
Digital Literacy Class: We are going to learn about so many incredible ways to be creative, collaborative, and to communicate. We will focus on computer skills and applications. Some topics you already know about, and you will know better, and other topics and applications will be new to you! Either way, we will work together to find the ones you are able to use best. This class consists of Project-Based-Learning. You will be given plenty of time to learn the skills and applications that you will use for a lifetime. I hope you enjoy the material we will cover. - Mr. S

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Google Document Autobiography



will learn to use Google Drive Documents by CREATING a ONE-PAGE Autobiography.   Students spend the next two class periods completing the assignment.  They must SHARE it with Instructor for Credit.


Students will enter the room quietly.  Once seated, they will log into their Google Account and Click on the Google Drive Button in the Applications Menu of the Browser.  They will Create a NEW Document.  They will immediately rename the document as outlined below.  They MUST SHARE the document with Mr. S for Credit.



Hello Everyone,


Today you will log in to your Google Email Account and open Google
Drive.  You will CREATE a new document.  This document will be a
one-full-page Autobiography all about you.  I have copied and pasted my
example below.  Please use the whole page to describe everything about
you since you were born.  You must use proper grammar, spelling,
sentences, and be prepared to SHARE it directly from Google Drive to Mr.
S.  You must use no larger than a 12-font Times New Roman and single
space lines.  Please leave a line between paragraphs.  I am looking
forward to reading these, and you will be creating a Presentation from
the content later this week.  Make sure you include LIKES, DISLIKES,
where you grew up, things you did, schools and activities you
participated in, and add some things people do not know about you.  Good

- Mr. S







I was born in Bloomington, Indiana.  I was
raised in Indiana, Virginia, and  Missouri until I was in the Second
Grade.  My family moved to Western Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.  I
attended the Upper Perkiomen School District from 2nd to 8th Grade.  I was then transferred to St. Pius X High School in Pottstown, PA for grades 9-12.

Growing up in rural Pennsylvania had many advantages.  I was active in
sports, outdoor activities, and once I was in Middle School, I was able
to ride my bicycle just about anywhere.  I also had many part time jobs
since the age of 12 to support myself.  I started working on farms in my
area to make extra money.  I bailed hay, milked cows, and chased calves
around the barn when I accidentally left the gate to their pen open.  I
then spent time working for a stone mason who lived on our block.  I
spent a summer lifting bricks and blocks, mixing cement and building
scaffolding systems.  I learned a lot.  I also delivered papers, worked
at local fast food restaurants, and did maintenance work on a local golf
course throughout High School. 

My grades were horrible throughout school.  I graduated at the bottom of
the class from my high school despite scoring very well on standardized
tests.  I was accepted at Shippensburg University in 1986 for a summer
program called Act 101.  I was also accepted to the Antonelli School of
Art and Design for my photography skills.  In hindsight I probably
should have gone to the Photography School.  I did not succeed in
college and partied too much.  Eventually I flunked out.  It was not all
bad though, I was put in the position of needing to join the Army
Reserve to help pay for school, and the leadership skills, training, and
discipline would ultimately make that one of the best decisions I have
made in my entire life.

I went to Basic Training in 1988.  I was stationed at Fort Jackson, SC
for Initial training and Fort Gordon, GA for “Commo” school.  I made
some of the best friends of my life while serving my country.  I have
excelled at military training and went on to be deployed twice overseas
after 9/11.   I am still very interested in the firearms training,
first-aid, and other classes I was required to take.  My military
service also allowed me to see the world and to really have an
appreciation of what being born in the USA means.  I have seen the
advantages that are taken for granted by others who have not had the
same vision of poverty and war.  I am thankful for those experiences as

I was married in 1992 to my oldest son’s mother.  I was divorced and now
am re-married to the mother of my other son’s.  My sons are 20, 9, and 7
and are awesome!  I will celebrate my 14th anniversary of my marriage to my wife this year.  We live in our home near King of Prussia, PA.  I
began to try to be a teacher while at Shippensburg in 1987.  I wanted
to be a history teacher, but found my way into other jobs as I needed
more money to support a family.  I started in sales and customer service
for various companies in the Philadelphia area in 1991.  With a new
family and child to support, I took whatever job was available at the
time.  I gradually, over the years, was able to turn one opportunity
into another while moving from job to job every 3-4 years.  I got better
at sales and more professional in my manners and appearance.  I have
sold building products, health care services, engineering services,
coatings and paints, and ultimately ended up as a kitchen designer and
architectural sales representative.  I also went to Gwynedd Mercy
College from 2004-2006 and finished my degree in Business Administration
20 years after beginning it at Shippensburg.

While on deployment in the Middle East in 2008, I was given the
opportunity to take my Praxis (teacher’s) exams.  I scored very well
with no preparation.  When I returned from overseas, I went back to
Gwynedd and enrolled in the Teacher Certification program.  I also
approached the School District of Philadelphia for a job.  I was given
an Emergency Certification and allowed to teach in January of 2009.  I
was at University City High School for 3 years and I worked last year at
Crossroads Accelerated Academy at Elverson.  I am excited to be working with you here at Crossroads at Meade!

In addition to teaching,  I coach many sports for my sons, I play
volleyball and lead worship and missions teams at my church, and I spend
time with my family as much as possible.  I am also a Boy Scout Leader
for my sons.  I am interested in sports, video games, and construction
projects around my home.  My family and I also enjoy spending time
outdoors fishing, camping, hiking, and riding bicycles. 

I enjoy include anything grilled, ice cream, and spinach dip with
pumpernickel bread.  I love to cook and enjoy cooking with my
9-year-old.  My goals are to complete my Masters Degree,  continue to
coach and work with the Cub Scouts (BSA), improve the conditions here at
Crossroads and continue to teach as much as I can. 
Ultimately I might want to be a Principal or a Counselor as well.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Introduction to GOOGLE DRIVE


Students will learn to use Google Drive to Create, Collaborate, and Store Documents and Files for Class.  Students will understand that this or Gmail is the ONLY way to turn in assignments unless specific instructions offer additional options for each project.


Students will SIGN IN to their Google Account.  Students will create a NEW Google Document to use as a Technology Journal.  Students will learn how to upload files and create new documents.  Students will participate in a collaboration project to find out how to work on documents together in real time.

We will be learning how to use our new Google Drive to Create, Save, Store and Collaborate on documents and projects.

This Google Account (Gmail and Google Docs) is your Personal-Professional account.  It is only to be used for school, and will stay with you for as long as you are a student in the School District of Philadelphia.  Your account will be active up to two years after you graduate.  Today you will create two documents!  Please follow the directions below to complete your work today.

To create a NEW document in your Google Drive, you must sign in to your Google account as follows:\

Go to Google.Com and click the SIGN IN button in the upper right corner. 

Students simply log in using their email address and password, which for students is their (  Your password is the same as your StudentNet password.

In the upper right corner of your screen you should see a small grid of little boxes.  This is your link to other Google Applications.  Please choose the button for your Google Drive.  You can now select the NEW button (Red Button Upper Left Side of the Screen).  This will allow you to create Documents, Spreadsheets, Presentations, and upload files.  We will discuss each today.

Your project today is to create a NEW Google Document and name it "Technology Journal".  Once created, you will create your first post (See Instructions Below).  Any time you are in class, and you are instructed to create a Journal Entry, you will use the following format:

Today's Date:


(Body of Post)

Each entry will be made at the top of the page so the entries "push" each other down the page.  Your most recent entry will be at the top, and other entries will be listed in chronological order.

When instructed, please copy the following items into your first, newly created Google Document (Technology Journal):

21 September 2015

Topic:  Personal Information



Computer Science Period: 

City Corner Near Your Home:

Favorite Food:

Favorite Animal:

Favorite Class:

Favorite Color:

One Thing People Should Know About You:

During the next class you will be writing a one-page Autobiography of yourself and you will be creating a basic Google Presentation to present to the class.

Good Luck!

-Mr. S

Friday, September 18, 2015

Multiple Intellegences Self Assessment

Today everyone will learn about how you learn best.  Please take a moment to answer the following 24-question assessment: (Click Link Below)

This survey will help you recognize how you learn best.  Call Mr. S over to review your scores for credit in class today!  After you have completed the quiz, log into your GMAIL Account and Email MR. S your scores.  You may CUT and PASTE your scores right into your email.

Find out more about your results here:

Good Luck, and have a nice weekend!

- Mr. S

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

GMail and StudentNet


Today you will sign into your SDP Google Account and send and email to Mr. S for credit.  Follow the directions below:

Go to Google.Com and click the SIGN IN button in the upper right corner.

Students simply log in using their email address and password, which for students is their (  Your password is the same as your StudentNet password.

Send Mr. S and Email and introduce yourself.  Get to know about your email account.

Next,  please go to School District of Philadelphia LOGIN Page (Click Here) and use the Username & Password listed on the index cards to LOGIN to your StudentNet Accounts.

Once you are done, you have the rest of the class to work on other items for school or visit the class webpage and look around at what projects other students have done in this class.

Good Luck!

Mr. S

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Welcome to the 2015/2016 School Year!

This is the site you will find all of our class assignments on, information about projects, and general information about Computer Science!  Make sure you check it often to keep up to date on your work, and events happening in school and around the city of Philadelphia!  Thanks for stopping by!

This is a quick post to introduce our Computer Science Class (Room 306).  Make sure you use your active listening skills today so you do not miss the game we are playing in class.  You will be required to teach someone this game at home and report about your experience when you return to class tomorrow!

Good Luck!

Mr. S

Dragons Breathe Fire

Dragons Breathe Fire