
Digital Literacy Class: We are going to learn about so many incredible ways to be creative, collaborative, and to communicate. We will focus on computer skills and applications. Some topics you already know about, and you will know better, and other topics and applications will be new to you! Either way, we will work together to find the ones you are able to use best. This class consists of Project-Based-Learning. You will be given plenty of time to learn the skills and applications that you will use for a lifetime. I hope you enjoy the material we will cover. - Mr. S

Monday, November 2, 2020

11/2 - 11/3 (A): 12x12x12 Rule (Perceptions of Others)

Today is the day before what could be one of the most pivitol, and devisive elections in modern history.  I do not want to focus on the election itself, but on a simple rule that we unconciously should break.  It is important that as young adults you will be asked to step into the offices and careers that will one day shape future generations.  In an attempt to help you understand how important it is to be tolerant, accepting, and be the person in the room who can lead from a higher point of view, please consider spending a few minutes today in reflection of the materials below.  You will watch the videos, read the passage, and write a Journal Entry in your Digital Portfolio for credit.  To verify that you completed your assignment today, please copy/paste your response into an email to Mr. S ( for credit.

Step 1:  Please READ the passage below (12x12x12 Rule) 

12x12x12 RULE (

12 by 12 by 12 is the distance at which you are being judged by the people you meet every day of every week of every year of your life.  It is also the distance you judge others if you are not aware of this rule, and try to change this perception.

Your first impression starts 12 feet away. This is the distance people see what you are wearing and how you are acting. This is the first chance you have to make sure that people see you in a positive, accepting light. 

At 12 inches away you are now about to speak. People will notice the minute details of the way your face looks as you smile, frown, or grimace. People are judging your looks, your demeanor, and the way you carry yourself. The way you shake a hand, smell to others, and present yourself are now under the microscope and you should be aware that what you are about to say will forever place a note in people’s head about your level of maturity.

Finally, the first 12 words you speak are a reflection of your heritage, upbringing, and education level. Whether you like it or not, the person you are interacting with is taking a mental picture of you for future reference. What kind of picture have you given them? How can you make a difference in how you appear? 

The mark we leave on the world is a made up of the thousands of appearances in other people’s memories. How you are perceived by others is the only yardstick we are all measured equally by. Make your impression a positive lasting one with others, and you will make your world a better place live in. 

Step 2:  Watch the Videos 

1. "All Of Us" Video Link (Click Here)

2.  "Too Quick to Judge" (Youtube)

Step 3:  Write a Journal Entry (Digital Portfolio

  a. Open your Google Drive and Locate your Digital Portfolio.

  b. Navigate to the Journal Page

  c. Click TEXT BOX in the Tool Bar

  d. Create a Journal Entry similiar to the example below.

(❗️) Journal Entry Example:

02 November 2020: Rule of 12x12x12
Please write 3-4 Sentences about your feelings about the 12x12x12 Rule and the meanings of the videos you watched.  Make sure to write about whether you think these ideas are right or wrong and how you might change the way you act and judge others now that you are aware of them.

STEP 4:  (❗️)  Send Gmail Verification

Copy and Paste your Journal Entry to a Gmail to Mr. S for credit.  Please use the following email address to send a copy of your Journal entry to Mr. S:

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