
Digital Literacy Class: We are going to learn about so many incredible ways to be creative, collaborative, and to communicate. We will focus on computer skills and applications. Some topics you already know about, and you will know better, and other topics and applications will be new to you! Either way, we will work together to find the ones you are able to use best. This class consists of Project-Based-Learning. You will be given plenty of time to learn the skills and applications that you will use for a lifetime. I hope you enjoy the material we will cover. - Mr. S

Thursday, May 31, 2018

PMB Step 9: Final Changes MP4 S2 17-18

Here are the final changes to your Family Monthly Budget. Please record the changes and make sure you SHARE your both your PMB Worksheet (Google Doc) and your PMB Budget (Google Sheets) with me ( for credit.  I will review your budget and comment on them right away. This will be a major part of the grade for this marking period:


1. Add 5 pints of your favorite ice-cream to your grocery bill for the month

2. Add $150 to your budget for home repair

3. Add a Doctor’s visit to your budget ($20 copay)

4. If you did not add a vehicle to your initial budget, you need to find a car and insurance.

5. Get a pet: dog, cat, fish, snake, whatever….but budget for the animal, veterinarian and care products.

6. You are taking a class at a local college….add $425 for tuition and $125 for books.

7. You went to the movies with your niece/nephew/child/etc…..add enough to cover popcorn and tickets.

8. You took first prize in a writing contest….add $100

9. Add $50 per month for an increase in cell phone service

10. Find a bicycle for fun and add the cost to your budget

11. You went to the mall to shop for clothes… add $125.

12. You won the lottery……$150…scratch off… add to your budget

13. Your mom’s birthday is coming up…get her a gift….add it

14. You utility bills are 10% higher than you budgeted for…..add it

Don't forget to estimate your monthly grocery budget by multiplying your weekly grocery shopping plus your fast food budget by four. Add those values to your budget as well.

Add all of the above changes to your budget sheet somewhere appropriate (your choice). Make sure your shopping lists are correct and complete. Make sure that your entries are complete for groceries and eating out. Finally, please send me an email stating your budget is complete and ready to be checked. 

 Next week you will be creating a Google Slides Presentation showing your budget, explaining how you chose the city and career you picked, describing the items you bought and how you live, and showing pictures of the new city, apartment, and other items.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

PMB Step 8: Insurance / Catch-Up Day MP4 S2 17-18

Objective: Students will learn why insurance is critical to making sure they are covered in the event of a catastrophic loss. Students will complete a Journal Entry about the primary types of insurance they may require in their lives. Students will discover what Renters Insurance is and why it is important. Students will calculate basic costs for different types of coverage and estimate monthly costs associated with Renters Insurance. Students will then choose a Dream Car and investigate the costs of owning and operating it.


1. Read Lifehacker Article and Complete Journal (Weebly) Entry

2. Follow steps to learn about and estimate Renters Insurance Needs.

3. Follow directions for Dream Car exercise and investigate insurance costs.

4. Enter costs on Budget Sheet prior to leaving class today!

5. Work on any items still outstanding for class.

Please READ the following article

and write a Journal Entry about what types of insurance you need and why (In Your Own Words!). Then continue with the exercise below and enter your insurance costs (ACTUAL Cost Column) on your Budget Sheets.


Unfortunately, sometimes bad things happen. We get car insurance, homeowners insurance and health insurance to be on the safe side. But what if you are a renter? Who protects your belongings and makes sure you are not held responsible for personal or property damage at your apartment? If you rent an apartment, condo, or home, rental insurance is your safeguard against property loss and personal liability.

Imagine the following scenarios:

What if all your clothes, TV, computer, furniture, and other belongings were destroyed by fire? Could you replace them, immediately, out of pocket?  Could you be held liable if your friends or family were injured on the apartment grounds or in your apartment?

What if your apartment unit was broken into and your personal property was stolen, how would your belongings be replaced?

Fire. Injury. Robbery. These are just a few reasons why people get apartment renters insurance. It is up to you to protect your belongings and prepare for the unexpected with rental insurance. Whether you are looking for apartment rental insurance or insurance to cover your storage rental you need to consider these:

  • protect you against the financial risk associated with property damage

  • insure full replacement value for your personal property and that of your neighbors

  • provide you with quick payment for approved claims

  • provide you with temporary living expenses over and above your normal living expenses if your apartment is covered in the loss

  • give you peace of mind!

Use this calculator to total up the value of everything in your apartment and think about how you would replace it in the event of a disaster or problems: 


Use this calculator to find out how much you might pay annually for insurance: (If you have a car in this budget, enter the amount of your monthly payment estimate)

Use this calculator to estimate your monthly payment. You must estimate using a 48-month loan at 7% interest. Good Luck!

NOW use the following calculator to think about how much Savings you will need to set aside while you are earning a living (your starting amount is the amount left over from your shopping trip on moving day:

Add your monthly savings into your budget.  You might also need some life insurance, but that is normally handled with your employee benefits people. Your new jobs could include Life, Health, and other benefits we will discuss today.

Finally, you can now add your EARNINGS from our Investopedia Stock Market Game. Call me over to make the withdrawl if you want. I will have today's print out with totals and will approve all withdrawls.

Enter all of your items on your budget and save it for tomorrow!!

-Mr. S

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

PMB Step 7 - Utilities/Bills MP4 S2 17-18

Objective: Students will begin to enter data on their budget sheets. ALL ENTRIES ARE TO GO IN THE "ACTUAL" COSTS COLUMN OF THE BUDGET! Students should spend time today entering their Actual Costs for rent, transportation (train/bus pass), shopping costs and any other items on their budget sheets. Students should also add the MONTHLY INCOME to the INCOME BOX to initialize the sheet. Finally, students should research the cost of utilities in their new city and estimate the costs on their budget sheets. See directions below for figuring out your monthly utilities.


1. Enter your Monthly Income in the Income Box on the Budget Sheet

2. Enter your Actual Cost for your RENT

3. Enter your Actual Cost for the SHOPPING you did to move in.

4a. Complete Journal Entry (Weebly) Listed Below

4b. Use the tools below to determine your Average Utility Costs for the Month:

          Electric, Natural Gas, Water, Sewer, Trash Pickup, Phone, Cable, Internet

5. Enter those costs on the Actual Cost Column of your Budget


Here is an article with a good idea of how much you should estimate based on your income for your budget: 

Today you will be examining how much your local utilities cost. You are at your new apartment and you need to estimate your monthly utility expenses. There are many websites you can use, but to make sure you are estimating correctly you will need to read the following article first:

Once you have read the article, please open your Journal and write a few sentences about which utility companies you use in your new city and how much you are estimating for the costs for your new apartment.

Here are some additional websites to help you estimate your costs:

You can also use Google (or another search engine) to find sources for estimates of costs in your city.  Once you have estimated your costs, enter the amounts in your budget under the ACTUAL COSTS COLUMN.

WATER/SEWER:  The average household US water bill varies widely from state to state and municipality to municipality. Small town household water rates fall somewhere between $1.00 and $2.00 per 748 gallons of water or HCF (hundred cubic feet). Large city household water rates are from $2.00 to $3.00 per 748 gallons of water.   Many water bills are billed on a bi-monthly basis.

Many large cities have tiered water rate structures, whereby customers pay much higher rates for the water they consume beyond a certain predetermined amount.

The average US resident uses around 150 gallons of water per day. This number varies widely. Let’s look at a household of 4’s water consumption for one month or over a billing cycle:

Average daily water consumption: 600 gallons of water

Average monthly water consumption: 18,000 gallons of water

How many HCF is this? -> 18,000 divided by 748 = 24

Average cost per HCF? -> $1.50

Average monthly water bill? -> $1.50 x 24 = 36

Average bi-monthly water bill? -> $72

(Bear in mind that this number is for the small municipality only)

* We of course need to add to this number the sewage rate/cost plus any additional fees. To be safe, let’s just call it an $15 per month.

New average US household water bill? -> $51

Now, let’s acknowledge that this is only a number to which there’s no need to hold fast to. It merely gives us an idea of the expensiveness of water, and just how quickly a water bill can go through the roof due to a running or leaking toilet, say, a phenomenon to which 90% of all high water bills are due.

TELEPHONE, CABLE, and INTERNET:  Make sure you find your local providers and compare pricing. If you are using a Cell Phone, you must also add that to your Budget Sheet.

Keep up the Great Work on this project! The school year is almost over!

- Mr. S

Friday, May 25, 2018

PMB Step 6: Groceries / Shopping MP4 S2 17-18

Objective: To plan a weekly meal menu and shop for items on the list. To identify prices and differences in quality of different items. To be able to accurately create a personal menu, shopping list, and translate your purchases into an online budget form for evaluation.


1. Complete Weekly Menu Form - Get it Approved.

2. Complete Grocery List Based on Menu Choices - Get it Approved.

3. Shop online for items on Grocery List and compare quality and prices.

4. Total your Grocery Spending and Enter All Items on Shopping List in Budget Online (PMB)

5. Share your menu and list with class during final presentations.

Please use the handout to plan your menu for a week. I would like you to plan at least 2 dinners for 2 people, and a family dinner (6 people or more) for the weekend sometime. It can be breakfast, lunch, or dinner, but include anything you would normally serve. Once your menu is complete, make a grocery list. In addition to groceries, there is a list of other items (BELOW) that you will need to keep at your home. Detergent, soap, etc. You may also include any items you might actually use regularly to your shopping list.

Additional Items to Buy:  Laundry Detergent, Soap, Shampoo, Deodorant, a Mop, a Broom, All-Purpose Cleaner, Light Bulbs, Dish Soap, 3 2-Liter Bottles of Soda (ie. Coca Cola, Pepsi, etc.), Band-Aids, Cold Medicine, and a Bucket, Tylenol or Advil, Batteries and a Flashlight, a Basic Tool Set, a Wiffle Ball Bat Set, and M&M's.   

Finally, go to a website below and price everything you will need. You may need to make substitutions, but you will get a good general idea of prices for your weekly shopping trip. You will enter these figures on your monthly budget (remember that this sheet and shopping list is only for one week) when you are finished as actual costs.

Here are a couple of places to shop. You may also look for other online grocery stores, pharmacy's or other providers. They must list individual item pricing and you need to figure out delivery if you do not have one of the stores local to your new apartment. (Example: You can price things at, but you must figure out shipping costs if you do not have a Target store locally. You must also figure out how to get your purchases home if you do not have a car.)


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

PMB Step 5: Google Map / Moving Day MP4 S2 17-18

Google MAP Project

Today you will be creating a GOOGLE MAP of your new home and work area. Please sign-in to GMAIL and then follow Google site to Google Maps. Below is a link to a sample map that I created for myself. It assumes that my first job out of college was teaching here. I located our school, a local apartment, and I saved the route I take to work (use Get Directions and save the result to your map). I also included most of the information that you will have to find for yourself. See my example at the following link:

Once you have looked at my map, your assignment today is to CREATE your own GOOGLE MAP that includes the following items:

Work, Home, Directions (Route) from Home to Work

You must also include the following:






CLOSEST MAJOR AIRPORT (In case you need to fly home to Philly)







Please add Mr. S ( as a COLLABORATOR and email me the link to your map. 

This exercise will give you an idea of what types of things you need to look for if you move to another city someday to take a job or start college. Even if you share an apartment/house with others, you should know this information. 


Now you need to furnish your new place to live. Find a list of the following sources, and add it to your shopping list page.

1. Transportation around town: (Bike, Car, Public Transportation, Walk, etc.)

2. Basic Furniture: Bed, Couch, Table & Chairs, Lamps, Desk, Lights, TV, Stereo, Dresser, Computer, and other major items:

3. Household Goods: Dishes, Pots&Pans, Glassware, Silverware, Towels, Sheets, Blankets, Pillows, Plants, etc.:

List each item on your shopping list sheet of your SPREADSHEET. You must keep track of everywhere online you shop and enter your spending in your checkbook ledger. All of your spending will be tracked on this ledger for the month. Credits are deposits and Debits are spending/checks etc.

Monday, May 21, 2018

PMB Step 4: Finding a House (Start the Budget) MP4 S2 17-18


Figure out your BASE PAY using the following website and formula:

Do career research and find in-depth salary data for specific jobs, employers, schools, and more.  Once you have identified your Job Title and Location in the United States, it will give you a salary range.  You will make the Entry-Level (25%) to start with.  You will need to use the following formula to change your salary from Annual GROSS PAY to Monthly NET PAY for your budget:

Yearly GROSS PAY x .65 = Yearly NET PAY

Yearly NET PAY / 12 Months = Monthly NET PAY

Today we will review the PMB Worksheets, and enter the information that includes estimating our expenses.  We will spend time, in class, reviewing the following worksheet:

Once you have opened the worksheet, review all of the sections.  You are required, for this project, to keep track of all of your spending.  Your CheckBook tab will have all of your Debits and Credits listed as you make decisions.  Today we will fill out the Projected totals on the worksheet to give you an idea of how much you THINK you will spend.  When we put actual costs in, you might be surprised by what differences there are.  Make sure you enter all the information requested on the Data Sheet, and keep track of your Menu, Grocery List, and Shopping Lists on the specific pages listed.  The main worksheet is only for looking at the totals received or spent.  Make sure you use FILE, MAKE A COPY and SHARE it with Mr. S ( for credit.


Today your project is to find a place to live in your new town.  Make sure you identify how much it is to live there.  You need to make sure that you consider whether the rent includes any utilities, or other amenities that you might want.  Part of this search will require you to find a way to get to your new job.  What type of transportation is available, or will you need to live where you have chosen.  How far is it from shopping and other supplies/stores?

Things to consider:

How are you getting to this new location?

What are you taking with you, and how will you get it all there?

Find a way to price the cost of your transportation.  Be specific about why you are choosing this place to live.  How much of your monthly budget will you spend to live here?

List the Address of your new home below, and include the amount you will pay for rent each month:

You can use some of the following websites to assist you in your search:

More Resources:

Article with GREAT Checklists and Facts from

"7-Step Guide to Finding Your First Apartment"

BY MIRIAM CALDWELL ,Updated April 12, 2018

Once you start your first real job, you will be looking for a new place to live. You need to know how to rent your first apartment. This is an exciting time, and you may be considering getting your own place. This allows you greater freedom and flexibility. Before you make this decision you need to make sure you carefully consider how much you really can afford.

1. Determine How Much You Can Afford to Pay - Before you go out to begin looking for your first apartment, you should determine how much rent you can comfortably pay.  Generally, your rent should be about 25 percent of your income. You may be approved for up to 30 percent of your income. However, you need to consider your other expenses and debt payments. You should be able to cover most of your daily living expenses (groceries, utilities, eating out, and entertainment) on about 25 percent of your income. Take time to look at your budget before you start looking for your apartment. You should be focusing a lot on getting out of debt and saving money.

2. Find the Area Where You Want to Live - You need to determine the best place for you to live in relation to where you work. The farther away you are from work, the higher your transportation costs will be. If you work in a major metropolitan area you will find that the housing costs decrease the farther away you live. The trick is to find a balance between the two. You may save money by moving close to a train line.  You can begin by searching online to get a general idea of the pricing in the area.

3. Consider Getting a Roommate - After you have determined the general prices and what you can afford, you should decide whether or not you need a roommate. You need to take into consideration that you will be paying for all of the utilities yourself.  These may cost more than you realize. You should also determine the size of the place that you need. Generally, your first apartment is rather small.

4. Consider Both Large Complexes and Private Rentals - Once you have decided on one or two areas that you want to live in you should look online as well as in the newspaper. You may be surprised at the deals that you can find there. Landlords with smaller properties often only advertise in the paper, though Craigslist has become another viable option. You may also want to call a few property management companies to find out what they have available.

5. Start By Looking at 5 Properties - Choose up to five properties to look at. If you do more than this all at once, you will be exhausted and the properties start to blur together. You may want to take pictures of the exterior and interior so that you can remember the apartments. You should also consider safety if you are going to be living alone. A second story apartment is safer than one on the first story. You may also want to look for a gated community, depending on where you are living.

6. Take Your Time to Make a Decision - Although you may feel pressured to make an immediate choice, generally you should be okay thinking about it for 24 hours.  You should go with your general feelings about the place when you make a decision. If you simply choose the cheapest but felt that it was too rundown or unsafe, then you are not making a wise decision. You should feel good about both the price and the apartment. Don’t forget to consider the amenities offered by the apartment community. The more amenities generally means you will pay higher rent. However, if you find a good deal, you may end up saving money if you were to purchase cable, a gym membership, and a phone line.

7. Fill Out Your Application - Finally, you will need to fill out the application, and pay the application fee. Some apartments may require a co-signer if you are just starting your first job. They may waive this for a larger deposit. Generally, you will pay your deposit along with your first and last month’s rent when you sign your lease.This usually happens on the day that you move into the apartment

Friday, May 18, 2018

PMB Step 3: CSA MP4 S2 17-18


Today you will build on the research you completed Monday. You are responsible for not only finding a college and major you are interested in, but finding your first job after college.


You must find an "ENTRY-LEVEL" job outside the Philadelphia Area (Philadelphia, Montgomery, Bucks, Delaware, and Chester, Camden, Burlington, and Gloucester Counties are off limits).

Use the College and Major you chose on Monday and go to the following website Look on the right side of the opening page and you will see a box that says "Explore Curated Jobs". Select a College you are interested attending (SCHOOL). Enter a (MAJOR) you are likely to study. Set the (GRADUATION DATE) for MAY of 2018 and click SHOW ME THE JOBS.

If you chose professional training that did not require college, you must use,, Careerbuilder, or other employment search sites to find your first job away from the Philadelphia area. You will have to search in a part of the country that interests you, and you still need to identify how you were trained to work in your chosen field. Ask me if you have any questions about this. If you joined the Military, ask me to help you identify a base to live near so you can complete the budget that way.

You may have to SIGN IN (Create A Free Account). Use your class GMAIL to sign up, and select a password you can remember.

Now you must choose a job that you are interested in. Once you find the job you must research where you will be working. Look up the company that is hiring for that position and where the office is. You will need to find an actual, accurate address to use. You must also copy the Job Title and Job Description for use later.

Tomorrow you will find out what your salary is based on your job location and title. This will be your Gross Pay before taxes and deductions, so you can spend that money on living expenses and anything else you need to buy to survive. We will discuss your purchases in more depth next week. For now, once you know what you are doing for a living and where you are working, you are now ready to find an apartment. You need to find a place to live near where you work, or someplace that will not cost a fortune to commute from. Everyone must live outside the Philadelphia Area.

YOU MAY NOT LIVE WITH FAMILY, but if you and someone from class have chosen the same place to work (same City or Area), you may share an apartment or living arrangement. This will help your overall budget. You must still keep separate budgets, but you can share the costs. YOU MUST HAVE YOUR OWN BEDROOM FOR PRIVACY.  Depending on where you live, you will have to decide how much to spend on transportation for work. You may use any Real Estate or Apartment Finder websites to find places to live.

Once you have found all the information above and written it down on paper, please fill out and submit the following form completely (The more accurate and complete your answers are, the easier it will be to do additional tasks for your budget):

I was going to assign cities for you to find jobs in, but this is more realistic. If you take this project seriously, you will be surprised as what you will learn about how much things cost and how keeping an accurate budget will save you money, time, and aggravation. Previous students who complete this project correctly have enjoyed it and learned a lot about their future. I hope you have fun working on it too.

Good Luck!

- Mr. S

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Teach Your Kids About Investing!

Today I started what has become a springtime class tradition.  My annual Stock Market Game using Investopedia!  Every student creates an account on, and joins my Stock Market Game!  They start with $10,000 and try to beat me by buying and selling stocks.  It is a huge hit.  They investigate and research like they are spending their real money!

Over the course of our class, students are introduced to a Personal Monthly Budget project (more details in a later post).  Any money they earn, as a result of investing in the game, can then be included in the PMB project!  See below for an outline of the resources I use for this part of the project, and more information!  There is even a picture of the "TechNOcurrency" I created for prizes!*  Next year I might even start earlier and create a TechNOcurrency Bank to simulate interest, dividend payments, and other investing ideas.

* I added cash to my own cafeteria account at school.  When students present these coupons to purchase items, they put them in the money drawer as cash, and then total them/deduct them from my account at the end of the day.  I usually give the Top 3 Investors $1 each, per day, and I also choose a Lottery Winner each day from the list for a $1 prize.

Objective: Students should learn the basics about savings accounts and investing in the Stock Market. Students will use independent learning time to navigate through a series of videos to help them better understand basic Personal Budgets, Saving Money, Credit Card Tips, and how to Invest in Company Stocks. Students will complete a Journal Entry and sign up for our class Stock Market Challenge.

Complete the Following Steps:
1. Read the Article below and complete a Journal Entry (On the CCS-515 PA CEW PMB Worksheet)
2. Watch Videos Below and Complete Class Worksheet & Vocabulary List (on the form listed above.)
3. Create an account on and click link below to join 2018 Game

To begin your investing journey, please read the following article: Investing VS Gambling Article (Click Here) and write a brief (2-3 Sentences) journal entry about your feelings about the main point of the article.

Second, watch each video link below on your own. After each video, answer the questions on the worksheet for today. When you have completed the worksheet questions, please research and fill in the Vocabulary Section on the back of the sheet. Turn in the sheet for credit!

1. Personal Budget Tips:

2. How To Save Money:

3. Savings Account Video:

4. Credit Card Tips:

5. Company Investing Tips

Third, Use the link below to sign up for our Stock Market Challenge. Please go to and create an account using your CCS Gmail address. Once Created, click the link below and you should automatically be forwarded to the game. Once you have created and account, follow the directions to BUY and SELL stocks.  You have $10,000 to spend.  If you make any money in the market this week, you can add it to your Final Budgets!

Use the following sites to help you pick stocks for the game:
MarketWatch (Wall Street Journal) Website (CLICK HERE

MSN Money Top 50 Stocks (CLICK HERE)

Additional Resources: here is a link to the Stock Market Basics Presentation from Class (Click Here) 

We will be reviewing the following video together in class: Investing Basics VIDEO (CLICK HERE) and discussing how you can find stocks you might be interested in investing in for the project. 

Investopedia Stock Market Game Instructions

Step 1:  Go to

Step 2:  Create a NEW Account using your (SCHOOL) Gmail.

Step 3:  Your USERNAME should be your First Initial and your Last Name followed by (Your School)

Step 4:  Choose a Password you can remember, YOU CANNOT RECOVER IT if you forget!

Step 5:  Once Logged In, Click on SIMULATOR in the menu across the top of the screen

Step 6:  Under JOIN A PUBLIC GAME, click View More Games (Blue Link)

Step 7:  Search by GAME NAME for the game listed as (GAME NAME HERE)

Step 8:  Click JOIN (Blue Link)

Once you have joined the game, view your Portfolio and do some research on stocks you are interested in.  Make sure you click Trade Stock (link) and enter the Stock Symbol for the company you are interested in.  Click BUY or SELL only.  Review the stock information to the left of the screen to see what the stock's current price is.  Calculate how many shares you want to Buy/Sell at that rate.  Enter the number in the appropriate box.  Make sure you are buying at the MARKET RATE and it is "Good Till Cancelled".  Click PREVIEW ORDER.  Once you have previewed the next page, click SUBMIT to start the action.  You can check your progress anytime, as the market is live.  Each morning, I will post the rankings on the board!



- Mr. S

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

PMB Step 2: Investing & Stock Market

Objective: Students should learn the basics about savings accounts and investing in the Stock Market. Students will use independent learning time to navigate through a series of videos to help them better understand basic Personal Budgets, Saving Money, Credit Card Tips, and how to Invest in Company Stocks. Students will complete a Journal Entry and sign up for our class Stock Market Challenge.

Complete the Following Steps:

1. Read the Article below and complete a Journal Entry (On the CCS-515 PA CEW PMB Worksheet)

2. Watch Videos Below and Complete Class Worksheet & Vocabulary List (on the form listed above.)

3. Create an account on and click link below to join 2018 Game

To begin your investing journey, please read the following article: Investing VS Gambling Article (Click Here) and write a brief (2-3 Sentences) journal entry about your feelings about the main point of the article.

Second, watch each video link below on your own. After each video, answer the questions on the worksheet for today. When you have completed the worksheet questions, please research and fill in the Vocabulary Section on the back of the sheet. Turn in the sheet for credit!

1. Personal Budget Tips:

2. How To Save Money:

3. Savings Account Video:

4. Credit Card Tips:

5. Company Investing Tips

Third, Use the link below to sign up for our Stock Market Challenge. Please go to and create an account using your CCS Gmail address. Once Created, click the link below and you should automatically be forwarded to the game. Once you have created and account, follow the directions to BUY and SELL stocks.  You have $10,000 to spend.  If you make any money in the market this week, you can add it to your Final Budgets!

Use the following sites to help you pick stocks for the game:

MarketWatch (Wall Street Journal) Website (CLICK HERE)

MSN Money Top 50 Stocks (CLICK HERE)

Additional Resources: here is a link to the Stock Market Basics Presentation from Class (Click Here)

We will be reviewing the following video together in class: Investing Basics VIDEO (CLICK HERE) and discussing how you can find stocks you might be interested in investing in for the project.

Investopedia Stock Market Game Instructions

Step 1:  Go to

Step 2:  Create a NEW Account using your CCS Gmail.

Step 3:  Your USERNAME should be your First Initial and your Last Name followed by CCS

Step 4:  Choose a Password you can remember, YOU CANNOT RECOVER IT if you forget!

Step 5:  Once Logged In, Click on SIMULATOR in the menu across the top of the screen

Step 6:  Under JOIN A PUBLIC GAME, click View More Games (Blue Link)

Step 7:  Search by GAME NAME for the game listed as CCS 515 CSA S2 2018

Step 8:  Click JOIN (Blue Link)

Once you have joined the game, view your Portfolio and do some research on stocks you are interested in.  Make sure you click Trade Stock (link) and enter the Stock Symbol for the company you are interested in.  Click BUY or SELL only.  Review the stock information to the left of the screen to see what the stock's current price is.  Calculate how many shares you want to Buy/Sell at that rate.  Enter the number in the appropriate box.  Make sure you are buying at the MARKET RATE and it is "Good Till Cancelled".  Click PREVIEW ORDER.  Once you have previewed the next page, click SUBMIT to start the action.  You can check your progress anytime, as the market is live.  Each morning, I will post the rankings on the board!



- Mr. S

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Show A Movie....Really!! COSMOS for Middle/High School!

Are you always looking for something to do for the end of the school year?  Need to "Show A Movie" as a Substitute, or just give them something to think about?  Here is a great resource kit for COSMOS (Netflix and other Apps):

Cosmos Google Drive Folder

ThoughtCo. Lesson Website Link:

Monday, May 14, 2018

PMB Step 1: College/Major Day CSA MP4 S2 17-18

Objective:  Students will use online research tools, conversation and creativity to identify a prospective college or career path for themselves.  Based on the selection of college's they choose, they will identify a major course of study as well.  Once identified, students will perform a number of tasks to record and explain their choices.  Students will be asked to complete the following tasks as they reflect on their choices:

1.  Constructed Response Journal Entry - Personal Monthly Budget Worksheet (PMB)

2.  Navigation and Completion of College/Major Choice Project

3.  Completion of Online Form to record choices.

4.  Completion of Google Document (SHARE) to outline information about their choice. 

Today, the first thing you will create is a Journal Entry (see PMB Worksheet) after reading the following article:

Please describe what major you are interested in and why you chose it at this point in your life.  I realize college is a few years away, and I am sure your interests might change between now and when you are going to go to school, but you will use the information you develop today to research future careers tomorrow.  Eventually, you will be responsible for choosing a College, Career, and your first Job after college to complete the PERSONAL MONTHLY BUDGET PROJECT (PMB) over the next few weeks!


If you choose not to pick a college and major, you must identify another path to a career.  You will need to identify how you will receive training, and complete all the steps below based on that training choice.  I will explain what I mean in class.

After your Journal Entry is complete, please go to CollegeBoard.Org and create an account. (CLICK HERE).  You will use this site to research your College and Major and use the information tomorrow to decide what your first career might be.  You must complete the COLLEGE SEARCH and MAJOR AND CAREER SEARCH sections of the CollegeBoard.Org website prior to completing the survey below.

When you have completed today's research, please add the name of your college and the major you have chosen to the Google Spreadsheet by answering the following questions on this link:  

Next, you must open add the following information to the PMB Google Document:

College Name
College Address
Major Area of Study you would be interested in.
Sport you are interested in participating in.
Fraternity/Sorority you might belong too.
Extra-curricular activity you might be in.
What dorm you would be in during your freshman year / Where would you live?

How much the school costs (Credit Hour/$)
The name of the Sports Mascot
Name 2 places to eat.
Name 3 things to do around campus
Name 3 things to do off-campus
List the phone number for the following people:

  • Dean of Students

  • School Police

  • Dining Facility

  • Sports Complex

  • Main Campus Phone Number 

You must find out all the information listed above about the college or career training program you are most interested in.  You need to SHARE this document with me for credit.  In the case of a career training program (ITT Tech, Electrical Union, etc.) you will need to fill in as much information as possible. 

Tomorrow we will discuss Financial Literacy and Financial Planning, and you will see a list of entry-level positions that people could choose based on a variety of decisions.  You will be entering your college and major and choosing a career with this site.  Your choices will determine where you will live and what career you will start with.  We will also be discussing financial planning and investing later this week.

When you have completed the Journal Entry, College & Major Survey, and Google Document above, you are free to work on anything else you owe me for class.  Good Luck!

Good Luck!

Mr. S

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Even More Code! Multiple Projects & Sites MP4 S2 17-18

PA State information on Programming Jobs!

Here it is!  Please visit, and to find a wide array of projects for you to complete in class, and at home.  Make sure you are spending some time at home showing your parents (and other family members) how cool is is to learn how to be a programmer!

There is a wealth of information about careers, opportunities, and other ways to learn to code!  Use the information found at to help learn about what your states are doing to increase learning opportunities for students who want to learn about computer science.

Watch The Video Below To Get Started!

Once you have looked at some of the resources above, and we have discussed them as a class, you have a choice to work on the following items for credit this week:

Project 1:  Try the Celebrity Challenge:  Go to and create an app, game, or design with and tag #HourOfCode and one of our special guests for a chance to win a video chat for your classroom!  SHARE a link to your project with Mr. S ( for credit.

Project 2:  Go to the KANO, Anyone Can Make website and complete the Street Artist Hour of Code tutorial.  You must SHARE your project by creating an account, and emailing a link to your project to Mr. S ( for credit.

Project 3: GOOGLE LOGO  Use your creativity and imagination to bring the Google logo to life using code. Make the letters dance, tell a story or create a game. With Scratch and CS First, anyone can become a designer and programmer for the day!  Go to the GOOGLE LOGO Link to get started.  You must take a screen shot (or video if necessary) of your Google Logo Design and email it to Mr. S ( for credit.

Project 4: Hour of Code Tutorials  Choose any other tutorial found on, get a project pre-approved by Mr. S, and Share it for credit!  You can also use or, as well. Make sure your content is appropriate for school!  You get extra credit for sharing a new source, tutorial, or application I have not seen yet!

COOL NEW SPECIAL PROJECT:  MICRO-BIT Build a Virtual Pet using code!  

Click the link here and check it out!

Have a great week and ENJOY this time learning to code in our class!

- MR. S

Monday, May 7, 2018 (Introduction to HTML/CSS and More! S2 17-18


Check out the Youtube Channel for an 11-year-old kid who has 8 Apps in the Apple Store already.  He learned to code at age 8, and is cranking out his own Apps now!  He also has scholarships and numerous awards for his work already!  You could do the same thing!

Today you will be improving on your learning about the programming languages we saw with Code.Org.  You will learn a little about how HTML and CSS are used to create websites.  Please go to the following website after signing in to your Google Account:

Click on "SIGN UP" and click the drop-down list to identify yourself as a student.  Next, enter your CCS Gmail account and choose a password you can remember!  Enter your password in both the Password block, and the Confirm Password block.  Click "Register Now".  You could also click "Register with Google Login" and follow the directions.

Once you are logged in, you will see a user-friendly dashboard.  Click on "Settings", enter the class code below, and click "Join Class"


Once you have joined the class, begin working on the HTML Lessons, and click on the HTML Beginner Lesson #1.  READ ALL DIRECTIONS, and start learning HTML.  As you complete each lesson, you will see how basic websites are coded using cute emoji's.  As you progress through each lesson, you will learn more about creating these sites.

You will be working independently on these lessons, and I encourage you to work on as many different languages as you like.  I will be around to see your progress.  Let me know if there are any problems.  I will create a post later this week with a project for you to work on as an assessment of your progress and learning.

Codemoji's computer science curriculum for schools allows 1st-8th grade students to learn the basics of web development and coding, including HTML, CSS, and Javascript, in a fun and easy way, allowing them to create their own websites, animations and much more with our unique and adaptable learning platform.


We have already used many of the Blockley-Style Programming tutorials found on Code.Org.  Now, without creating an account, try some of the tutorials on other programming languages found on  Here is some basic information (taken directly from their About Us page) to get you started.  Good Luck!

What is freeCodeCamp?

We’re a community that helps you learn to code, then get experience by contributing to open source projects used by nonprofits.

How can you help me learn to code?

You'll learn to code by completing coding challenges and building projects. You'll also earn verified certificates along the way. We also encourage you to join a study group in your city so you can code in-person with other people.

Is freeCodeCamp really free?

Yes. Every aspect of freeCodeCamp is 100% free.

Can freeCodeCamp help me get a job as a software developer?

Yes. Every year, thousands of people who join the freeCodeCamp community get their first software developer job.

How can I get a job?

Most people get jobs through friends and hiring managers they know from coding events. There are also services that can help you get interviews.

How long will it take me to finish each of freeCodeCamp's certificates?

Each certificate takes around 400 hours of dedicated learning. Some people may take longer. These certificates are completely self-paced, so take as long as you need.

Is freeCodeCamp a replacement for a 4-year degree?

No. Please don’t drop out of college just to pursue freeCodeCamp. You can pursue both concurrently. Even though you don’t need a 4-year degree to work as a software developer, it still helps a lot.

Should I complete all of the coding challenges in order?

We’ve put a lot of thought into how we introduce concepts. But you’re free to jump around.

Where can I get technical support for using the platform?

Click The Link Below To Start:

You can also try tutorials for many different programming languages.  There are also coding resources

If you are super-advanced, and really want a challenge, 


The definitive JavaScript handbook for your next developer interview (14 minute read):

Here are 450 free online programming and computer science courses you can start in December 

(browsable list):

Google Doc Link To Resources:

Bonus: Learn how to build an API using Node.js with this free in-depth YouTube tutorial (33 minute watch):


Students will extend their individual learning about reading and writing CODE by working on a basic program online.  The program will allow students to begin to use the lessons learned during ‘Hour of Code” in December to begin learning specifically how to code in HTML, CSS, and  JavaScript.  Students will be able to access this program anywhere they have access to the internet.


Students will work individually, but be able to peer mentor if necessary, to sign-up for and teach themselves to read and write Java Script. Students will create an account on and begin working on the entry level Computer Science course as a followup to working in Blockly programming on Code.Org earlier in the semester.


Dragons Breathe Fire

Dragons Breathe Fire