
Digital Literacy Class: We are going to learn about so many incredible ways to be creative, collaborative, and to communicate. We will focus on computer skills and applications. Some topics you already know about, and you will know better, and other topics and applications will be new to you! Either way, we will work together to find the ones you are able to use best. This class consists of Project-Based-Learning. You will be given plenty of time to learn the skills and applications that you will use for a lifetime. I hope you enjoy the material we will cover. - Mr. S

Thursday, April 7, 2016

GarageBand - Day II


If you completed a song using GarageBand during the last class, please verify that you have EXPORTED your MP3 and UPLOADED it to your Google Drive Account.  You cannot recieve credit until you SHARE your song with  Directions are below if you are having trouble.  When you have finished the project, use the GRADING RUBRIC below to figure out your score on this project.  Additional learning should include working on the QUESTION (Constructed Response) on your Google Classroom, completing the Music Lyric Project listed below, or use SOUNDATION.COM (Link Below) to create another unique song and EXPORT it as a .wav file for use later. has some different loops and is a free, online version similar to GarageBand!  Have Fun With This Project!

Today we will continue looking at GarageBand!  I will show you how to
open the application and navigate around for the first few minutes of
the class.  You will then have the remainder of class to create a new
song for yourself.  You will be using part of this song for your IMovie Marquise Project.  Make sure you figure out how to start a project,
work with loops, save a project, and export it to your desktop.  Refer to any of the videos and help items in
yesterday's post!

Now that you have a basic idea how to navigate around the GarageBand
application, please create a music track at least 25 seconds long for
use in an IMovie project coming up.  You need to use at least three
different loops to create the song.  I would suggest Percussion, Bass,
and any other loop of your choice.  It can be slow or fast and have any
theme you like.  Try to create it to reflect your personality or have a
mood of some kind.  It can be scary, funny, happy, sad, melodramatic,
suspenseful, or just plain.  When you are finished creating the music
track you must SHARE it by EXPORTing it to DISK.  Place it on your
desktop as an MP3 file.  Now you are ready to open your GDrive and
UPLOAD the file online.  Once you have finished the UPLOAD, please SHARE
the MP3 file with me by hitting the SHARE button and entering my email
address.  You should also COPY the web address (Top Of The Share Box)
and change the Permission for this file to ANYONE WITH LINK.  You can
now put a link to this file on your Website by adding a word
or picture and applying a link.  I will show everyone how to do this in

Follow these steps in class to complete this assignment:

  1. Open GarageBand

  2. Click NEW PROJECT

  3. Open LOOPS Project

  4. Create Music with at least 3 loops (minimum)

  5. Save Project to Desktop (Create a File on desktop for your stuff)

  6. Click SHARE above project and select EXPORT TO DISK

  7. EXPORT an MP3 Version of your music to Desktop

  8. Open Web Browser (Firefox)

  9. Sign In To GDRIVE

  10. Click the red NEW box in upper left area of the screen

  11. Choose UPLOAD FILE

  12. Pick the file you placed on the desktop of your computer

  13. Upload your MP3 to your GDrive

  14. Click the new file listed in your GDrive

  15. Click the SHARE button (little person with "+" or SHARE from Menu.

  16. Change WHO HAS ACCESS to Anyone With Link

  17. Add to SHARE email list on bottom.


  19. COPY link for file at top of SHARE box.

  20. Open new Tab in Browser

  21. Open Website and Sign In

  22. Open your Website in Edit Mode

  23. Go to the Toolbar and choose HEADLINE or BUTTON.

  24. Type Garageband MP3 then drag the cursor over the words to highlight it.

  25. Look for the LINK symbol in the Toolbar.

  26. Click it and PASTE your weblink (From SHARE Page) into the box.

  27. Hit OK






R - Redo

3 Loops Minimum

3 or more loops used

2 loops used

Only 1 loop used

Not Completed

Loops Blended Correctly

All Loops Sound Correctly Blended

One Loop Is Off Key or Out Of Sequence

Multiple Loops Are Off Key Or Out Of Sequence

Not Completed

File Is Exported As MP3

File Correctly Exported To Desktop

File Exported But Lost

File Not Exported

Not Completed

File Is Uploaded to GDRIVE

File Is Uploaded Correctly

File Is Not Uploaded Correctly

File is SHARED For Credit

File Shared With Instructor Correctly

File Not Shared Correctly

Overall Effort

Scholar worked diligently on the project and has at least a 20-25 second MP3 to use

Scholar included most items, but MP3 is less than 20 seconds long.

Scholar\'s MP3 is too short and lacks more items or was not shared correctly for credit

Project not completed at all

Once you are finished with these steps, you should now CHECK your
website.  Once
your link is active, you have finished today's assignment.

Good Luck!

-  Mr. S

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