
Digital Literacy Class: We are going to learn about so many incredible ways to be creative, collaborative, and to communicate. We will focus on computer skills and applications. Some topics you already know about, and you will know better, and other topics and applications will be new to you! Either way, we will work together to find the ones you are able to use best. This class consists of Project-Based-Learning. You will be given plenty of time to learn the skills and applications that you will use for a lifetime. I hope you enjoy the material we will cover. - Mr. S

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

MATH, ELA, & READING HELP FOR ALL: "Getting Better All The Time!"

In an attempt to help ALL of our students here at the CCS-515 building, I want to make sure you know about, and use, the following resources:

Image result for quill org

CSA Class Code: pen-crib

Quill provides free writing and grammar activities for elementary, middle, and high school students.

Image result for Vocabulary com logo combines the world's smartest dictionary with an adaptive learning game that will have you mastering new words in no time.

Computer Skills & Apps. Class Link:

Click the link above to go to READTHEORY.ORG.  

Create a Student Account using your CCS Gmail address.  Click on the Teachers tab,

Add Mr. Scribner (,

Complete the Pre-Test.  

Once completed, you can go to this site to read and respond to different prompts according to your individual reading levels.  As you progress, you will gradually have the reading level raised, and you will improve your comprehension.  According to the website,7.4 Million students have completed 130 million quizzes on this site (to date).

Students will Create and Account on  Make sure you use your CCS Gmail Account.  Get the Class Code from Mr. Scribner to join the class for the period you are in the Technology Lab.

NoRedInk helps students practice their grammar and writing skills. Students work with engaging and often humorous sentences that incorporate their favorite characters, musicians, athletes, books, movies, sports teams, and celebrities.

Sumdog is a highly engaging games-based learning service to help students practice their numeracy and literacy.  Designed to supplement teaching, it motivates students by adapting to each child's level.  Sumdog works both on internet browsers and apps on iOS, Android and Kindle.  Sumdog has been developed with the help of teachers and educational experts around the world.

Student Log-In Information for CCS-515:

     Username:  Student ID# (Lunch Pin)

     Password:  ccstech (or) ccs515

     School Code:  collegiumcs

Our research methodologies include:

  • Working with experienced educationalists to develop Sumdog's pedagogy

  • Regular focus groups among teachers, students, and parents, to refine existing features and develop new ones

  • Ongoing user research questionnaires, conducted both by telephone and online

  • Curriculum alignment with detailed consultation from independent experts

  • Data analysis to refine educational algorithms and site user experience.

The diagnostic test will place students in the correct grade/year level based on their ability. They will then be asked questions from this grade/year level. This means each student will be answering questions according to their ability.

To do this, Sumdog needs to get to know the students' strengths and weaknesses.  This is done with our diagnostic test which runs automatically the first time students play Sumdog.

During the test, the games run as normal. Students may get asked tricky questions, as we check what level they've reached. Please ask them not to worry. They should simply guess answers: the learning engine will understand what's happening, and place them in the correct level.

Once the diagnostic test is complete, we'll reward students with their first pet.

Students in CSA and STEAM-E will Create and Account on  Once created, they will progress through various challenges (grade-level-specific), and improve their Math Skills.  This resource can be used anytime, anywhere with access to the website.  Specific Class Codes will be 

Prodigy is a free to use, curriculum-aligned, adaptive, online, RPG (Role Playing Game) style video game. Join 800,000 teachers and over 28 million registered students throughout 2800+ school districts in using the game that will revolutionize the way you approach math instruction!

Featuring over 50,000 questions spanning Grades 1 - 8 in 6 different curricula, players will get to watch their very own wizard grow stronger, learn new spells and acquire new equipment while facing ever more powerful opponents, all by answering math questions!

What does all that mean? Let us break it down for you:  (Click Here For Information)

Students in CSA and STEAM-E will be joining Khan Academy to work independently on their MATH skills, by grade.

Everyone at Collegium (Building 515) will use their GMail Account to create an Account on KhanAcademy.Org

Make sure that you finish updating your profile once you sign in. 

Go to your Profile screen and ADD Mr. Scribner as a Coach by entering the Khan Academy Class Code Below!

Every student can use Khan Academy as an online tutor at home. You can pick just about any Subject and Level and view video lessons, answer practice questions, or ask a coach a question. There are tutorials for all of your subjects on this fantastic resource! Make sure you check out all the classes you can complete and help yourself with!

Khan Academy Class Tutor Code 

Use the link above to visit the Beta Version of  Create an Account using a Username (First Name Initial and Last Name), and enter a Password you can remember.  Then click on "Groups" and enter the following code to join the CCS-515 Group:  Group code: 2FXTSTBV

Start Answering Questions!  Track Your Achievements!

Earn The Badges!  HAVE FUN!

Freerice is a 100% non-profit website that is owned by and supports the United Nations World Food Programme.

Freerice has two goals:

  • Provide education to everyone for free.  

  • Help end world hunger by providing rice to hungry people for free.

Each time you answer a question right, the banner ad that you see generates enough money for the World Food Programme to buy 10 grains of rice to help reach Zero Hunger.

Monday, January 28, 2019


Today you will work on the FBI SOS Program. Please go to the link below and follow the instructions on the Student Section. You must work on each task in the 7th or 8th Grade Section. You will have time in class to finish some of the levels. 

Wednesday, when you feel you have gone through all the levels, you must ask me for a code to take the QUIZ! You will receive a grade for the QUIZ and I will be notified when you have completed the program.  If you do not complete this program, and finish the quiz, prior to the end of the Marking Period, you will take a zero on this project. Take your time and Good Luck! -Mr. S

When You Are Done:

1.  Go to and take the CHALLENGE (CLICK HERE)

Both the SOS.FBI.GOV QUIZ and the NSTeens CHALLENGE are graded tasks for class!    The SOS.FBI.GOV Quiz is worth up to 100 points, and the NSTeens Challenge (Certificate must be emailed by student, directly from the NSTeens Challenge Final Page, to Mr. S at for credit) is worth 50 points. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: For NSTeens Challenge students must put their FULL NAME on the Certificate for Credit prior to emailing it to me!  


 Students will begin to understand vocabulary and themes about Internet Safety & Security.  Students will work with online resources to identify ways to protect themselves and others online, become better digital citizens, and to monitor online behavior at home.



Students will enter the class quietly and quickly.  Students will go to SOS.FBI.GOV and begin working on grade-specific levels.  Students will complete each section of the online tutorial individually and at their own pace.  Students will also follow and take the NSTEENS CHALLENGE online and submit a Certificate of Completion to the instructor via GMAIL.

Friday, January 25, 2019

How Do You Learn Best? (Week 1: Multiple Intelligences Survey)

Multiple Intelligences Self Assessment:

Today everyone will learn about how you learn best. Please take a moment to answer the following 24-question assessment:

Find out more about your results here:

When we are done with the above items in class, you can finish the survey's from yesterday or work on!

- Mr. S


cholars will review and discuss information about Multiple Intelligence's and complete a short questionnaire to determine what primary and secondary abilities they may posses. Scholars will use remaining time to complete any outstanding work. Scholars are required to work Bell To Bell every day!

Scholars will enter the class quietly and begin by reading all of the instructions listed on the class website. Scholars will actively participate in all discussion and review, and complete all assigned work without delay, and in a cheerful manner! Scholars will follow all classroom rules and follow all Collegium Charter School rules and regulations, as outlined in the Student Handbook, AT ALL TIMES!


Standards Covered In This Class 

PA 3.7.7 & 11 Section C / ISTE 2011

CSTA Tied With Common Core ELA/Math rev. 2014

Thursday, January 24, 2019

How Do You Learn Best? (Week 1: Executive Functions Survey)

Now that you have investigated your Learning Styles, discovered a little about your Left/Right Brain Dominance, and completed a Typing Test, it is time to look at your Executive Functions.

EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS: The Executive Functions are a set of processes that all have to do with managing oneself and one's resources in order to achieve a goal. It is an umbrella term for the neurologically-based skills involving mental control and self-regulation. Watch The Video (Click Here)

Once you have completed the survey, please enter your scores on the same worksheet you started yesterday.  Eventually this worksheet will be digitized, and become a piece of Career Education & Work Evidence in your Google Drive.  You should try to retake these Self-Assessment Survey's at least once per year.  In addition to completing this for class, do not forget to show your results to your parents.  Share what you are learning in our class at home!

- MR. S

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

How Do You Learn Best (Week 1: Learning Style / L-R Brain / Typing Test)

Today you will learn about HOW YOU LEARN BEST! Please follow the directions below to complete a series of survey's that will give you some insight on your Learning Styles, your Left/Right Brain Dominance, and a Typing Test. You may choose to watch the videos associated with each survey (with headphones only), or just complete the surveys themselves. Please fill out the form in class.  Make sure you talk to your parents about what you are doing in our class! Make sure to complete both for credit.

Use the link below to open a copy of the Self-Assessment Survey Results Worksheet.  Make sure to click File and Make A Copy.  Rename the sheet "(Last Name) P (?) CSA Personal Inventory Survey Results Worksheet", and SHARE it with Mr. S ( for credit right away.  This worksheet should also be stored in your CEW Folder on your Google Drive.

Below are the assessments you should complete, and enter the results on your Google Document. Make sure to SHARE the document for credit!

1. LEARNING STYLES: Many people recognize that each person prefers different learning styles and techniques. Learning styles group common ways that people learn. Everyone has a mix of learning styles. Some people may find that they have a dominant style of learning, with far less use of the other styles. Others may find that they use different styles in different circumstances. There is no right mix. Nor are your styles fixed. You can develop ability in less dominant styles, as well as further develop styles that you already use well.
Please watch the Video (Click Here) and take the Inventory below.  Record you answers on the form and then enter them in the ONLINE SURVEY for credit.

2. LEFT/RIGHT BRAIN DOMINANCE: According to the theory of left-brain or right-brain dominance, each side of the brain controls different types of thinking. Additionally, people are said to prefer one type of thinking over the other. For example, a person who is "left-brained" is often said to be more logical, analytical, and objective. Watch the video below and take the survey. Record your answers on the paper and then enter them on the ONLINE SURVEY for credit  Watch the Video Here (Click) or  Explanation Video (Click Here)

Please take the following surveys that will help you to identify your learning style and whether you are left or right brain dominant:

3. TYPING TEST: When you are finished take the typing test (1 minute, any topic you like, and record your Words Per Minute):

You can use to help you improve your typing skills anytime you are finished with work in this class.  If you insist on playing the typing games, make sure you are using the HOME KEYS to start from, and actually typing to play the games.

Tomorrow, We Will Be Taking An Executive Functions Survey! 


  Students will be able to identify their individual Learning Style, Left or Right Brain Dominance, Executive Functions, and be tested on their basic typing skills.  Students will complete the Self-Assessments for each activity and record scores on the EXIT TICKET.  Students will also transfer those scores to the online Google Form to add them to the school spreadsheet for credit.  When complete, students will use spare time to improve individual typing skills.


Students will enter the class quietly and quickly.  Students will be given specific directions and examples of why the information may be valuable to know about Learning Styles, L/R Brain Dominance, Executive Functions, and Typing Speed.  Students will complete all assessments and be able to accurately record scores.  Students will use time wisely and spend any additional time in class, or at home, finishing projects currently due.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Welcome / Class Rules 18-19 Semester II


If you are reading this you are among the few students in history that WILL Be Prepared to succeed in future college or career paths. This reference site was created to allow students to have 24-hour access to my Computer Skills & Applications Curriculum! Every assignment, link, project, or important thought about my class has been carefully stored here since 2012! You will find daily instructions, lesson plans, and links to help you succeed both in my class, and in life. Feel free to use this reference anytime, and to contact me immediately if a something is unclear, or a link does not work!

My Class Rules and Syllabus will be posted below. Welcome to class, and I look forward to working with all of you!

- Mr. S

(Use the link above to review ALL Class Rules and Requirements with your Parents)

Monday, January 14, 2019

Final Exam & Course Survey Semester I (18-19)

Today everyone will complete the following FINAL EXAM for Computer Skills & Applications Class (Semester I 18-19: SCRIBNER)  Please follow the directions below to complete your exam.  When you are finished, there is a link below to take the Course Survey!  Both the Final Exam and the Course Survey are GRADED EVENTS!  

(Your ANSWERS on the Course Survey are not graded, but you are receiving a grade simply for completing it!)

1.  Log Into Google Drive and Click NEW to CREATE a NEW DOCUMENT

2.  Name the Document:  "18-19 CSA Final  (Your Last Name) S1 P(?) "

3.  SHARE the Document with Mr. S for credit at

Copy and Paste the questions below into a GOOGLE DOCUMENT and SHARE THEM WITH ME FOR CREDIT ( when you have completed them.

Answer The Following Questions (Each question should be explained with a paragraph answer, 3-4 sentences, with proper structure.)  Please use the R.A.C.E. structure to answer each question.  R-Restate the Questions, A-Answer the Question, C-Cite your Evidence/Examples, E-Explain your Evidence/Examples:

Question 1:  Describe how technology has changed the world you live in (compare it to the world your parents and grandparents grew up in):

Question 2:  Explain how the technology tools you have been taught this year will help you in High School.

Question 3:  Describe a time when you could pass on your knowledge in the coming year.  Who would you teach?  What skills or tools would you show someone else?  Why?

Question 4:  Explain how you will protect yourself online for the rest of your life.  List at least three (3) ways to improve your Internet Safety and Security Level.

Final Question:  Choose four (4) of the tools below:

Tool List

Google Documents

Google Spreadsheets

Google Slides

OpenShot Movie Maker

Online Surveys

Google Drive


Gamestar Mechanic



Khan Academy



Google Classroom

Digital Animation

Online Research


You may also choose one (1) online tool you know about that we did not cover this marking period.

Answer the following three questions for each tool you choose:

  1.   Describe the tool and the project you completed with it?

  2.   What projects could you complete with it?

  3.   How could you use this tool outside of school (home or business uses)?


(Do Not Use As One Of Your Answers!)

GMAIL/EMAIL:  Email is used in place of sending letters to people.  It is electronic mail that can be transmitted electronically.  Senders can write a letter in different formats and then by addressing it to as many people as required, send each recipient the same message.  Recipients can send replies, and emails can be forwarded.  Everything happens in fractions of a second.  The sender can also attach files such as documents, pictures and hyperlinks along with the email.  We have used email all year to communicate, turn in work, and to receive classroom instructions.


Wednesday, January 9, 2019

PA Career Education & Work Standards (CCS-515) Lesson #3 Today's Job Market

"Considering how competitive the job market has become, it’s never too early to start to think about your career. “What are you going to do when you grow up?” is a common question, even for elementary school children, but today, high schoolers are reportedly planning ahead and seeking internships to help them get into college and land job opportunities down the road. 

Millennial Branding, a Gen Y research and consulting firm, and, the world’s largest internship marketplace, announced a new study, “High School Careers,” which surveyed 4,769 students (172 high school students and 4,597 college students) and 326 employers from across the country. The study found high schoolers are actually more entrepreneurial than college students. Many high school students surveyed are interested in internships to get new skills, work experience and to network."  

- Excerpt from 

By Miriam Salpeter, Contributor Feb. 11, 2014, at 10:15 a.m.

Students will use Chester County Data, a sample ‘CLASSIFIEDS’ page, and video reports to learn about, discuss, and complete questions about the Job Market in the United States, Pennsylvania, and locally.  Please make sure all EVIDENCE is placed into the appropriate “CEW Evidence Folder” in your individual student Google Drive and SHARED

Sign into your Google Account ( the link to the Student Worksheet in Google Documents.  Click FILE, MAKE A COPY of this worksheet.  Click the link to the Lesson Presentation, and answers some of the questions on the Student Worksheet while watching the videos listed.  You will also need to opent eh Chester County Statistics Worksheet, and the CCS Classigied Advertisement Sheet (Job Listings), to answer questions on the Student Worksheet.  Make sure you properly RENAME "TJM CSA (Last Name) P (?)", and SHARE your copy of the Student Worksheet for credit.  The worksheets will be reviewed for credit, and should be moved into your CEW Evidence Folder in your Google Drive for future reference.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

PA Career Education & Work Standards (CCS-515) Lesson #2 PA Career Link

PA CareerZone Website Introduction



The Information Below Was Taken Directly From

Pennsylvania CareerZone is a proven, successful career exploration and planning system designed especially for students. Jobseekers, educators, and counselors will also benefit from the wealth of information on 900 occupations from the Occupational Information Network (O*Net) database.

Users are encouraged to work through the Interest Profiler, Work Importance Profiler, and Assess Yourself assessment based on the Holland Codes for self-exploration. Comprehensive information on 900 occupations includes state specific wages, worker attributes, job characteristics, and much more. There are 300 career videos that give users a snap shot of the featured occupation. Job openings in Job Central are easily accessible within each occupations profile. Please continue on investigating from the Resource link where other useful resources are listed.

Pennsylvania CareerZone has been developed among the Pennsylvania Department of Education and the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry.   The Pennsylvania CareerZone site is powered by Headed2, a secure career exploration and coaching platform which can be accessed from anywhere to continuously connect learning with earning.  Headed2 is an educational technology company focused on career and transition planning. Their mission is to help people explore, plan for and pursue careers that reflect their passion, skills, and life goals.

If you are interested in the consumer data collected by this site and how it is used please view our Privacy Policy.Pennsylvania CareerZone utilizes data from  Version 22 of the O*NET Database. O*NET™ is a trademark of the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration.

Extension Activity

Spend some time looking through the other activities

on the website.

Use the ‘EXPLORE’ link to see Fields of Study,

Occupations, and Career Training.

Use the ‘DECIDE’ link to look further into some

choices you made,

and use the ‘GROW’ to print reports and document progress.  

Make sure to include your parents in the process!

Monday, January 7, 2019

PA Career Education & Work Standards (CCS-515) - Lesson #1 Introduction

CCS 515-Building - Lesson #1 (Introduction)

Extended Homeroom Time - January 2019

Pennsylvania Career Education & Work

Academic Standards

“To Encourage Students To Explore The Roles and Relationships of the Future!”


Career Information

Labor Market Information

Long/Short Range Goals

Career Research

7th & 8th Grade - Primary Questions To Answer:

What Skills Are Required?

What Education/Training Is Necessary?

Who Can I Ask For Assistance/Networking?

What Obstacles Are There, Or Strategies for Success?


Complete Digital Journal Entry on your Google Sites Digital Portfolio!

Dragons Breathe Fire

Dragons Breathe Fire