
Digital Literacy Class: We are going to learn about so many incredible ways to be creative, collaborative, and to communicate. We will focus on computer skills and applications. Some topics you already know about, and you will know better, and other topics and applications will be new to you! Either way, we will work together to find the ones you are able to use best. This class consists of Project-Based-Learning. You will be given plenty of time to learn the skills and applications that you will use for a lifetime. I hope you enjoy the material we will cover. - Mr. S

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Be Internet Awesome! 19-20 S1

DO NOW:  Review "THE INTERNET CODE OF AWESOME" page  When you have finished, open your Google Sites Student Portfolio and go to your Journal Page.  Create a NEW journal entry and write a paragraph (3-4 Sentences) to answer the following question(s):

Be Internet Awesome / Fundamentals - 20 November 2019

Please list the five (5) Internet Fundamentals in your journal post.  Please explain why these fundamentals are important, and a few sentences about why you should keep yourself safe while online.

Make sure you use the "R.A.C.E.S." method when you answer the questions above in your journal.  (R - Repeat the question, A- Answer the question, C - Cite Evidence supporting your answer, E - Explain Evidence or show Examples, S - Summarize your thoughts or conclusions.)

Instructor:  If possible, please show the following video in class after students have had sufficient time to complete the DO NOW (Students may also watch the video independently with headphones prior to continuing the lesson): (Click WATCH VIDEO)

To make the most of the Internet, kids need to be prepared to make smart decisions. Be Internet Awesome teaches kids the fundamentals of digital citizenship and safety so they can explore the online world with confidence.

Students should now go to INTERLAND (Click Here) and complete "the digital adventure that puts key lessons of digital safety into hands-on practice".  Make sure you click on the SETTINGS Icon in the lower right corner and TURN OFF HD Mode so it runs a little faster.  Complete as many items in Interland as possible during class.  Print the BE INTERNET AWESOME Pledge and take it home.  Review it with your parents, and bring it in signed for credit.

When you have completed all four games you are ready to take the "Be Internet Awesome Pledge."  Please take some time over the next few days to download and print the pledge (see below).  This must be signed by you and a parent and returned for credit.  Make sure you show this site to your family so they can understand some of the ways to be safe online as well.   Good Luck!


Today students will be spending their time learning about online safety using the Be Internet Awesome curriculum online.  They should enter the room and review the primary website to complete the DO NOW Journal Response.  They should then vew the video on the site, and proceed to complete the INTERLAND online game.  They can proceed at their own pace through the material, and when complete they should plan to print the BE INTERNET AWESOME PLEDGE sheet and take it home.  Students should return the sheet signed by themselves and a parent for credit.


Students will work individually on the assigned projects. Students can discuss each part of the curriculum in groups, with partners, or on their own.  Students can be paired up to facilitate differentiation, and use any accommodation or computer-based application to have the online content read to them if they require it.

Standards Covered In This Class

PA 3.7.7 & 11 Section C / ISTE 2018

CSTA Tied With Common Core ELA/Math rev. 2019

PA CEW 2018 Standards

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Informational Website (Google Sites) - Part Duex 19-20 S1

Make Sure You Add A Feedback Form, Map, and other items to your website today!



Here are the steps to create a new WEBSITE:

  1. Log Into Your Google Account

  2. Go to Google Sites (Make Sure You Are Using The NEW Google Sites Section)

  3. Click the "PLUS" Symbol in the lower right side of the page to create a new site.

  4. Use the toolbar to add sections for each item required below

  • PREVIEW: Shows what the site will look like LIVE

  • PUBLISH: Puts The Website LIVE Online (You can still make changes)

  • SETTINGS: Change other settings about your site:

    • Basic Info:  Site Title, Category of Site, Description, Keywords, Language

    • Domains:  CCS Domain/CMSCSA/Topic

    • Header & Footer Display Settings

  1. Preview all of the SECTIONS listed on the Site you chose.

  2. Adjust each SECTION to fit with your overall THEME and what you need to get your Message Across.

  3. Once you have Setup your SECTIONS the way you want,  spend time on each section entering pictures, video, facts, and links.

  4. When complete click PUBLISH and then Copy & Paste the link you created into an email to Mr. S for credit.  (

Here is what your "Informational" Website should include:

  1. The website must be created using Google Sites with a Google Form for Feedback/Questions.

  2. Website must include keywords ccstech and csainformation

  3. Website must have at least one picture and one video (embedded)

  4. Website must have an informational theme

  5. The website must include at least 4-5 sentences of REAL DATA about your topic.  You must have at least four (4) FACTS and (4) SOURCES listed as a reference.  A BIBLIOGRAPHY (APA) Section

  6. Finally, when you are done, please search the class list for at least 5 other websites created by our class and post comments on them.  Be careful to be helpful not hurtful and let your classmates know that you appreciate their efforts!  


In addition to the items above, you must also include the following items on your new website:

  1. Add a video to your website.  You may copy/paste the link from Youtube or Vimeo, but it must be appropriate for school use.  DO NOT POST ANYTHING that might be offensive or inappropriate.

  2. Add a MAP of the address of our school. 


Make sure you use the link

to make each reference for your Bibliography Section.  There are many other sources to help you do this online, but this one seems to be pretty easy to use.  Remember to create your reference in APA Format.  See Example Below:


The Best Colleges in America, Ranked. (n.d.). Retrieved from


    Have Fun With This!!

    - Mr. S


    Students will use online collaboration tools (Google Sites - Neew) to create a single-page webpage. Students will learn to use the online toolbar in Google Sites to add content to their website, 

    share their website, and publish their website online. 

    Students will comment (positively) on other pages posted online.


    Students will enter the class quietly and LOG IN to Google Accounts. Students will read all directions posted on the class assignment site prior to starting work. Students will choose an Informational Topic topic to create a web-page about using Google Sites. Students will be guided through the creation process for a Google Sites website, and then be given time in class to complete the project. Students must SHARE their projects, once published, by emailing the link to Mr.S. Once complete, Students will then review other sites created by their peers, and leave constructive (positive) comments to each other by Gmail!

    Sunday, November 17, 2019

    It's Your Business! Production Company Logo 19-20 S1

    DO NOW:  Read the "How To Create A Logo" article.  When you have finished, open your Google Sites Student Portfolio and go to your Journal Page.  Create a NEW journal entry and write a paragraph (3-4 Sentences) to answer the following question(s):

    Why Are Logo's Important - 18 November 2019

    Please write a paragraph about why you think logo's are important for companies.  From your reading, why do companies create logo's, and what type of logo do you want to create?  What is the meaning behind the logo you imagine?  

    Make sure you use the "R.A.C.E.S." method when you answer the questions above in your journal.  

    R - Repeat the question, A- Answer the question, C - Cite Evidence supporting your answer, E - Explain Evidence or show Examples, S - Summarize your thoughts or conclusions.


    Made With

    You are about to create a logo for your new company.  This logo, in one way or another, must appear on all documents, videos, websites, and any other media that you create for this class until the end of the Semester.  Both the video logo you made previously, and the one you design today, should have a similar message and features/style.  Think about why your company needs a logo.  What emotions should your design evoke in people who see it?  What types of messages will be attached to this logo, and how can you turn this into a brand?  Once you answer these questions, you are ready to design!

    THINK about yourself as the owner/executive producer of a design studio.  You will eventually create a website, videos, and other media associated with this production studio.  What kind of studio do you want to create?  What types of entertainment/news/sports media are you interested in creating?  What social issues might your studio stand for?  How can you be creative with the symbol of your studio so people will recognize it, and want to see your movies, websites, or articles?  Take the answers to these questions, and create a logo for your new production studio! 

    Having trouble imagining a name for your new company?  Check this out for a little help:

    Made With DesignEVO

    Create a LOGO using photos, drawing, or any other medium.  Watch the video about why a LOGO is important "Why is a Professional Logo Important?" (Click Here).  You should be able to create something with either program.  I would suggest using the LogoGarden Application to start getting ideas, but to get a higher quality logo, you will need to use Inkscape (more information to follow tomorrow), or (See Below).

    You can use the Free Logo Designer on LogoGarden to help you come up with an idea, but you will not be able to download your creation as a High Resolution Image.  There are literally hundreds of other free websites to help you.  Pick one!  Once you have designed it on LogoGarden, try to use a drawing program or PowerPoint to recreate your logo.  Once you have created it and saved it as a PICTURE, you should be able to use it to create all kinds of projects for your new prodution company.  HAVE FUN!

    LogoMakr - The fastest and easiest way to create free logos online! Choose a name for your business. Choose a template amongst thousands of free logos inside the editor. Customize your logo by changing the color, shape, font, etc. Download your free logo or purchase a high-resolution version. - Create and Download a Low-Res Logo for Free!!

    DesignEvo is a free online logo maker with 7000+ templates that anyone can use to bring to life a compelling, unique logo in minutes.

    YouiDraw: Whether you're getting started or an experienced designer, Drawing online tool is a powerful vector graphic design solution on web. With online graphic design in various environment, you have everything you need to express your style and creativity.

    Why do vector? As designers, a work often face a different screen size, resolution. Vector graphics can be adjusted as the size of graphics formats without distortion is the best choice. Whether mobile devices, advertising, computer, posters, cards and other design users, vector design are met.

    Made With Logo Garden


    You must create a LOGO for your new company.  This will be the symbol of your company and product line.  Think about what was mentioned in the video you saw above.  This LOGO will appear on all of your Professional Media, and should reflect your Brand, Company, Products, and Ideas/Ideals.  

    Save a copy of this logo online.  For Credit, you need to UPLOAD a copy of your logo to your Google Drive and SHARE it with Mr Scribner ( for credit.

    More Videos to help you understand what logo's are for:

    Step By Step Directions:


    Step 2:  Review videos attached to get an idea of what a logo is for, the types of logo's, and why you should create one for your new production company.

    Step 3:  Hand Sketch your ideas for your new logo on blank paper to give yourself some creative time to make your logo come alive on paper before trying to create it online.

    Step 4:  Go to LogoGarden (See Link Above) and use the Logo Designer to create a Low-Resolution logo for your production studio.  When you have created a Low Resolution version of your logo, download it, and Upload it to your Google Drive for future use.

    Step 5:  Go to DesignEVO (See Link Above) and use the Logo Designer to create a Medium-Resolution logo for your studio, with the same overall design theme.

    Step 6:  Go to Inkscape (on your computer), or YouiDraw online and create a High Resolution version of your logo with the same design theme.  Make sure to Upload ALL your logo's to your Google Drive and SHARE them with Mr. S ( for credit.


    Performance ObjectiveBeginning / Developing (0-3)Accomplished (4)Exemplary (5)
    Overall Project PerformanceOne Logo created using one of the logo creation applications. File in Google Drive created and all completed files uploaded correctly. File SHARED with instructor for credit on Google Drive.At least two completed logo's using different logo creation applications. File in Google Drive created and all completed files uploaded correctly. File SHARED with instructor for credit on Google Drive.At least three completed logo's using 3 different logo creation applications. File in Google Drive created and all completed files uploaded correctly. File SHARED with instructor for credit on Google Drive.
    AttractivenessColors, backgrounds, and/or text are not used effectively but are readable. Icons and other graphical elements don’t seem to serve any useful purpose other than for decoration. The logo is unattractive or distractingOverall graphic balance and organization of the logo is acceptable. There is an appropriate balance of easy to read titles, text, colors and graphics. The logo is attractive but promotes limited viewer interest.The overall appearance of the logo is pleasing. Titles, text, colors, and graphics are exemplary. The logo is attractive and stimulates the viewers interest.
    Layout / DesignThe project has text and graphics however; they lack or have too much white space. There is little unity and consistency among the text and graphic elements.There is adequate unity but some inconsistency among text and graphic elements. Text and graphic elements are arranged but lack appropriate white space appearing cluttered.There is unity and consistency among text and graphic elements. Text and graphic elements are arranged to create an organized white space.
    Technical ElementsThe project uses material with minimal manipulation. Although technology is needed, an original product is not produced.The project manipulates material using technology but the product lacks originalityThe project manipulates material to crate an original product. The project demonstrates the benefits of using technology in the creative process
    Content / OriginalityThe design is similar in several ways to another logo. Student appears to have recognized a logo and some of the elements that make up a logo.Design is original but similar in one way to another logo. Student can recognize a logo and the elements that make up a logo.The design is unique and original. The student can recognize a logo and the elements that make up a logo.


    Today students will be creating a LOGO for a fictional company that they would like to start.  They should follow the step-by-step instructions listed above after completing the DO NOW Journal Entry on their Google Sites Student Portfolio.  They should also spend time reviewing the videos and other media on this post to get an idea of why companies use logo's and how they are created.  Once the review is complete, and they follow the directions above they can create 2-3 logos using different applications.  This will give them an idea of the difference between Low Resolution and High Resolution.  Students can submit their work for credit by uploading the images to their Google Drive. 

    Please SHARE your files with Mr. S ( for credit.


    Students will work individually on the assigned projects. Students must complete a hand-drawn version of the project prior to starting on their computer.

    Standards Covered In This Class

    PA 3.7.7 & 11 Section C / ISTE 2018

    CSTA Tied With Common Core ELA/Math rev. 2019

    PA CEW 2018 Standards

    Friday, November 15, 2019

    Informational Website Project / Research Primer 19-20 S1

    DO NOW:  Review the following presentation:

    Think about the last time you needed to do research online, or at the library.  Please write 2-3 Sentences on the Journal Page of your Google Sites Student Portfolio about the following question(s):

    What topic did you pick?  Why did you choose that topic?  How many resources did you need to use?  What strategies did you use to find information (what search terms or keywords helped you find information)?  What format was your paper/project, and did you create a Bibliography?

    Make sure you use the R.A.C.E.S format to answer the questions above in your Journal.  R- Repeat the Question, A- Answer the Questions, C - Cite Evidence/Examples, E - Explain Evidence/Examples, S - Summarize your post.


    Five Main Reasons According To The Presentation

    1. CREDIBILITY: Researching your topic and citing your sources helps lend credibility to your paper. It demonstrates that you sought out similar information from experts in the field, which makes what you're writing more believable.

    2. PUBLICATION: Because research backs up your ideas with facts from established experts in the field, it's an industry standard. If you hope to publish in a scholarly journal, you'll have to conduct thorough research and cite it correctly to be taken seriously, and cite it correctly to be taken seriously 

    3. EDUCATION: Research gives you a broader understanding of your topic so you can speak with a more authoritative, informed voice. It allows you to understand both sides of an argument and any additional factors that contribute to your thesis statement.

    4. RESEARCH SKILLS: Many instructors assign research papers so students can develop or strengthen their research skills. In that respect, research is important because it makes you better and finding information and backing up your ideas with facts.

    5. PLAGIARISM: You may think you have a groundbreaking idea only to discover that a famous scientist already had this idea and wrote on it extensively. Taking credit for this idea, even though you thought it was original can still constitute academic dishonesty. Research helps you use that scientist's work to build on and add credibility to your idea.


    Compile: to get or gather together The student had to compile the data for the report.

    Evaluate: estimate the nature, quality, ability, extent, or significance of something
    The student could not evaluate the data without organizing it first.

    Research: a search for knowledge
    The student will research a topic of choice for the upcoming assignment.

    Extensively: in a widespread way
    All of the information put together was extensively search.

    Digital: in electronic form, transmitted electronically
    Anyone can download a digital copy of a song from ITunes.

    Organize: arrange by systematic planning and united effort
    You will have an easier time creating an outline if you organize your list of sources first.

    Information: knowledge acquired through study, experience, or instruction
    There is a wealth of information online about your topic.

    Include: have as a part, made up out of
    All students must include their contact information on the top of the sheet.

    Skill: an ability that is acquired by training
    Natural ability only becomes a skill if you practice and train harder than you thought possible.

    Provide: give something useful or necessary to
    I will provide you with the notes and resources to be successful on the upcoming quiz/

    Section: one of several parts or pieces that fit with others to create a whole object
    The percussion section of the band provides the backbone for the music and the beat to march too.

    Cite: make reference to
    If you cite your references well, people will be able to review them easier.

    Successfully: with success, in a successful manner, reach a goal
    You can be successful at anything if you focus your mind, spirit, and effort to complete it.

    Feature: prominent attribute or aspect of something
    Our lesson will feature a Travel Brochure Project at the end.

    Structure: framework, how something is constructed
    The structure of the house was unsound after the earthquake.

    Book: handwritten or printed work of fiction or non-fiction; usually on bound paper and covered
    The primary book you will choose for your project is up to you.


    Students will use online collaboration tools (Google Sites - Neew) to create a single-page webpage. Students will learn to use the online toolbar in Google Sites to add content to their website, 

    share their website, and publish their website online. 

    Students will comment (positively) on other pages posted online.


    Students will enter the class quietly and LOG IN to Google Accounts. Students will read all directions posted on the class assignment site prior to starting work. Students will choose an Informational Topic topic to create a web-page about using Google Sites. Students will be guided through the creation process for a Google Sites website, and then be given time in class to complete the project. Students must SHARE their projects, once published, by emailing the link to Mr.S. Once complete, Students will then review other sites created by their peers, and leave constructive (positive) comments to each other by Gmail!

    Tuesday, November 12, 2019

    Digital Portfolios using Google Sites

    DO NOW - Please Read The Following Article:

    REFLECTION: Open a GMAIL to Mr. Scribner and write 2-3 Sentences about why you should create a digital portfolio.  What does creating a digital portfolio have to do with overall student achievement?

    Resumes used to be the only tool you had to showcase your academic and professional achievements when you were looking for a new job. Today you have so many more options, one of which is to create a Digital Portfolio. This visual representation of your history and greatest achievements provides employers with proof of what you can do and helps them see why they should consider hiring you. It also sets you apart from all the other candidates who simply send in a resume and cover letter.


    "If you’re in the process of developing a digital portfolio, you can’t afford to view it as a mere collection of work samples; you need to think of it as your preeminent marketing piece." 

    - Ram Castillo (Award-Winning Designer and Art Director)

    "One of the inherent dangers with digital portfolios, for example, is that the technological novelty of the product could overshadow the purpose of the portfolio."

    Digital portfolios: fact or fashion?" by Helen Woodward & Phil Nanlohy


    According to Inc. Magazine (Online) and the Young Entrepreneur Council you should turn experiences into a story worth sharing.  According to the article "How to Create a Digital Portfolio That Stands Out From The Pack", some of the main reasons to create a Digital Portfolio are to:





    One of the best resources for creating a Digital Portfolio is at  There are 10 PRO Tips that are discussed in the article that you should consider using in this project.

    Here is the Process of Creating an Electronic Portfolio developed by Helen C. Barrett, Ph.D.:

    1. Creating an Interactive Portfolio with Google Sites

      1. 1.1 Getting started

    2. Keeping a Learning Journal

    3. Authoring an electronic portfolio

      1. 3.1 Create a first page - Introduction & Table of Contents

      2. 3.2 Set up a structure using goals (or themes) as organizing framework

      3. 3.3 Create one page for each section

      4. 3.4 Upload artifacts/create hyperlinks

      5. 3.5 Write reflections for each goal/skill and each artifact

      6. 3.6 Write future learning goals

      7. 3.7 Publish Portfolio - Seek Feedback

    4. Evaluating Portfolios


    Step 1:  Sign-In to Google

    Step 2:  Click your "Waffle" (Upper Right Corner) to open your list of Google Applications

    Step 3:  Click on Google Sites

    Step 4:  Watch The Video Below:

    Step 5:  Design Your Site Heading

    1. Upper Left Corner - Change the Site Name to (Your School) Student Portfolio, and ADD a Logo of your choice.

    2. Change the Site TITLE to your Full Name.

    3. Move the Pointer to the Lower Left Corner of the Heading and choose the type of Image used for the Background.  You may also Click Header Type to change the Header area.

    4. Click on the TEXT BOX button (under Insert in the menu on the right side of the screen), and add space below the Header for a Personal Mission Statement / Memorable Quote / Job or Position you are interested in.

    5. Click on one of the Layouts (under Insert in the menu on the right side of the screen), and add an "ABOUT ME:" section below the Text Box.  See the sample site at for what to write in this section.

    6. Click on one of the Layouts (under Insert in the menu on the right side of the screen), and add an additional section for at least 2 of your most recent projects that you are proud of.

    7. Click the PAGES link in the menu to the right side of the screen.  Add a PAGE labeled "CCS-CMS 535 Projects".  Add TEXT Boxes for Title Bars, and Insert Sections to add all of your work for each project.  You can Upload files, or link directly to your Google Drive.

    8. Click the PAGES link in the menu to the right side of the screen.  Add a PAGE labeled "CEW Evidence".   Use this page to link/post information about anything that would qualify as evidence for PA Career Education & Work Standards.  These can include resume's, cover letters, career project investigation surveys or worksheets, individual assessment forms, and any other documents from work you have completed.  Remember, 8th-Grade students, are required to have at least eight (8) items in this section prior to heading to high school.  You MUST have an Individual Career Plan started as well.  See your counselor for help with this.

    9. At any time during the design process you can click the PREVIEW Button and see what your site will look like. 

    Once you are in high school, or with your parent's permission, create a personal Gmail Account and use the following link to transfer your work to your own account.  This way you will not lose this as you graduate, and stop using your account:


    You must have the following items for credit:

    Header and Home Page: Students must have a legible header with your site title (Your School Student Portfolio) and a small logo of some sort.  Students must also have a "Personal Mission Statement / Memorable Quote / Job or Position You Are Interested In" section.  The "About Me" section must include a tasteful, professional-looking picture of the student (School I.D. picture is recommended), and a paragraph or two as outlined on Mr. Scribner's Sample Site.  Students must also have at least two (2) current projects outlined, with images, on the Home Page.  Make sure all titles and additional pages are accessible from this page.

    Morning Meeting/CR Journal:  Student will create this page as a place-holder for Constructed Response Items, Journal, or other posts as required.  Student can use this space to comment on news, events, or other interests.  Make sure that anything posted is school-appropriate, and in good taste, even when it might be a controversial or inflammatory topic.  Be respectful at all times.

    MS Projects Page:  Student must add sections for Computer Skills & Applications or STEAM-E, and include enough sections for every project to date.  Students should review their Google Drive and the Class Assignment Site's Archive Section ( to make sure they have all the previous projects.  Add additional sections for other classes.  There should, at minimum, be spaces for English Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science.  Make sure to LINK any work from your Google Drive for each class.

    CEW Evidence Page:    Students should scan any external document to their Google Drive prior to adding them to this page (Try to add them as a PDF).  Make sure to add all items from CSA or STEAM-E classes that qualify as CEW Evidence here, instead of on the previous page.

    Additional pages may be created for other projects, specific reasons, or at the request of other teachers.  This site should be updated regularly with new work, and evidence for PA CEW Requirements.  Use this site to reference work during interviews for jobs or college entrance meetings.  Make sure that your parents see this site, and approve of anything you post.

    When You Click "PUBLISH" You Must Title Your Page Using Your First Initial and Last Name.  See Example Below:


    Performance ObjectiveBeginning (1)Developing (2)Accomplished (3)Exemplary (4)
    Header & Home PageNo Page CreatedPage Created, Nothing On ItNoticably missing 2-3 items. Some items added but incomplete. Not adding full paragraphs for "About Me" or Professional Statement / Career Goals. Not including picture or including a picture that is not appropriate. Legible Header, Logo. Personal Mission Statement / Memorable Quote / Job-Position of Interest all complete. "About Me" seciton complete with 2-3 paragraphs. Professional-Looking Picture. Two current projects with Images.
    Morning Meeting / Journal PageNo Page CreatedPage Created but nothing postedPage Created but no entries postedLegible Header, 1st Entry complete with image and referenced source.
    CCS-CMS 535 Projects PageNo Page CreatedLarge number of missing sections, nothing linkedNoticably missing specific sections. Sections with no projects listed. Only 2-3 subject sections.Legible Header. Sections for each class and most recent projects currently displayed in chronological order. If no projects, some note of what projects they are working on, or units in each subject (paragraph format). Minimum of six sections to include Science, Math, Social Studies, ELA, Spanish, and Technology.
    CEW Evidence PageNo Page CreatedLarge number of missing items.Noticable Items missing. Minimal Items uploaded, Missing some labels or descriptions.Legible Header. Links should exist for at least 4 projects that meet PA CEW Standards. Students should scan and upload evidence as required, and link them as Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, projects or pdf format.
    Overall Appearance / Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation, CapitalizationThe text is difficult to understand because of errors in grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. It requires major editing and revision.There are a large number of errors in grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling requiring editing and revision.There are noticeable errors in grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. These require minor editing and revision.There are few errors in grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.

    ISTE 2. Communication and Collaboration

    Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others:

    a. Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media

    b. Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats

    3. Research and Information Fluency

    Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information:

    a. Plan strategies to guide inquiry

    b. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media

    General Computer-Based / Project Based Classroom Standards Met:

    PA Common Core 8.5.6-8G: Integrate visual information (e.G. charts, graphs, maps, video, etc.) with other information in print or digital format.

    ISTE 3.3A: Students plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information, and other resources, for intellectual and other pursuits.

    ISTE 3.3D: Students build knowledge by actively exploring real world issues and problems, developing ideas, and pursuing answers and solutions.

    CSTA Collaboration 1: Apply productivity/multimedia tools, and peripherals, to a group collaboration and support learning throughout the curriculum.

    CSTA CPP1: Use advanced tools to create digital artifacts.

    PA CEW Standards Met

    PA 13.1.8A Career Awareness and Preparation

    Relate careers to individual interest, abilities, and aptitudes.

    PA 13.1.8G Create an individualized career plan including, but not limited to Assessments, Career Goals, individual interests and abilities, and Training/Education requirements.

    Dragons Breathe Fire

    Dragons Breathe Fire