
Digital Literacy Class: We are going to learn about so many incredible ways to be creative, collaborative, and to communicate. We will focus on computer skills and applications. Some topics you already know about, and you will know better, and other topics and applications will be new to you! Either way, we will work together to find the ones you are able to use best. This class consists of Project-Based-Learning. You will be given plenty of time to learn the skills and applications that you will use for a lifetime. I hope you enjoy the material we will cover. - Mr. S

Monday, May 17, 2021

05/17 - 05/18 (HYBRID): Digital Literacy Independent Project(s) / Capstone

You have finally made it to the End of the Course!  Students will now work on projects that will highlight their favorite digital tools.  You may choose from the following list of projects that are based on overall point values.  Each student MUST COMPLETE 5 Total Points of Projects in the next 2 weeks.  Please choose from the projects below, listed by point value, to determine which projects to turn in prior to the end of the marking period:





    A - Design Your Own Project:  Please create an original project, fill out the form completely (link
    below), and get it approved in advance!  TFDL PROJECT PROPOSAL FORM (Click Here)
    Use the Extra Credit Link (Click Here) for ideas for these projects.  You MUST USE Multiple
    Digital Literacy Tools for these projects.  These are also the only projects that you can do 
    Collaboratively with other students.


    B - Public Service Announcement Website:  Students will create a single-page public service
    announcement.  All topics MUST BE PRE-APPROVED by Mr. S.  You must include at least 4 facts
    about your topic, multiple images / videos, titles and additional credit for design, style, and message
    clarity.  You can use the Digital Portfolio Google Site (Click Here) assignment link for help!

    C - Digital Animation Project:  Students can submit another Digital Animation project.  This must
    be a NEW PROJECT.  You must follow the same directions as the earlier DA project completed.
    Check out the directions at DIGITAL ANIMATION 2021 (Click Here)

    D - WeVideo / Video Creation Project:  Create a video, similar to the one we made in class using
    using titles, credits, at least 4 facts about your topic of choice, and photos/video clips.  Videos should
    be 1-2 minutes in length, but no longer than 3 minutes for credit. Video Project Lesson Link

    E - Code.Org Solo Project:  Students can create an original animation, game, or application using  You can choose the type of program you will create and outline the project, code it, and
    debug it before presenting it for a grade.  Go to and get some ideas.  You can also use other
    programming resources by using the Design Your Own Project choice listed above.  Be specific
 the project you are creating on the project sign-up form.

    F - Architectural Design Project:  Students can use the resources found at
    GREAT ROOM DESIGN PROJECT (Click Here) to design a home, rooms, or other design project
    for credit.  Details can be included in your project sign-up form.

    G- Mentor Interview Project:  Identify and Interview a community member you know. 
    You can identify and write-up an interview with someone from your community that you consider
    a mentor.  This could be a teacher, family member, or someone else you think is a good role model.
    Use the HERO PROJECT ASSIGNMENT (Click Here) as a model for this project.


    H - Research Paper:  Pic a topic and write a 1-2 page research paper in MLA format with two
    correctly cited resources.  You can use the MLA SHORT FORM RESEARCH PAPER (Click Here)
    link for more ideas and information.

    I - Stock Market Project:  Choose at least 3 different stocks to track and write a paragraph about
    each explaining why you think they are a good investment.  Track their prices for at least a week,
    and then report your findings with a chart or graph using Google Sheets.

    J - TinkerCad Design:  Design something in TinkerCad that you would like to reproduce. 
    Explain why you chose this project and how you could print your design (3D Printer) and mass
    produce it.  What are the practical applications of this project, and how would you scale it up for

    K - Photo Show Video: Create a simple video with photos and music 30-60 seconds in length.


    L -  Original Music:  Use resources on the class reference site to create original music and submit it 
    for credit.  Soundtrap and FreeSound Lesson Post (Click Here)

    M - Photo Collage:  Use resources on the class reference site to create a digital photo collage.

    N - Digital Poster:  Choose a topic and use digital resources to create a decorative/informational
    digital poster about it.

    O - TinkerCad Basic Design:  Create a basic design using CAD tools discussed in class this year.


    P - Code.Org Hour of Code: Students can complete individual projects from the
    website.  Each project is worth a single point and should be able to be completed individually.  
    Students should post the finished link to their progress for credit

    Q - Digital Art: Use Sketchpad (or similar application) to create digital art that you can show off
    using our class padlet listed above.

    R - Digital Photography:  Students will get 1/4-point for every ORIGINAL Digital Photo submitted
    Photos must be posted, labeled, and include some description of where, when, and why they reflect
    some topic or idea covered in our class this year.

    S - Google Slides Presentation:  Student can complete a basic presentation on almost any topic
    for this project.  Presentations for other classes for Q4 can be submitted for credit.

HAVE FUN WITH THESE FINAL PROJECTS!  Each Student MUST Complete at least 5-Points worth of projects.  Any additional time in class this year can be spent making up any work you need to complete for this class, or another.  Remember that the week of June 3rd there will be a brief (and easy) final exam.  Good Luck! - Mr. S

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

05/11 - 05/14 (HYBRID): "Great Room" Design Project

Students will demonstrate their understanding of the basics of design by designing their own "great room," using appropriate color schemes.  Students will develop a basic understanding  of interior design principles. They will design a room of their own using one of the design tools listed below.

Check out this cool site:  


Students will:

  • 1. learn about art as a profession as well as an a vocation.
  • 2. practice measuring to scale.
  • 3. convert actual to scale sizes.
  • 4. learn to draw given lengths accurately.
  • 5. integrate with a geometry unit in mathematics.
  • 6. integrate with writing and computer technology by developing a precise description of their dream room.
1. Each student will select furniture for their "great room." They are to plan a pleasing layout and consider the traffic pattern.

2. A focal point should be identified.

3. Students are to color their room. They should include as many samples and pictures as possible to give a reasonable feel of the room.

Items should be downloaded/scanned to produce your final product.

Project Overview:  You could choose a room in your own home to redesign.  This redesign will include the following details:

Flooring:  Carpeting, wood, panel, pre-fabricated, or tile?

Wall Covering/Paint:  How many gallons of paint, and what colors?  Do you need primer?  1-2 coats?  Per Gallon Square Footage will tell you how much to buy!  Wallpaper, or something else entirely?  Wainscot, paneling?

Window Treatments:  Curtains, blinds, etc.

Furniture:  Any furniture you might need for your new room.

Electronics:  Television, Cable versus Network/Internet Only, computer or laptop, how many remotes, audio components, lighting (built in vs. lamps, etc.).  Heating/Cooling (vents vs. window/floor based units).

Additional Items as necessary:  These could include ceiling fans, refrigerators/snack areas, or other specialty items.  Think about how you could best use space, and what you would want to be doing in this room.

New Windows/Doors if necessary.

GOAL:  You are the designer/salesperson and you need to create a space that you might want to buy / or create in the future. This will mean that you can design the space and price all of the items in it so you know the cost breakdown if you ever decide to buy these items..  You do not need to estimate labor costs for this project.  We will assume, for sake of argument, that you are going to do all the work, with no major changes to electrical, structural, or plumbing.

Utilizing the design tools on one of the websites (applications) above, students will create a "Great Room" of their choice.  They must add floors, walls, doors, windows, furniture and any other items to make their room "Great".  They must submit, by GMail or Google Drive at least one 2D (overhead design) and two 3D renderings of the design for credit.  Additional learning activities are listed below if students choose to use this project as a year-end design project.

Activity 1:  Pick a room or imagine a room you would like to re-design.  Sketch out the dimensions of the room and begin to think about all of the items you would like to include.

Activity 2:  Choose one of the design tools listed above.  Begin by drawing the room dimensions and adding windows, doors, and other construction items that might be in the room such as closets, plumbing, or lights / outlets/

Activity 3:  Add furniture and other items as you can.  If you cannot place them in the room, use pictures of those items found on different shopping websites or google images to display the items you are choosing for this project

Activity 4:  GO SHOPPING ONLINE:  When shopping you must find each item you are putting in your new room.  Try to record dimensions for each item so you can enter them on your design program if possible.. Obviously the items on floor planner will not be exactly like the items you find shopping, so you will need to add pictures to your presentation (see below).  Make sure to save images of all items chosen to include on your presentation.  You will also need quantity, item descriptions, and sources, in addition to pricing and delivery information.

Activity 5:  Create a Google Slides (Click for Template) presentation that outlines your designs, includes images of your room (prior to the changes), and screen shots of the design from with images of the items you chose.  You must also include a breakdown of all your costs, and a final price for the items.

Get suggestions from friends, family, and other people you trust.  Create a room that is just for you!  Share the final presentation with Mr. S ( by making a copy of the Google Slides Template and sharing it on Google Drive.  Good Luck!


Common Core State Standards for Mathematics


Recognize area as an attribute of plane figures and understand concepts of area measurement.


Find the area of a rectangle with whole-number side lengths by tiling it, and show that the area is the same as would be found by multiplying the side lengths.


Multiply side lengths to find areas of rectangles with whole-number side lengths in the context of solving real world and mathematical problems, and represent whole-number products as rectangular areas in mathematical reasoning.


Solve problems involving scale drawings of geometric figures, including computing actual lengths and areas from a scale drawing and reproducing a scale drawing at a different scale.


Recognize and represent proportional relationships between quantities.

Common Core Anchor Standards for English Language Arts - Grade 3-6

Speaking and Listening Standards

Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas

4. Present information, findings, and supporting evidence such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

5. Make strategic use of digital media and visual displays of data to express information and enhance understanding of presentations.

ISTE NETS for Students 2016:

4. Innovative Designer
Students use a variety of technologies within a design process to identify and solve problems by creating new, useful or imaginative solutions. Students:

d. exhibit a tolerance for ambiguity, perseverance and the capacity to work with open-ended problems.

6. Creative Communicator
Students communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a variety of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital media appropriate to their goals. Students:

a. choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the desired objectives of their creation or communication.

b. create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations.

d. publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for their intended audiences.

Friday, May 7, 2021

05/07 - 05/10 (HYBRID): TinkerCad / Digital Design Process

Tinkercad is a free, easy-to-use app for 3D design, electronics, and coding. It's used by teachers, kids, hobbyists, and designers to imagine, design, and make anything!

In this unit students will be working with a beginning 3D design software called TinkerCadTinkerCad is a product of AutoDesk, which is a software company that makes architecture, engineering, constructing and manufacturing software. TinkerCad is browser based, so students do not need to download or install software, and is intuitive and easy to use.  

Students will learn the basics of creating digital 3D models that could be printed on a 3D printer. They will work their way through several tutorials to learn the basics of the program. 


Students should go ahead and create a 3D design of their name.  As an extension, they can explore and add additional 3D designs to the workplane.  When finished, students should take a screenshot of their design in order to upload to their digital portfolio.

Step-By-Step Directions!
Step 1:  Sign into Google Apps.
Step 2:  Create an account on TinkerCad
Step 3:  Complete the Basic Tutorial program
Step 4:  Use the Tools and Skills from the Tutorial
        - Create a Design of your Full Name in TinkerCad
        - Take a screenshot or download a photo of your creation
        - Send the Image to Mr. S (

Tinkercad is a free and easy-to-use app that allows students to design in 3D, which can then be printed using a 3D printer.  These Tinkercad sessions below can be particularly useful for helping to familiarize students with this application.

This series of lessons will teach all of the key features in Tinkercad, a free, web-based 3D design platform. When you have finished the lessons you will have a comprehensive knowledge of how to design/draw in 3D. After that all you need is practice to improve your skills.
Architecture and DesignComputer ScienceGraphic ArtsVisual ArtsElectronic TechnologyGraphic DesignEducational TechnologyElementary EducationGeometry

ISTE Standards:

1. Creativity and innovation Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology. 
    a. Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes 
    b. Create original works as a means of personal or group expression 
    c. Use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues 
    d. Identify trends and forecast possibilities 

2. Communication and collaboration Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. 
    a. Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of
        digital environments and media 
    b. Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety             of media and formats 
    c. Develop cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with learners of other 
    d. Contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems 

4. Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources. 
    a. Identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigation 
    b. Plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project 
    c. Collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions 
    d. Use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative solutions 

6. Technology operations and concepts Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations. 
    a. Understand and use technology systems 
    b. Select and use applications effectively and productively 
    c. Troubleshoot systems and applications 
    d. Transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

05/04 - 05/06 (HYBRID): Informational / Introduction Video Project (WeVideo)

Have you ever wanted to make a video to post on YouTube, Twitter, or Facebook? With this tutorial, you will be able to add music, transitions and effects to images and video clips in order to make fun videos to share with your friends. You will need your Chromebook (or laptop/desktop) and it will helpful to already have a folder with images (JPEG) or video clips (MOV), and at least one music (WAV, MP3) file.

DO NOW:  Create/Send Technology Constructed Response Email

TO:  Mr. Scribner (
SUBJECT: VIDEO Project Topic

BODY:  Describe, in 1-2 Sentences, what topic you are interested in creating a video about.  Think about any topic you like, and try to imagine a video that illustrates your ideas or subject.  You could also create an introduction video with information about yourself as a student here at Tech Freire HS.

WEVIDEO.COM Information and Tutorials
Create an account and SIGN IN on WEVIDEO.COM, 
CLICK on the link for HELP and follow directions.

Step 1: Download or Create your own music files. (You must EXPORT your Music as a .WAV file and place it on the Desktop of your Computer.  You could also use the built-in (free) music in WeVideo.

Step 2: Find and Download 5-10 Pictures or Images you are interested in using. Place those Images in the Download folder of your Chromeboook.

Step 3: Open and using the FILE Menu click on NEW PROJECT

Step 4: Name your Project "(Your Last Name) Video TFDL 2021 P(?)"

Step 5: Use the CHOOSE PHOTOS/VIDEO BUTTON to select video/image files to use.

Step 6: Use the CHOOSE MUSIC BUTTON to select the audio file you will use.

Step 7: Use the pointer to place images and pictures in the proper order for the video.

Step 8: Use toolbars to enter TITLES and Text.

Step 9: Use toolbars to add effects and transitions.

Step 10: Export / Save the final file to the Downloads.

Step 11: Upload and SHARE your Final Movie Project using Google Drive. 


by (Your Initials) TFDL 2021 P(#)

Grading Rubric 
Within Time Limit = 15 points 
Clear Pictures = 15 points 
Titles = 15 points 
Appropriate Music = 15 points 
Effects / Transitions = 15 points 
GDrive Shared = 15 points 
Creative (Subjective) = 10 points 

Total Score = x/100 points

Students will be able to use WeVideo Video Editor to create a short (30-60 second) Informational / Introduction Video. Students will be given an introduction to today. Before we start with WeVideo, you will review an example video.  Please complete the Technology GMAIL Constructed Response, then follow all directions listed.

Project: Each Student will create an Informational / Introduction Video using the WeVideo Editor. You must be able to save your work, export your Movie, and upload it to your Google Drive. You will then SHARE your file with me for credit. 


Dragons Breathe Fire

Dragons Breathe Fire