
Digital Literacy Class: We are going to learn about so many incredible ways to be creative, collaborative, and to communicate. We will focus on computer skills and applications. Some topics you already know about, and you will know better, and other topics and applications will be new to you! Either way, we will work together to find the ones you are able to use best. This class consists of Project-Based-Learning. You will be given plenty of time to learn the skills and applications that you will use for a lifetime. I hope you enjoy the material we will cover. - Mr. S

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

102621: Google Calendar / Keep

Today you will be working on any make-up work you might have to close out the first marking period!  Please see me if you have any questions.  During a recent meeting, the 9th-Grade staff decided that you should be given a specific tutorial on Google Calendar, Google Keep, and your task list.  These programs will help you stay organized.

ASSIGNMENT #1: (❗️) Google Calendar

  1.  Open Google Calendar

  2.  Click CREATE and browse options

  3.  Title "TFDL work due date for MP1"

  4.  Add Mr. Scribner (

  5.  Select Date (29 October 2021) and Time (4:00pm)

  6.  Add Class Reference Website to Description for reference.

  7.  Click SAVE

ASSIGNMENT #2: (❗️) Task List for Make-Up Work

  1.  Create a New Task for any work you need to complete for Digital Literacy

  2.  Click CREATE and make the list.  

  3.  Use Task List on Google Calendar, or Google Keep

  4.  Take a ScreenShot of your task list and GMail it to Mr. Scribner for credit.

See the information below to help you learn about these resources:

Google Calendar Tutorial

With Google Calendar, you can quickly schedule meetings and events and get reminders about upcoming activities, so you always know what’s next. Calendar is designed for teams, so it’s easy to share your schedule with others and create multiple calendars that you and your team can use together.

Google Workspace Learning Center Lesson (Click Here)

Google Keep Tutorial

Google Keep is a note taking tool that allows users to use create using text, photos or drawings.  Google Keep is unique by keeping things simple while still allowing users to use multiple types of media in a note taking app.

Google Tasks Training and Help Link (Click Here)

Thursday, October 21, 2021

102121: Action = Equity Poster Project

Today you will combine your knowledge of digital tools with your experience so far here at Tech Freire HS.  Please take a minute to reflect on what Action = Equity means to you as a student in our school community.  As we share out, you should start thinking of ways to create a personal poster of how you can turn Action into Equity in your own life here at Tech Freire.  You will follow the directions below to create your poster that will be shared with the class.

ASSIGNMENT #1: (❗️) Gmail Response V


21 October 2021: Action=Equity Reflection

Write 2-3 Sentences about what Action=Equity means to you as a student at Tech Freire.  Be Specific about what you thought when you first heard it, and what it means to you now that we are almost finished with the first marking period.




Subject:  Action=Equity

Body of Email:  Write 2-3 Sentences here.

ASSIGNMENT #2: (❗️) Personal Poster (Step by Step)

1. Open Google Drive

2. Click NEW and Google Slides (You may also use Adobe Spark)

3. Start by adding the phrase "Action = Equity" someplace on the page.

4. Add graphics, images, video links, or other media that express what Action = Equity means to you.

5. Click SHARE and add Mr. S ( to turn it in for credit.

6. Click DOWNLOAD and JPEG and save a picture of your poster.

7. Go to the Gmail Response Email and click the ATTACHEMENT Button at the bottom of the window.  Attach the JPEG Image of your poster to the Email for credit!


Tuesday, October 19, 2021

101921: Career Investigation (MyBIO Slide)

Today you will spend time investigating a career field you might be interested in.  Please look through the resources below to help you decide which career field you will add to your MyBIO Presentation (Slide 11)

ASSIGNMENT (❗️): Career Field Investigation

Your assignment is to create a GOOGLE SLIDE (11) to include in your MyBIO Presentation based on a career field you are interested in.  Please try to include what technology might be utilized in the career field you choose to present.


A) The Princeton Review Career Quiz

    1.  Open a browser and go to The Princeton Review (Click Here) website.

    2.  Create an account using your email address

    3.  Once you finish creating an account, click the link below to take the QUIZ


    4.  Review the results of your choices.  Pay attention to the details of the colored
            circles and what they represent about your personality. 

    5.  Click on one of the RECOMMENDED CAREERS and learn about it.

B) Roadtrip Nation Career Search

    1. Open a browser and go to Roadtrip Nation's (Click Here) website.

    2.  Choose your interests from the available choices.

    3.  Once you are on the "Dashboard" click on one of the careers listed and read
            read about the job, education required, and other details.


Once you have completed your brief research, create a SLIDE 11 for your MyBIO Project that includes information about your career choice, the education required to achieve success or get hired, and why you liked that career.  You also need to include a picture about that career, and a list of any technology that you might need to use if you got hired.

Objective(s):  (SWBAT) complete a basic search for a career they are interested in, summarize their findings, and add their results to a MyBIO presentation being created for class.

Essential Questions

What is a career field I might enjoy?  What preparation do I need to do to get an entry-level job in that field?  How can I find more information about it so I can make an informed decision that might include salary, working conditions, training, and promotion requirements within the field I choose.

Academic Standards

PA SAS (BCIT) / ISTE / CSTA / NGSS / PA Career & Work


Today you will create your final slide for the MyBIO project!  Please create your 13th slide with the following information:

Title:  My Philadelphia Favorites

You must include the name and address of the following items:

Fun Thing To Do
Museum / Place to Learn Something

You must also include a LINK to their website that works, or a website that lists information about your places.  Make sure to finish the rest of your slides today, and please make sure that you have shared anything in your Google Drive that you have worked on for this class.  Many students loose credit for work they completed just because they forgot to share it.

Thursday, October 14, 2021

101521: Heritage (MyBIO Slide)


Please read the following article "What Is Heritage" below and write a Constructed Response GMail (4-5 Sentences) about why learning about your own family heritage should be important to you. Please include a brief description of where your family is from, and how you could spend time in search of your ancestors (What sources could you use to help find out about your Heritage?)

"Heritage is the full range of our inherited traditions, monuments, objects, and culture. Most important, it is the range of contemporary activities, meanings, and behaviors that we draw from them. Heritage includes, but is much more than preserving, excavating, displaying, or restoring a collection of old things. It is both tangible and intangible, in the sense that ideas and memories--of songs, recipes, language, dances, and many other elements of who we are and how we identify ourselves--are as important as historical buildings and archaeological sites.

Heritage is, or should be, the subject of active public reflection, debate, and discussion. What is worth saving? What can we, or should we, forget? What memories can we enjoy, regret, or learn from? Who owns "The Past" and who is entitled to speak for past generations? Active public discussion about material and intangible heritage--of individuals, groups, communities, and nations--is a valuable facet of public life in our multicultural world.

Heritage is a contemporary activity with far-reaching effects. It can be an element of far-sighted urban and regional planning. It can be the platform for political recognition, a medium for intercultural dialogue, a means of ethical reflection, and the potential basis for local economic development. It is simultaneously local and particular, global and shared.

Heritage is an essential part of the present we live in--and of the future we will build."

 - Article taken from the following website: WHAT IS HERITAGE ARTICLE (CLICK HERE)

(❗️) To Mr. S:
1. Please open your GMail Account. Click "COMPOSE". 

2. Enter Mr. Scribner's Email in the "To:" space. 

3. Write "Heritage" in the Subject Line. 

4. In the BODY of the Email please write at least 3=4 sentences about what the term "Heritage" means to you. Reflect on the information in the article above, and reference the article at least once in your Email. When you have completed the Email, click SEND for credit.

MyBIO Presentation Project Integration:

Create a slide (11) that celebrates your (or your family's) heritage.

1.  Spend time finding out what your (or your family's) heritage is.
2.  Add slide 11 to your MyBIO project.  Include information about your family's heritage and history.  You may include any pictures you find that relate to your search, or your conversations with your family.

Objective(s):  (SWBAT) complete a basic search for information about their family heritage.  They will use interviews and online resources to create a slide to add to their MyBIO project

Essential Questions

What does the term Heritage mean to me?  What can I find out about my heritage by speaking to members of my family and community?  How can I translate what I learn into a brief written statement and add photographs or other digital media to design the slide? 

Academic Standards

PA SAS (BCIT) / ISTE / CSTA / NGSS / PA Career & Work

101421: MyBIO Google Slides Project

Google Slides is a favorite tool for many professionals and students, both in person and online. With a huge selection of free features and options, this powerhouse allows users to create dynamic, interactive presentations that really engage their audience.

ASSIGNMENT (❗️): MyBio Google Slides Presentation 

Your assignment is to create a GOOGLE SLIDES PRESENTATION Slide Show that is all about you. Here is a list of the requirements and some suggestions for what to include in your slides.


(1) Saved as “(Your Name) Bio” and emailed to Mr. S (

(2) Have a logical order to your slides

     (a) Do NOT follow the slide suggestions order

 (3) Use correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation

(4) Have 10 Slides

     (a) Include a Title Slide

     (b) Include a Birth Information Slide

(5) Have at least 8 Graphics/Photos that are related to their slides

Slide Suggestions: You may use these suggestions or come up with your own (APPROPRIATE CONTENT)

First Two Slides MUST Be The Following Information:

  Title: First and Last Name 

  Birth Information: Birthday, Birthplace

Other Suggestions for Slides:

  Accomplishments: List at least three accomplishments.

  Career: What you want to be? How you will do this?

  Class Schedule: What is your schedule this semester?

  Dislikes: Identify your dislikes.

  Family Information: Family Size, Parents Names, Siblings

  Favorites: Identify your favorite things.

  Friends: Who are you friends? What do you do with them for fun?

  Goals: List short-term goals (for the year). List intermediate goals (for the next 3 years).

  List long-term goals (for the next 10 years).

  Hobbies: Identify your hobbies.

  Job: What is your job? What are your job duties?

  Likes: Identify your likes.

  People: Have different people make comments about you.


1. Sign into Google Drive

2. Open NEW Slides Presentation

3. Rename SLIDES "MyBio (Your Last Name) B(?)"

     Example: MyBio SCRIBNER B1

4. Open new Browser Tab to Google Images

5. Select VIEW IMAGE of Full Size Pictures (You need at least 4 images in your project)

6. Save Images or Image URL's for Use In Presentation

7. Choose Template Style

8. Begin to enter personal information on each Slide.

9. Complete each slide by adding information and photos

10. SHARE with Mr. S for credit! DO NOT EMAIL! JUST SHARE IT!

11. Be Prepared To Present This To The Class In The Future!


Mr. Scribner Example MyBIO Project

Mr. Scribner Example Autobiography Project


Students will use online collaboration tools (Google Drive) to create a 10-slide multimedia presentation.  Students will follow directions and use photos, text, and color to highlight specific facts about their topic.  Students will be able to understand the difference between a written report and how writing for a presentation requires bullet-style sentences.


Students will log into their Google Drive and open a New PRESENTATION.  Students will learn the basic tools used to create a presentation.  Students will create a MY BIO Presentation about themselves.  Students will use Google Images to select pictures for use today.  Students will Copy the pictures selected to the desktop of the computer they are working with.  Students can use PIXLR.Com to upload, manipulate, adjust, save and add pictures to their project.  Students must complete the steps above to CREATE and SHARE a MY BIO Presentation for credit.

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

101221: Draw.IO FTPT Graphic Organizers

Today you will design graphic organizers on DRAW.IO. Please create a Personal Timeline and Family Tree in a digital format. You must create these from scratch using DRAW.IO.


To start, use a blank piece of paper to list your birthday, list all the schools you have attended, list any significant events in your life (birthdays, deaths, weddings, graduations, holidays, family trips, honors, awards, or any other events you can remember) and the dates they happened. Sign In to Google. Open DRAW.IO and CONNECT it to your Google Drive. Open a New Blank Document. Begin to drag boxes into the timeline and label them in order. Once you have created your first box with a date underneath, you can now select the box, copy and paste a new one next to it, and link them with an arrow. Continue until you have listed all the events up to today's date. You need to list 15 events to complete the project.

To create your Family Tree, make a complete list of all of your parents, step-parents, aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters, grandparents, and any other family members you can think of. Now begin dragging in boxes and labeling them with each person's name and date of birth (if you know it). Now list weddings in text between married couples. Make sure to line up each place-marker with others in the same generation. Make sure you include extended family (Aunts, Uncles, Brothers, Sisters, Etc.) 

I would like you to do your best to include at least 3 generations/levels of your family tree. These should include siblings, parents, aunts & uncles, grandparents, and anyone else you might know. Once you have your Timeline and Family Tree on one document, Go To FILE and EXPORT and save it to the desktop as an IMAGE (JPEG) File. Upload the PNG File to DROPBOX Link below for credit. YOU MUST ALSO UPLOAD THIS JPEG FILE TO YOUR GOOGLE DRIVE AND SHARE IT FOR CREDIT,

See the sample below for some more clarity. Good Luck!

- Mr. S

(❗️) DRAW.IO Personal Timeline & Family Tree Project



2. Open DRAW.IO on your computer and Click DIAGRAM Button to create a blank Diagram. Connect the DRAW.IO Application to your Google Account.

3. Drag enough blocks into the workspace to allow for one block for each person in your IMMEDIATE Family.

4: Label Each Block with Person's Title (Dad, Mom, etc.) and First Name

5. Connect each block with who is related to who.

6. For the Timeline, you must drag in at least 15 blocks.

7. Label each block with event from your life.

8. Make a connection, in the order that the events occurred in your life, from one event to the next.

9. If you have not completed your work before class ends, If you successfully connected your DRAW IO account to your Google Account, your progress should automatically be saved.

10. Once complete, Click the SHARE Button and add Mr. S ( Make sure you click CAN EDIT for credit. You also need to EXPORT your file as a Graphic Image (JPEG) and Upload the Picture to the DROPBOX Link Below!

11. Open your Google Drive and click "NEW", Click "UPLOAD FILE", and choose your JPEG File from your Desktop. Once the file is uploaded, Click "SHARE" and add to SHARE the file with me for credit.


Youtube Video: "Your Family Tree Explained" by CGP Grey

Mr. Scribner's Dropbox Link:  Personal Timeline & Family Tree Project

Friday, October 8, 2021

100821: Meme's For Fun

(❗️) MEME PROJECT (Belong-Meme):

"Feeling like you are part of a group while knowing you are special for who you are. Your uniqueness and individuality is what makes you a special and important part of school. It is important for you to feel a sense of Belonging in order to be truly who you are and who you want to be" (Quagley, Corso, & Hellerstein 2015)

Everyone in Digital Technology should be able to create a MEME about Belonging, Respect, Tolerance, Being Proactive, or something funny (but not offensive) about our Community. 

Your MEME MUST CONFORM to Freire Charter HS Rules & Regulations about appropriate content. Once you have completed your entry, use the DropBox Link below to upload it for credit, and Add It to the Google Slides Document for review and peer comments.

Remember, Comments MUST be constructive and positive, negative comments will be filtered and those posting them will be subject to consequences for violating class honor code.


Find a picture online (Must Conform To Freire HS Standard Use Guidelines) and use PIXLR.Com to change it and make it your own. Follow the directions below:

1. Choose Picture from Google Images

2. Save Picture to Desktop


4. Load Picture into PIXLR.COM (PIXLR X) Application from Desktop

5. Make changes to picture

a. You must add some text for the MEME. You can also add background, and change the color or another feature for credit.

6. Save Formatted Picture to Desktop


8. Once you have Uploaded the File, SHARE it with Mr. S ( for credit.

9. PLEASE CLICK THIS LINK ( and UPLOAD your file here in addition to SHARING it with me on Google DRIVE.

If you are finished early, log into your Typing.Com or Khan Academy account and work on your typing practice. I hope you enjoy this project as we start to think about future projects for this school year.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

100721: Photo Collage Project

ASSIGNMENT #1 (❗️): CREATE, ADJUST, ASSEMBLE and SHARE a Photo Collage as listed below using pictures (Must Conform To Tech Freire HS School Standard Use Guidelines) and use PIXLR.Com to change them and make them your own. Follow the directions below:

You must create a Photo Collage using 4 pictures of your choice. You need one picture for each of the following 4 themes: FOOD, SPORTS, MUSIC, and PERSONAL GROWTH. Each picture must be chosen from Google Images and manipulated with PIXLR.COM in some way. DO NOT JUST ADD PICTURES WITHOUT ADJUSTING THEM. You must label your pictures in some way, and the words "Your Name" must be on one of the pictures somewhere.

You MUST also add the three (3) pictures you took for the Digital Photography assignment (Click Here to see the Post)


FOOD - Choose a food you like to eat or make.

SPORTS - Pick a sports team or player to highlight.

MUSIC - Share your favorite song, singer, or type of music. 

PERSONAL GROWTH - Pick an organization or group that you believe strongly in.


1. Choose 4 Pictures from Google Images

2. Save 4 Pictures to Desktop

3. Open or

3a.  You may also use Google Slides to assemble your photo collage!

4. Load each Picture into Photo Application from Desktop

5. Make changes to each picture

a. You must add some text, a background, and change the color or another feature for credit.

6. Save Formatted Picture to Desktop...Repeat Until All 4 Pictures Have Been Edited


8. Choose and Add all Images (You can outline them with shapes if you like)

9. Add each of your Pictures to the Collage (Any Picture Layout Is OK)

10. Make any final changes or additions.

11. SAVE your Collage to your DESKTOP

12. OPEN Google Drive and UPLOAD your Photo Collage. SHARE it with Mr. S at for credit.

13. You must also use the following DROPBOX link to UPLOAD your FINAL PROJECT for Credit. (See Class Assignment Site)


Mr. Scribner's Photo Collage Dropbox Link

Example Project (Mr. S)

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

100621: Canva & Adobe Spark

ADOBE SPARK Account Setup:  Adobe Spark enables you to tell stories and share ideas quickly and beautifully.  There is a free account that you can set up using your School GMail Address.

Spark lets you create three types of content:

Use Page to create a story using text, images, and video. When you're done we'll present your story as a responsive web page that can be viewed in any web browser.

Use Post to create images optimized for social media; you provide images and text and we'll help with the design. We'll even help you create the right shape and size image for each social media platform.

Use Video to create, well, a video. Add videos from your computer or iOS camera roll, overlay text, add your voice and background music, and we’ll help turn your story into an amazing video to share with the world.

You can create individual Pages, Posts, and Videos, or you can use the formats together (including a Post image in a Video, or a Video in a Page, you get the idea).

CANVA Account Setup:  Design presentations, social media graphics, and more with thousands of beautiful layouts.  Click the links below and watch the videos to understand how works.  You should then click the link to create an account on so it will help save some of your work.  YOU DO NOT NEED TO PAY FOR ANYTHING, the FREE ACCOUNT is enough.

Spend time in class today understanding how to use the tools on, Adobe Spark, and to edit, organize, and display photos for digital publishing!  

Have Fun!

REFERENCE LINKS CANVA Application Sign Up Link

Youtube Video: "Intro to CANVA" by Abby Ashley

CANVA Video Tutorials: "Getting Started with CANVA" by Design School

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

100521: Digital Photography & Image Processing

Today we will be working online with  This is a powerful website to help you work with and manipulate digital photographs.  Please use the time today to explore this software using pictures from Google Images. We will eventually be learning to take pictures and create a photo project book for the entire school.  This will be an artistic project aimed at helping you to use photography, journalism, and digital publishing. 

WATCH: Digital Manipulation Video Intro (See Link Below)

ASSIGNMENT #1 (❗️):  Use the digital camera on your phone to take at least three (3) photographs at home using the following topics:

1.  Fun
2.  Light
3.  Dark
4.  Landscape
5.  Macro (Very Close But In Focus)
6.  Sports
7.  Portrait (No Selfies)
8.  Pride
9.  Space
10.  Order 

You must email the photographs to yourself using the school Gmail or find a way to connect your phone to your chromebook, create a folder in your Google Drive, label them, and make sure to SHARE the folder with Mr. S ( for credit.


ASSIGNMENT #2 (❗️):  Find a picture online (Must Conform To Tech Freire Standard Use Guidelines) and use PIXLR.Com to change it and make it your own.  Follow the directions below:

1. Choose Picture from Google Images

2. Save Picture to Chromebook or copy URL


4. Load Picture into PIXLR.COM Application from Chromebook File Manager or URL

5. Make at least three (3) changes to picture

  a.  You must add some text, a background, and change the color or another feature for credit.

6. Save Formatted Picture to Chromebook


8.  Once you have Uploaded the File, SHARE it with Mr. S ( for credit.


Digital Photography GSlides Presentation (Click Here)

Youtube Video: "Evolution of Beauty" by Dove

Youtube Video: "One-Click Editing for Images" by PIXLR App (Click Here)

Youtube Video Links for (Click Here) Tutorials

Dragons Breathe Fire

Dragons Breathe Fire