
Digital Literacy Class: We are going to learn about so many incredible ways to be creative, collaborative, and to communicate. We will focus on computer skills and applications. Some topics you already know about, and you will know better, and other topics and applications will be new to you! Either way, we will work together to find the ones you are able to use best. This class consists of Project-Based-Learning. You will be given plenty of time to learn the skills and applications that you will use for a lifetime. I hope you enjoy the material we will cover. - Mr. S

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Google Map Project Basic Research & Presentation

Today you will create a Single-Slide using Google Slides and SHARE it with me for credit.  I want to make sure you know how to use the SNIPPING TOOL, and other applications to create a simple map that you can email, share, or print.


Students must Log-In to Google and Open Google Drive.  Students will open another TAB on their browser and go to Google Maps.  Using the Snippet Tool on Windows-Based computers, or the Print-Screen-Funtion, students will create a picture of a fun place to go.  They will open Microsoft PowerPoint on their Computer and copy the picture into a single-slide.  They will save this Presentation to their desktop.  Once saved, they will go on to Google Drive and create a FILE.  They will upload both the Powerpoint Presentation and the Picture to this Google Drive File.  Once they have uploaded their document and picture to Google Drive, they must SHARE the file with Mr. S ( for credit.  See instructions below for specific information:


1:  Log Into Google

2:  Open Google Drive

3.  Open Google Maps (Separate TAB)

4.  Choose Location  on Google Maps

5.  Identify Location and Write Notes on WHY you chose it.

6.  Use Snippet Tool (Windows-Based Computers) to take Picture (Image File) of Map

7.  Save Picture (Image File) to Desktop

8.  Open Google Slides Application on Computer

9.  Create a Single Slide on Google Slides with your Picture and Information about Location

10.  Save Google Slides File to Desktop

11.  Open Google Drive

12.  Click NEW and CREATE FILE (Name File Maps Project)

13.  Click NEW and UPLOAD both Powerpoint and Image File to Maps Project File

14.  Once Files are loaded into Maps Project File, SHARE it with Mr. S ( credit.


 Students will be able to Log-In, Create, Share and Collaborate with Google Drive and the Google Suite of Applications.  Students will learn how to Upload Files.  Students will also be able to use the Snippet Tool on Windows-Based Computers to create images of items on the computer screen for use in web-based projects.  Students will succesfully share items and links with the others.

Students will enter the class quietly and quickly.  Will Log-In to Google and Open their Google Drive.  Students will participate in a class tutorial about accessing, creating and collaborating with the Google Suite of Applications.  Students will also learn to use the Windows-Based Snippet Tool!  Students will complete the lesson by Uploading and Sharing files for credit.


Standards Covered In This Class  

PA 3.7.7 & 11 Section C / ISTE 2011

CSTA Tied With Common Core ELA/Math rev. 2014

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