If you do not finish all assigned tasks before the end of the class, you must complete them on your own time. If you are finished early you may work on any previous assignment you owe, khan academy, typing.com (lessons only), or work for another class.
In this Inquiry, students will use a simulator to roleplay an adult trying to make ends meet when they don’t have a surplus of finances. In the process, students will learn about how their decisions impact the people around them and their ability to pay for the necessities each month as well as the pressures and decisions that many people face in this situation. Through this Inquiry, they will learn to use wise spending and saving habits, empathize with those dealing with the living wage, and assess the options people have when they are having financial difficulties.
- Students will experience the circumstances of budgeting on the living wage.
- Students will reflect on the impact of the decisions they made in order to learn from them for the future.
- Students will explore the difficulties of living paycheck to paycheck and learn from the options they face as well as the mistakes they make.
- Students SHOULD Play the Game a SECOND Time after recording their answers to more fully understand some of the alternate choices in the simulation.
Alignment to Anchor Standards for Reading: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.R.1 Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.R.7 Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse media and formats, including visually and quantitatively, as well as in words.. | Alignment to Jump$tart Spending and Saving Standards: 1b: Analyze how spending and saving behavior can affect overall well-being. 1c: Discuss the components of a personal spending plan, including income, planned saving, and expenses. Alignment to Jump$tart Risk Management and Insurance Standards: 1b: Predict the consequences of accepting risk with insufficient or no insurance. 1c: Illustrate how to use insurance to share the risk of financial loss. |
This video from Cha-Ching is a fun way for students to explore why they should think about having an emergency fund or getting insurance in case issues they can’t plan for arise!
Suggested Follow Up Questions: 1) What are some examples of reasons you might need an emergency fund or insurance from the video? 2) Why do you think people say “plan for the worst” based on what you learned from the video?