
Digital Literacy Class: We are going to learn about so many incredible ways to be creative, collaborative, and to communicate. We will focus on computer skills and applications. Some topics you already know about, and you will know better, and other topics and applications will be new to you! Either way, we will work together to find the ones you are able to use best. This class consists of Project-Based-Learning. You will be given plenty of time to learn the skills and applications that you will use for a lifetime. I hope you enjoy the material we will cover. - Mr. S

Thursday, September 11, 2014

9/11 Rememberance and Day of Service

Today we will be reflecting and writing about our shared experience with 9/11.  Please read the following article and email your
instructor ( a short response.

Step I:

Please examine the following slide show and read the captions.  NY TIMES ARTICLE

 Visit the following websites and read the section marked "Our Story".

About 9/11 Day Website

9/11 Memorial (dot) Org

We will watch this video in class together:

9-11 National Day of Service Video

Please email me a response to the items above by answering the following questions:


     1. Which slide (NY Times Article) do you like
the most and why?

     2. What were you told happened on September 11th, 2001?

     3. How do you feel people should remember what happened that day?

     4.  What "Good Deed" or Service could you perform today in your neighborhood?

Spend some time really thinking about what happened on
9/11 and how we as a country can help others as a way to remember the
fallen.  Include 2-3 Sentences in your email about your thoughts. Also think about ways we might be able to protect ourselves in the future.  You Are The Leaders Of Tomorrow!  What kind of world will you shape in your communities, city, and around the world?

When you have sent the email, you may finish any of the work from yesterday or work on APlus.  You may also work on any items from other classes that you might have.

- Mr. S

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