
Digital Literacy Class: We are going to learn about so many incredible ways to be creative, collaborative, and to communicate. We will focus on computer skills and applications. Some topics you already know about, and you will know better, and other topics and applications will be new to you! Either way, we will work together to find the ones you are able to use best. This class consists of Project-Based-Learning. You will be given plenty of time to learn the skills and applications that you will use for a lifetime. I hope you enjoy the material we will cover. - Mr. S

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Single Page Websites - Public Service Announcements (MP2)

check out  This is a fantastic way to create a single-page website for an event, project, or other reason to post work.  Eventually, you might even want to post an E-Portfolio of your work to show prospective employers or colleges.  If you master this tool, you will be creating
stunning, professional-quality sites in no time!  Have Fun With This

What is a Public Service Announcement

"There are many different definitions for a public service announcement (PSA) or public service ad,
but the simplified version of PSAs are messages in the public interest
disseminated by the media without charge, with the objective of raising
awareness, changing public attitudes and behavior towards a social
" - Wikipedia Definition

Getting Started (from Center For DIGITAL Education Website)

  1. Choose your topic. Pick a subject that is important to you, as
    well as one you can visualize. Keep your focus narrow and to the point.
    More than one idea confuses your audience, so have one main idea per


  2. Time for some research - you need to know your stuff! Try to get
    the most current and up to date facts on your topic. Statistics and
    references can add to a PSA. You want to be convincing and accurate.


  3. Consider your audience. Are you targeting parents, teens,
    teachers or some other social group? Consider your target audience's
    needs, preferences, as well as the things that might turn them off. They
    are the ones you want to rally to action. The action suggested by the
    PSA can be almost anything. It can be spelled out or implied in your
    PSA, just make sure that message is clear.

  4. Create an outline and keep your facts to a few simple statements.
    A single-page PSA will typically require about 5 to 7 concise facts.
    Highlight the major and minor points that you want to make. Be sure the
    information presented in the PSA is based on up-to-date, accurate
    research, findings and/or data.


  5. Grab your audience's attention. You might use visual effects, an
    emotional response, humor, or surprise to catch your target audience.
    Be careful, however, of using scare tactics. Attention-getters are
    needed, but they must be carefully selected.


  6. Find your audience and get their reaction. How do they respond
    and is it in the way you expected? Your goal is to call your audience to
    action. Are they inspired?


go to and create a website.  Create an account using
your Gmail address and a password you can remember.  On
you just click "Create Account" and enter your First Name, Email
Address, and a Password you can remember.  You may use photos, youtube
video links, and other items.  Please make sure your website has the
following items to receive credit for this project:

Here is a video to help you with (CLICK HERE)

Here are the steps to create a new website:

  1. Log Into Your Google Account

  2. Go to

  3. Sign In with your FIRST NAME, CCS Email Address, and a PASSWORD you can remember.

  4. Select ANY Template you like by moving the cursor over it and CLICK "Start Editing"

  5. Use "View Example" to see what it might look like before choosing the Template. (Then Step 4)

  6. Review the MENU to the Left.

  • PREVIEW: Shows what the site will look like LIVE

  • PUBLISH: Puts The Website LIVE Online (You can still make changes)

  • STYLES: Allows a change to a whole new style or type of site.

  • SETTINGS: Change other settings about your site:

    • Basic Info:  Site Title, Category of Site, Description, Keywords, Language

    • Domains:  You MUST use (any words) unless you pay.

    • Sharing Information: Social Image Share, Favicon, Twitter Card?

    • Mobile Actions: Do Not Worry About These (Must Go PRO) (DO NOT GO PRO! - Costs $)

    • Header & Footer Display Settings



  1. Preview all of the SECTIONS listed on the Site you chose.

  2. Adjust each SECTION to fit with your overall THEME and what you need to get your Message across to your viewers.

  3. Once you have Setup your SECTIONS the way you want,  spend time on each section entering pictures, video, facts and links.

  4. When complete click
    PUBLISH and then Copy & Paste the link you created into an email to
    Mr. S for credit.  (

Here is what your "Public Service Announcement" STRIKINGLY Website should include:

  1. Website must be created using

  2. Website must include keywords ccstech and collegiumpsa

  3. Website must have at least one picture and one video (embedded)

  4. Website must have an informational theme

  5. Website must include
    at least 4-5 sentences of REAL DATA about your topic.  You  must have at
    least four (4) FACTS and one (1) SOURCE listed as a reference.  

  6. Finally, when you are
    done, please search Google Classroom for at least 5 other websites
    created by our class and post comments on them.  Be careful to be
    helpful not hurtful and let your classmates know that you appreciate
    their efforts!  


Make sure you post the link to your site on the Schoology Class Page as a comment FOR CREDIT!

In addition to the items above, you must also include the following items on your new website:

  1. Add
    a video to your website.  You may copy/paste the link from Youtube or
    Vimeo, but it must be appropriate for school use.  DO NOT POST ANYTHING
    that might be offensive or inappropriate.

  2. Add a FORM for visitors to send you an email.  

  3. Add a MAP of the address of our school. 


Somewhere at the bottom of your page you must include the following references for your FACTS:

  1. "(Fact 1)".  Author, Website/Book/Article/Place Found

  2. "(Fact 2)".  Author, Website/Book/Article/Place Found

  3. "(Fact 3)".  Author, Website/Book/Article/Place Found

  4. "(Fact 4)".  Author, Website/Book/Article/Place Found

  5. "(Fact 5)".  Author, Website/Book/Article/Place Found

  6. "(Fact 6)".  Author, Website/Book/Article/Place Found 

This project is a good way for you to present a topic you are interested in.  Please make sure you follow ALL DIRECTIONS POSTED HERE.  You may need to review this site multiple times to make sure you are including all of the items required for credit.

Have Fun With This!!

- Mr. S


Students will use online collaboration tools (STRIKINGLY.COM) to create a single-page webpage.  Students will learn to use the online toolbar in to add content to their website, share their website, and publish their website online.  Students will comment (positively) on other pages posted.


 Students will enter the class quietly and LOG IN to Google Accounts.  Students will read all directions posted on the class assignment site prior to starting work.  Students will choose a Public Service Announcement topic to create a web-page about using  Students will be guided through the creation process for a website, and then be given time in class to complete the project.  Students must SHARE their projects, once published, by posting the link on Schoology.  Once complete, Students will then review other sites created by their peers, and leave constructive (positive) comments to each other!

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