
Digital Literacy Class: We are going to learn about so many incredible ways to be creative, collaborative, and to communicate. We will focus on computer skills and applications. Some topics you already know about, and you will know better, and other topics and applications will be new to you! Either way, we will work together to find the ones you are able to use best. This class consists of Project-Based-Learning. You will be given plenty of time to learn the skills and applications that you will use for a lifetime. I hope you enjoy the material we will cover. - Mr. S

Sunday, November 17, 2019

It's Your Business! Production Company Logo 19-20 S1

DO NOW:  Read the "How To Create A Logo" article.  When you have finished, open your Google Sites Student Portfolio and go to your Journal Page.  Create a NEW journal entry and write a paragraph (3-4 Sentences) to answer the following question(s):

Why Are Logo's Important - 18 November 2019

Please write a paragraph about why you think logo's are important for companies.  From your reading, why do companies create logo's, and what type of logo do you want to create?  What is the meaning behind the logo you imagine?  

Make sure you use the "R.A.C.E.S." method when you answer the questions above in your journal.  

R - Repeat the question, A- Answer the question, C - Cite Evidence supporting your answer, E - Explain Evidence or show Examples, S - Summarize your thoughts or conclusions.


Made With

You are about to create a logo for your new company.  This logo, in one way or another, must appear on all documents, videos, websites, and any other media that you create for this class until the end of the Semester.  Both the video logo you made previously, and the one you design today, should have a similar message and features/style.  Think about why your company needs a logo.  What emotions should your design evoke in people who see it?  What types of messages will be attached to this logo, and how can you turn this into a brand?  Once you answer these questions, you are ready to design!

THINK about yourself as the owner/executive producer of a design studio.  You will eventually create a website, videos, and other media associated with this production studio.  What kind of studio do you want to create?  What types of entertainment/news/sports media are you interested in creating?  What social issues might your studio stand for?  How can you be creative with the symbol of your studio so people will recognize it, and want to see your movies, websites, or articles?  Take the answers to these questions, and create a logo for your new production studio! 

Having trouble imagining a name for your new company?  Check this out for a little help:

Made With DesignEVO

Create a LOGO using photos, drawing, or any other medium.  Watch the video about why a LOGO is important "Why is a Professional Logo Important?" (Click Here).  You should be able to create something with either program.  I would suggest using the LogoGarden Application to start getting ideas, but to get a higher quality logo, you will need to use Inkscape (more information to follow tomorrow), or (See Below).

You can use the Free Logo Designer on LogoGarden to help you come up with an idea, but you will not be able to download your creation as a High Resolution Image.  There are literally hundreds of other free websites to help you.  Pick one!  Once you have designed it on LogoGarden, try to use a drawing program or PowerPoint to recreate your logo.  Once you have created it and saved it as a PICTURE, you should be able to use it to create all kinds of projects for your new prodution company.  HAVE FUN!

LogoMakr - The fastest and easiest way to create free logos online! Choose a name for your business. Choose a template amongst thousands of free logos inside the editor. Customize your logo by changing the color, shape, font, etc. Download your free logo or purchase a high-resolution version. - Create and Download a Low-Res Logo for Free!!

DesignEvo is a free online logo maker with 7000+ templates that anyone can use to bring to life a compelling, unique logo in minutes.

YouiDraw: Whether you're getting started or an experienced designer, Drawing online tool is a powerful vector graphic design solution on web. With online graphic design in various environment, you have everything you need to express your style and creativity.

Why do vector? As designers, a work often face a different screen size, resolution. Vector graphics can be adjusted as the size of graphics formats without distortion is the best choice. Whether mobile devices, advertising, computer, posters, cards and other design users, vector design are met.

Made With Logo Garden


You must create a LOGO for your new company.  This will be the symbol of your company and product line.  Think about what was mentioned in the video you saw above.  This LOGO will appear on all of your Professional Media, and should reflect your Brand, Company, Products, and Ideas/Ideals.  

Save a copy of this logo online.  For Credit, you need to UPLOAD a copy of your logo to your Google Drive and SHARE it with Mr Scribner ( for credit.

More Videos to help you understand what logo's are for:

Step By Step Directions:


Step 2:  Review videos attached to get an idea of what a logo is for, the types of logo's, and why you should create one for your new production company.

Step 3:  Hand Sketch your ideas for your new logo on blank paper to give yourself some creative time to make your logo come alive on paper before trying to create it online.

Step 4:  Go to LogoGarden (See Link Above) and use the Logo Designer to create a Low-Resolution logo for your production studio.  When you have created a Low Resolution version of your logo, download it, and Upload it to your Google Drive for future use.

Step 5:  Go to DesignEVO (See Link Above) and use the Logo Designer to create a Medium-Resolution logo for your studio, with the same overall design theme.

Step 6:  Go to Inkscape (on your computer), or YouiDraw online and create a High Resolution version of your logo with the same design theme.  Make sure to Upload ALL your logo's to your Google Drive and SHARE them with Mr. S ( for credit.


Performance ObjectiveBeginning / Developing (0-3)Accomplished (4)Exemplary (5)
Overall Project PerformanceOne Logo created using one of the logo creation applications. File in Google Drive created and all completed files uploaded correctly. File SHARED with instructor for credit on Google Drive.At least two completed logo's using different logo creation applications. File in Google Drive created and all completed files uploaded correctly. File SHARED with instructor for credit on Google Drive.At least three completed logo's using 3 different logo creation applications. File in Google Drive created and all completed files uploaded correctly. File SHARED with instructor for credit on Google Drive.
AttractivenessColors, backgrounds, and/or text are not used effectively but are readable. Icons and other graphical elements don’t seem to serve any useful purpose other than for decoration. The logo is unattractive or distractingOverall graphic balance and organization of the logo is acceptable. There is an appropriate balance of easy to read titles, text, colors and graphics. The logo is attractive but promotes limited viewer interest.The overall appearance of the logo is pleasing. Titles, text, colors, and graphics are exemplary. The logo is attractive and stimulates the viewers interest.
Layout / DesignThe project has text and graphics however; they lack or have too much white space. There is little unity and consistency among the text and graphic elements.There is adequate unity but some inconsistency among text and graphic elements. Text and graphic elements are arranged but lack appropriate white space appearing cluttered.There is unity and consistency among text and graphic elements. Text and graphic elements are arranged to create an organized white space.
Technical ElementsThe project uses material with minimal manipulation. Although technology is needed, an original product is not produced.The project manipulates material using technology but the product lacks originalityThe project manipulates material to crate an original product. The project demonstrates the benefits of using technology in the creative process
Content / OriginalityThe design is similar in several ways to another logo. Student appears to have recognized a logo and some of the elements that make up a logo.Design is original but similar in one way to another logo. Student can recognize a logo and the elements that make up a logo.The design is unique and original. The student can recognize a logo and the elements that make up a logo.


Today students will be creating a LOGO for a fictional company that they would like to start.  They should follow the step-by-step instructions listed above after completing the DO NOW Journal Entry on their Google Sites Student Portfolio.  They should also spend time reviewing the videos and other media on this post to get an idea of why companies use logo's and how they are created.  Once the review is complete, and they follow the directions above they can create 2-3 logos using different applications.  This will give them an idea of the difference between Low Resolution and High Resolution.  Students can submit their work for credit by uploading the images to their Google Drive. 

Please SHARE your files with Mr. S ( for credit.


Students will work individually on the assigned projects. Students must complete a hand-drawn version of the project prior to starting on their computer.

Standards Covered In This Class

PA 3.7.7 & 11 Section C / ISTE 2018

CSTA Tied With Common Core ELA/Math rev. 2019

PA CEW 2018 Standards

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