigation surveys or worksheets, individual assessment forms, and any other documents from work you have completed.  Remember, 8th-Grade students are required to have at least eight (8) items in this section prior to heading to high school.  You MUST have an Individual Career Plan started as well.  See your counselor for help with this.
  9. At any time during the design process you can click the PREVIEW Button and see what your site will look like. 
With your parent's permission, create a personal Google Account and use the following link to transfer your work to your own account.  This way you will not lose this as you graduate, and stop using your account:


You must have the following items for credit:

Header and Home Page:  Student must have a legible header with your site title (TFDL  Student Portfolio) and a small logo of some sort.  Student must also have a "Personal Mission Statement / Memorable Quote / Job or Position You Are Interested In" section.  The "About Me" section must include a tasteful, professional-looking picture of the student (School I.D. picture is recommended), and a paragraph or two as outlined on Mr. Scribner's Sample Site.  Student must also have at least two (2) current projects outlined, with images, on the Home Page.  Make sure all titles and additional pages are accessible from this page.

TFDL Projects Page:  Student must add a section for Digital Literacy, and include enough sections for every project to date.  Student should review their Google Drive and the Class Reference Site's Archive Section ( to make sure they have all the previous projects.  Add additional sections for other classes.  There should, at minimum, be spaces for English Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science.  Make sure to LINK any work from your Google Drive for each class.

CEW Evidence Page:    Students should scan any external document to their Google Drive prior to adding them to this page (Try to add them as a PDF).  Make sure to add all items from Digital Literacy classes that qualify as CEW Evidence here, instead of on the previous page.

Learner Journal:  Student will create this page as a place-holder for Constructed Response Items, Journal, or other posts as required.  Student can use this space to comment on news, events, or other interests.  Make sure that anything posted is school-appropriate, and in good taste, even when it might be a controversial or inflammatory topic.  Be respectful at all times.

Additional pages may be created for other projects, specific reasons, or at the request of other teachers.  This site should be updated regularly with new work, and evidence for PA CEW Requirements.  Use this site to reference work during interviews for jobs or college entrance meetings.  Make sure that your parents see this site, and approve of anything you post.

When You Click "PUBLISH" You Must Title Your Page Using Your First Initial and Last Name.  See Example Below:


Thursday, September 23, 2021

092321: Hero Project Slide Template / Letterhead / Logo

Today you will be creating a logo for your very own production company.  You will use this logo, or a video version of it (created later in this course) on all of your projects for the rest of the year.  There are many applications and websites out there to help you.  We will only be looking at a few of them.

Project 1: (❗️) Hero Project Slide Template -  Follow along in class to create your template for the HERO PROJECT SLIDE.  You will add basic title, information, and space for a photograph.  You may choose whatever background color you like.  Save the template for use when you have completed your interview and need to create the final step of the project!

Project 2: (❗️) Personal Letterhead Template (GDOC) -  Follow along in class to create your template for PERSONAL LETTERHEAD (GDOC).  You can save this template and use it whenever you need to turn in a written single-page report or write a letter.

Project 3: (❗️) Create a LOGO (Coat of Arms) using photos, drawing, or any other medium.  Watch the video about why a LOGO is important "Why is a Professional Logo Important?" (Click Here).  You should be able to create something with either program.  I would suggest using the LogoGarden Application to start getting ideas, but to get a higher quality logo, you will need to use Inkscape (more information to follow tomorrow), or (See Below).

You can use the Free Logo Designer on LogoGarden to help you come up with an idea, but you will not be able to download your creation as a High Resolution Image.  There are literally hundreds of other free websites to help you.  Pick one!  Once you have designed it on LogoGarden, try to use a drawing program or PowerPoint to recreate your logo.  Once you have created it and saved it as a PICTURE, you should be able to use it to create all kinds of projects for your new prodution company.  HAVE FUN!

Step By Step Directions


Step 2:  Review videos attached to get an idea of what a logo is for, the types of logo's, and why you should create one for your new production company.

Step 3:  Hand Sketch your ideas for your new logo on blank paper to give yourself some creative time to make your logo come alive on paper before trying to create it online.

Step 4:  Go to LogoGarden (See Link Above) and use the Logo Designer to create a Low-Resolution logo for your production studio.  When you have created a Low Resolution version of your logo, download it, and Upload it to your Google Drive for future use.

Step 5:  Go to DesignEVO (See Link Above) and use the Logo Designer to create a Medium-Resolution logo for your studio, with the same overall design theme.

Step 6:  Go to online and create a High Resolution version of your logo with the same design theme.  

Step 7: Make sure to Upload ALL your logo's to your Google Drive and SHARE them with Mr. S ( for credit.



How to Create a Logo Google Document

Why is a Professional Logo Important Youtube Video

16 Famous Logos with Hidden Meaning Youtube Video

What Makes a Truly Great Logo Youtube Video

Logo Creation Rubric TFDL 21-22 Google Sheets (Mr. S)

FREE LOGO MAKER at (Logo #1: Basic Low Resolution) (Logo #2 Intermediate Low Resolution) (Logo #3 Advanced High Resolution)

Academic Standards

PA SAS (BCIT) / ISTE / CSTA / NGSS / PA Career & Work

Mr. Scribner's Example Logo's:

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

092221: Hero Project 21-22

Today we will discuss what you think it means to be a HERO!  Please stay engaged in the conversation.  At the end of the lesson you will be tasked with starting your part of the 2021-2022 Hero Project.  You will ultimately create a Single Slide Presentation (Google Slide) for inclusion in the Hero Project.

TODAY: (❗️) Participate in the "What is a Hero?" Class Discussion.

GMail Response III:

To: Mr S (
22 September 2021:  What is a Hero?
Write 2-3 Sentences about what you think a HERO is, and why?  Make sure you write Full Sentences and explain your answer as if you were persuading someone to agree with you. 

Please talk to someone you consider a HERO  This assignment is due prior to the end of the First Marking Period.  You must find a relative, family friend, or community leader and interview them.  Use the Digital Worksheet listed below to help you come up with questions.  You can interview a veteran, someone serving in the armed forces, a first responder, community leader, or someone that is a hero to you for another reason.
Step 1:  Interview A Hero - Find out when and where they served their country or commmunity.  Find out why they wanted to serve, and what job(s) they did while they were serving.  Make sure to think about what the term "service" means to you (after your interview).

Step 2:  Create a Single-Slide Presentation to be added to our class project for the year, and SHARE it with Mr. S for credit. 

Make sure to include how long the person has been working in their field, why they started, what was the hardest and easiest part of their service, and what they feel about others serving.  Try to include a picture of the person if possible.  Please SHARE this interview with me so I can add them to the overall project.   Make sure you end your slide with how you feel about selfless service, and how your view might have changed in light of the interview you conducted. Why is it important to serve your country/community in any capacity?


Google Document: (❗️) "Hero Project Primer" Worksheet

Youtube Video:  "What Makes A Hero (Literature)?" by Matthew Winkler

Youtube Video:  "What is a Hero?" by Join the Conversation

Google Document: (❗️) "Hero Project Helper" Worksheet

Google Slides from Class:  Hero Project


Today students will use a time in class to reflect on how they might be able to serve their community or country someday.  Students will be assigned a Journal Entry to write about what they think the meaning of "selfless service" is.  Students will create documents and upload files appropriately for credit.  Students are required to finish a homework interview outside of class before the end of the 1st Marking Period.

Students will review ALL of the directions prior to starting the project!  Students will begin by completing the Daily Check In Survey.

Monday, September 20, 2021

092021: Essential "55" Review / Make-Up Day

Today I want you to think about your goals in life, and consider your actions in light of Ron Clark's "Essential 55 Rules". We will spend time reviewing the Essential "55" by Ron Clark. Do you think they are appropriate? Why, or Why Not?

Please follow the directions on the worksheet you received in class to complete this project for credit:
STEP 1: MAKE SURE YOUR READ ALL OF THE "55" RULES PRIOR TO CHOOSING THREE (3) TO WRITE ABOUT ON THE WORKSHEET. If you do not get a worksheet in class, or you want to complete this at home for any reason, I am providing links to a Google Document copy of the worksheet. You will need to Click the Link to the "Essential 55 Goal Worksheet" and it will open in your Google Drive. STEP 2: (❗️) Click the Google Document " to create a copy of the worksheet in your own Google Drive. Complete the worksheet and then SHARE it with Mr. S ( for credit. NOTE: IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO MAKE UP A "RULE", YOU MAY INCLUDE ONE IN THE THIRD SPACE PROVIDED ON THE WORKSHEET. To Make Up a RULE you need to review the list of 55 Rules and create a new one to add to the list that is not a duplicate, and is appropriate for school. - Mr. S
Students will reflect on their goals and talents after viewing a video designed to help them understand how important it is to recognize the power of having dreams and setting realistic goals to achieve them. Students have also been given instruction on the Essential "55" in most other classes. Students will be able to select, write, and comment on their TOP 3 rules. Students should list why they chose the rules. STUDENTS MUST READ ALL DIRECTIONS ON THIS WEBSITE PRIOR TO STARTING ANY ASSIGNED TASKS. PLEASE FOLLOW ALL DIRECTIONS AS GIVEN FOR FULL CREDIT! Students will also use class time to review the "Essential 55" document, choose their TOP 3 Rules, write each rule, and explain why they chose the rule. Worksheets are due before your next SYNCH class. 

(❗️) Essential "55" Goal Worksheet
Youtube Video: "Essential "55" Introduction" by Westwood Elementary Song 55 Rules PDF (Reference Sheet) Essential "55" PREZI Essential "55" PPT Presentation

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

0901421: Internet Safety & Security Introduction

All 9th-grade students will now focus on the Introduction to Internet Safety & Security.  The following presentation, digital worksheet (Mastery Grade), and learning modules should give you an overview of the basic ideas of Internet Safety & Security.

Please review all resources, both in class and at home.  There are a series of video lessons included below for those who miss class to allow you to complete the worksheet at home.  Students will be required to open the Google Document worksheet and click FILE and MAKE A COPY.  Please SHARE this copy with Mr. S ( to turn it in once you have written your answers on it.  YOU MAY NOT TURN IN A PRINTED COPY for credit.


Internet Safety & Security Introduction Presentation (GSlides):

Internet Safety & Security Introduction Packet (GDoc):

Internet Safety & Security Orientation Video Lessons:

Lesson 7: Digital Citizenship

Lesson 8: Digital Etiquette

Lesson 9: CyberBullying

Lesson 10: CyberSecurity


1. Click the link above to create a copy of the IS&S Worksheet, click FILE, and click MAKE A COPY.  Once a copy of the worksheet is in your Google Drive, add YOUR NAME to the top left and click the SHARE button on the top right.  Add Mr. S as an EDITOR for credit.

2. Review the Internet Safety & Security Introduction Presentation and videos in class together.  Make sure to stop and have a discussion at the appropriate prompts.  Complete the questions to the presentation at the appropriate times during class on your worksheets electronically.

3. If you feel like you missed any information, use the video lesson as a refresher, or to find specific information that you missed.  Once you have completed the worksheet, you have completed this project.  Reply to any feedback or notes listed on the worksheet by Mr. S for full credit.

Academic Standards

PA SAS (BCIT) / ISTE / CSTA / NGSS / PA Career & Work

Monday, September 13, 2021

091321: Self-Assessment Record / Google Apps Drive & Search

 Today you have two different tasks to perform for credit:

STEP 1: (❗️) Go to your Google Drive and locate your (❗️) DL Personal Inventory Survey Results Worksheet.  Open it.  Now click the Personal Inventory Survey Results Submission Survey 20-21 TFDL Scribner and using your document, ENTER all of the data from your surveys.  Make sure to put something for every question on the survey.  When you are done entering the data, please answer the final questions in 1-2 full sentences and hit SUBMIT for credit.

STEP 2: Learn how to find and upload images to your Google Drive.  Students need to safely find (any topic appropriate for school) an image of their choice, screenshot or download that image (full-size image), and upload it to Google Drive and SHARE it for credit.

STEP 3:  (❗️) Spend some in class searching for images (appropriate-use) and create a folder in your Google Drive "Image Search" and SHARE them for credit with Mr. S ( and your substitute.

- Mr. S

(❗️) Daily Check In Code Word:  EPIC  (Use the link below to complete the daily check in survey)


(❗️) Personal Inventory Survey Results Submission Survey 20-21 TFDL

Google Form:  (❗️) Daily Check In Form

Today in class you will be using different Google Applications and making sure you know how to Save and SHARE items from your Google Drive.  We will go slow during class, but these are critical skills to both pass this class, and work collaboratively in the future (college and career).  I am including some links below to help with different skills and other essential information you will need to be successful.  Good Luck!  - Mr. S

TASKS COVERED TODAY (If you miss class, or need a refresher, use the resources below!)

1. Find and Upload an Image from Google Images

2. Share Files using Google Drive

3. Send Image using Gmail

  a.  Add Attachment, Review Settings


At the end of class each student will need to use Google Images to search for the image of their choice.  They should save the image to the Chromebook (File Manager).  They should be able to upload that image to their Google Drive.  Once in Google Drive, they should click the button to use Gmail to send a copy of the image to Mr. Scribner ( for credit.  Extra!  Can you take a screenshot of the site you found the image on and save/send that along with the picture?


Google Cheat Sheet for Students by T. Tarver

Youtube Video: "Google Drive FULL Tutorial from Start to Finish" by Dusty Porter

Free Gmail Tutorial at GFCGLOBAL

GSuite by Google Training Resources & Videos

GSuite Learning Center - Drive Videos

Academic Standards

PA SAS (BCIT) / ISTE / CSTA / NGSS / PA Career & Work

Thursday, September 9, 2021

091021: Character Strengths & Gmail Response II

Character Strengths

Scientists discovered a common language of 24 character strengths make up what’s best about our personality. Everyone possesses all 24 character strengths in different degrees, so each person has a truly unique character strengths profile. Each character strength falls under one of these six broad virtue categories, which are universal across cultures and nations. STEP 1: Watch "The Science of Character (8min 'Cloud Film')" on Youtube (See Link Below)

GMAIL RESPONSE II: (❗️) Before you take the Personality Test below, open a Gmail to Mr. S ( and write a few sentences about what strengths you think you have, and what you like about those strengths. How are you a better person because of the strengths you possess? Make sure to write 2-3 sentences in the email and click send to turn this in before proceeding.
STEP 2: Click the "Personality Test, Personality Assess.ent: VIA Survey / VIA Institute" Link and fill in the information to take the 13-17 Youth Survey. Have a Parent/Guardian/Adult with you when you take it. Take your time and answer ALL the questions. When you are done, Read and Record your results. You should have a list of the 24 Characteristics in the order from Strongest to Needs Most Improvement. You will be able to click "VIA Character Strengths Profile" and Download a copy for free. This will have all 24 strengths, and a definition of each strength listed for you. If you open it in another window adding these results to the Document we created earlier this week will be easy! STEP 3: Open the Document we started earlier this week ((❗️) DL Personal Inventory Survey Results Worksheet) and Locate the section to enter your Character Strength Scores. List them in order from Strongest to Needs Improvement on the worksheet. Make sure you SHARE this Document with Mr. S for credit. Make sure to complete the Daily Check-In Survey as you come in the room each day using the Code Word from the LIVE Class Presentation using the link below.


Youtube Video: "The Science of Character" by T Shlain & Let It Ripple Film Studio

Youtube Video: "Know Your Character Strengths" by Confident Kids Program

Youtube Video: "Personal Mastery - Find Your Strengths" by effectiveefficiently

Survey: VIA Character Strength Survey by VIA Institute on Character (Youth Survey)

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

090821: Executive Functions / Multiple Intelligences

This week you will be learning about How You LEARN, How You LEAD, and How You FOLLOW Directions and Process Information. Each day you will be reviewing information about a series of survey's and learning tools that will help you learn about yourself. These tools will help you figure out in what areas you have strength's and what areas may need improvement. The KEY to this week is to remind yourself that all of these surveys are just "Snapshots" of you on the day you take them. You can change, grow, adapt, and be different based on your learning, skills, practice, attitude, emotions and reactions, and other variables each day. The results of this week should give you a better idea of how you learn, areas where your strengths are, and maybe even a little insight to a future career or skills you can use to be successful! Relax and take each day as a new learning experience, and above all try to have a little fun with these activities! All The Best! - Mr. S

Executive Functions

The Executive Functions are a set of processes that all have to do with managing oneself and one's resources in order to achieve a goal. It is an umbrella term for the neurologically-based skills involving mental control and self-regulation. STEP 1: Watch the Youtube Videos about Executive Functions and what you can learn about yourself by taking the survey. STEP 2: (❗️) Click on the link to the K&M Center Website and look for the box that says "What are your child's skills?" and click the link for the EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONING QUIZ. Click STUDENT QUIZ and enter your First Name, Grade, Age, Gender, and Tech Freire GMail Address. When you complete the quiz (there are 40 Questions) you will see your RESULTS. Record the Numerical Score for each of the categories so you can transfer them to the worksheet we started earlier this week. Taks a minute to review the results and the definitions of the categories. The higher the number the stronger that Executive Function is for you. Remember, this is just a snapshot for today. You could take the quiz again and have different results depending on a number of variables. The lower numbers may tell you about areas you need to improve, but it is not completely accurate either. STEP 3: (❗️) Open the worksheet we created earlier this week ((❗️) DL Personal Inventory Survey Results Worksheet) Record your scores and the date in the area indicated for EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS and write 1-2 Sentences about "What Did You Learn?"


1. Youtube Video: "In Brief: Executive Functions: Skills for Life and Learning" by CDC@Harvard

2. Youtube Video: "What is Executive Function" by Autism Pirate

3. Executive Functions Student Quiz by K&M Center (Click Here for Link)

Multiple Intelligences

(Wikipedia)The theory of multiple intelligences differentiates human intelligence into specific 'modalities', rather than seeing intelligence as dominated by a single general ability. Howard Gardner proposed this model in his 1983 book Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences.

( Multiple intelligences is a theory first posited by Harvard developmental psychologist Howard Gardner in 1983 that suggests human intelligence can be differentiated into eight modalities: visual-spatial, verbal-linguistic, musical-rhythmic, logical-mathematical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic and bodily-kinesthetic.   Multiple intelligences refers to a theory describing the different ways students learn and acquire information. These multiple intelligences range from the use of words, numbers, pictures and music, to the importance of social interactions, introspection, physical movement and being in tune with nature.

STEP 1:  Review the Multiple Intelligences Infograph Image (See Attached)

STEP 2:  Watch one, or all, of the Youtube Videos about Multiple Intelligences

STEP 3: (❗️) Click the Link to the "Multiple Intelligences - - Assessment" and take the survey.
When you are finished (Answer ALL The Questions) you will see Numerical Scores for your Multiple Intelligences.
Record your scores so you can enter them on the Document we created in class earlier this week.

STEP 4: (❗️)  Enter your scores on the Google Document ((❗️) DL Personal Inventory Survey Results Worksheet)
Make sure to enter today's date and then Write 1-2 Sentences about what you learned.


Reference Image:  Multiple Intelligences Infograph

Youtube Video:  Multiple Intelligences by Powtoon

Youtube Video:  8 Intelligences - Theory of Multiple Intelligences Explained by Psychology Today

Assessment Survey:  Multiple Intelligences -- Assessment by

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

090121: Learning Styles (GDoc)

This week you will be learning about How You LEARN, How You LEAD, and How You FOLLOW Directions and Process Information.  Each day you will be reviewing information about a series of survey's and learning tools that will help you learn about yourself.  These tools will help you figure out in what areas you have strength's and what areas may need improvement.  The KEY to this week is to remind yourself that all of these surveys are just "Snapshots" of you on the day you take them.  You can change, grow, adapt, and be different based on your learning, skills, practice, attitude, emotions and reactions, and other variables each day.  The results of this week should give you a better idea of how you learn, areas where your strengths are, and maybe even a little insight to a future career or skills you can use to be successful!  Relax and take each day as a new learning experience, and above all try to have a little fun with these activities!  All The Best! - Mr. S

LEARNING STYLES (Information & Survey)
Many people recognize that each person prefers different learning styles and techniques. Learning styles group common ways that people learn. Everyone has a mix of learning styles. Some people may find that they have a dominant style of learning, with far less use of the other styles. Others may find that they use different styles in different circumstances. There is no right mix. Nor are your styles fixed. You can develop ability in less dominant styles, as well as further develop styles that you already use well.

STEP 1:  Watch one, or all, of the YouTube Videos about Learning Styles

STEP 2:    Click the Link Below "What's Your Learning Style? 20 Questions" and answer all the questions.  Write down "Your Scores:"  You should get a percentage score for Auditory, Visual, and Tactile.  Read a little about the type of learner you are on the website before moving on.

STEP 3:  (❗️) GRADED - Click on the link below and MAKE A COPY of the Google Document "DL Personal Inventory Survey Results Worksheet"

STEP 4:  Add your LAST NAME and Period Number to the TITLE of the Document.

STEP 5: (❗️) GRADED  Under the section for Learning Styles enter your scores for A, V, & T.  Enter the Date you took the Survey (Today), and write a sentence about what you learned in the space provided.  Tomorrow you will use the SAME DOCUMENT to record more scores.  We will be completing all the sections of this form, either in SYNCH or ASYNCH classes this week.  This document is also one of the items you can use to meet the mandatory Pennsylvania Career Education & Work Standards for each student.  You should SHARE the Document with your counselor when you discuss future plans and careers.


What's Your Learning Style?  20 Questions Survey (Click Here)

(❗️) DL Personal Inventory Survey Results Worksheet (Google Document Worksheet)

Youtube Videos
Learning Styles POWTOON by Sage Targaryen

Learning Styles by ASCatRIT

The Theory of Learning Styles by Pinnacle of Man

Discover Your Learning Style by

Dragons Breathe Fire

Dragons Breathe Fire